Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?


时代英语·初中 2023年2期

第一课时 (Section A 1a—2d)

◢ 知识巩固 ◣

I 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. That man didnt allow us(fly) a

kite around here.

2. Why dont you(put) the book on

the desk?

3. I found a little girl(sing) under

the tree when I passed by.

4. Tom is good at(write) stories.

5. Thank you for(lend) me the

interesting book.

Ⅱ 根据汉语提示及句意完成句子。( 每


1. My father usually (浏览)

newspapers before breakfast.

2. She often

(与……一起玩) her friends and travels with

my family.

3. Try not to worry. Im sure everything will

(解决) in the end.

4. — You dont look well.

(哪儿不舒服) with you?

—I have a headache.

5. His parents dont

(允许他去游泳) alone.

◢ 能力提升 ◣

Ⅲ 阅读理解。

Dear Erik,

Surprise! I believe you didnt expect a note from your mom in your lunchbox! How is your

school day so far? I hope it is going well. You always do your best. I am proud of you!

Because I had to leave so early this morning, I wrote this note last night and put it into your

lunchbox to wish you well on your speech (演讲) today. With all of your amazing research, writing,

and practice, you are going to do great!

I know that you get a little nervous talking in front of large groups—everybody does. But, just

remember what you practiced and you just might forget about being nervous. Here are just a few

things to remember when you are giving a speech:

① Make eye contact (眼神交流) with your classmates.

② Speak clearly and slowly.

③ Look at your notecards only when you have to.

④ Enjoy yourself! Once you are in front of the class, pretend (假裝) that you are a famous

expert on your topic (话题) and everyone is listening carefully to your EVERY word. (I do that


Well, thats all for now. I am thinking of you today and I know you will do great. Do your best

and be brave like George Washington. He was an excellent choice for your speech. Good luck Erik!

Maybe we can go out for ice cream after school!


( )1. Where did Erik probably find this note?

A. In his house. B. In his book. C. In his wallet. D. In his lunchbox.

( )2. What was Erik mainly going to do in school that day?

A. Write some notecards. B. Research his topic. C. Have ice cream. D. Give a speech.

( )3. What did Eriks mother advise him to do to enjoy himself?

A. Read his notecards. B. Look at his classmates.

C. Talk like a famous expert. D. Practice with his friends.

( )4. Eriks mother wrote the note because she was full of.

A. love B. worry C. thanks D. surprise

第二课时 (Section A 3a—3c)

◢ 知识巩固 ◣

I 根据首字母及句意补全单词。

1. Dont be n. Your daughter will be

back soon.

2. Look at the sky! The c are in the

shape of a bird.

3. Can you e why you arrived late for

school this morning?

4. The r between the two boys is very

close. They often play football together.

5. There are all kinds of gifts in this store. You

can buy w you like here.

Ⅱ 课文精编巧练。

Sad and Thirteen writes about her problems

to Mr Hunt. She cant get on 1. her

family. Relations between her parents have

become difficult. They fight a lot, and its the

only 2. (communicate) they have.

Also, her 3. (old) brother is not very

nice to her. He always refuses to let her watch

her favorite TV show. Instead he watches

whatever he wants 4. late at night.

Mr Hunt thinks its normal to have these

feelings. He gives her two 5. (piece)

of advice. Firstly, talk 6. these

feelings with her family and offer 7.

(help) out around the house. 8.

(second), sit down and talk with her brother.

She should explain to her brother that she

doesnt mind him 9. (watch) TV all

the time. However, he should let her watch her

favorite show. At last, Mr hunt hopes things

10. (be) better for her soon.

◢ 能力提升 ◣

Ⅲ 完形填空。

People have been trying to find out whether homework is good or bad for school children.

Different people have different1 .

Some people think that homework is an important part of2for students. They believe it

not only enables children to practice what they have learned in class, but also helps3their

handwriting (書写). They also say that homework is able to teach children how to work on their

own. Also, its a skill which is4to them in future life.

Others disagree, though. They think homework puts too much stress on children. Some

homework makes students5 . And the time spent on homework could have been used to do

other activities like reading and playing sports. What do you think of homework?

( )1. A. arguments B. opinions C. relations D. actions

( )2. A. creating B. thinking C. learning D. giving

( )3. A. change B. show C. make D. improve

( )4. A. useful B. crazy C. difficult D. proper

( )5. A. relaxed B. nervous C. happy D. surprised

第三課时 (Section A Grammar Focus—4c)

◢ 知识巩固 ◣

I 根据汉语提示及句意填写单词。

1. We need to learn how to dress


2. She(抄写) the phone number into

her address book just now.

3. I must(归还) some books to the


4. We all like our English teacher because she

explains things(清楚地) to us.

5. More and more people are not interested in

watching TV(不再).

Ⅱ 用方框中所给词(组)填空。

although could so that until should

1. I got up early this morningI could

catch the early bus.

2.I had a fight with my friend, we

are still good friends.

3. This history museum is open5:00


4. If you arrive late for class, yousay

sorry to your teacher.

5. — Oh, my God! I left my pen at home. What

should I do?

—It doesnt matter. Youuse mine.

◢ 能力提升 ◣

Ⅲ 阅读填空。(有一项多余)

What is luck? It is agreed that more good

things happen to some people. Lets just call

that luck. Now would you like to be one of

these lucky people?1 .

Feel lucky about what you have

2but they just dont know it. Instead

of giving all your attention (注意) to what you

are short of, look at how lucky you are already.

You surely have some wonderful friends, and a

warm family.


Luck doesnt just happen to you—it comes

to you when youre open. Learning a new skill,

visiting a new place and trying a new hobby are

all great ways of getting your luck.

Do it right now

Youll never create any luck if you sit

there waiting for it to fall into your lap (大腿).

4 . You will find you create more luck in

everyday life.

Ask for help if necessary

Sometimes people would be ready to help

you out.5 , dont wait for others to offer

you help but go and ask them if they will give

you a hand.

A. Try something new

B. When you are busy

C. If you are in trouble

D. Some people are already lucky

E. Act towards your dreams at once

F. Here are four top pieces of advice for

creating your own luck

第四課时 (Section B 1a—2e)

◢ 听力延伸 ◣



Check (√) the problems Rachel has at


( )1. She is always late for school.

( )2. She doesnt listen to the teachers carefully.

( )3. She has fights with her classmates.

( )4. She argues with her teachers.

( )5. She has few friends.

Complete the advice Dan gives:

6. She shouldand do some

exercise every day.

7. She should control her feelings and


8. She shouldwhen she

meets other people and take part in some

to meet more people.

◢ 知识巩固 ◣

Ⅱ 根据首字母及句意补全单词。

1. There are more than twenty m in

our club, and we are all good friends.

2. These exercises will help students improve

their reading and writing s.

3. With the d of technology, WeChat

and telephones play an important part in our

daily lives.

4. Its really c for you to drive so fast

on such a rainy day.

5. Ping-pong is a t sport in China.

Everyone likes to play it.

Ⅲ 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. So far about forty students have entered for

the singing(compete).

2. I had a(n)(usual) experience last

night. I didnt believe it at all.

3. Please get up(quick), or youll be

late for school.

4. Would you mind me(ask) you

some questions about your family?

5. Mary will make a plan as soon as she

(finish) her homework.

◢ 能力提升 ◣


Parents helped us in all sides when we were very young. As we grow older, we may help them.

Families can succeed in reaching goals (目标) when all family members help one another.

What makes real family members? Whoever we are, our family members are the most

important in our lives. Family members support (支持) each other in many ways besides money

or helping around the house. On the one hand, we can share our hopes, dreams or problems when

we communicate with them. On the other hand, we can get a strong feeling of satisfaction and

confidence with their help.

How to build good family relationships needs a lot of efforts (努力). Firstly, everyone in

the family needs to get along well with each other and shouldnt have conflicts. Secondly, family

members should share thoughts and feelings while eating meals, traveling or working together.

Thirdly, we should talk with each other about our worries and then solve them together because

family members can encourage (鼓励) one another to set goals and achieve dreams. Finally, we are



supposed to spend time listening to family members. Listening shows we care about them as much

as they care about us.

In a word, family members can make us full of energy and powerful all the time.

( )1. Who helped us in all sides when we were young?

A. Teachers. B. Friends. C. Classmates. D. Parents.

( )2. What is the most important in our lives according to the passage?

A. Family members. B. Dreams. C. Friendship. D. Money.

( )3. What does the underlined word “conflicts” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Discussions. B. Fights. C. Happiness. D. Kindness.

( )4. How many ways are mentioned in building good family relationships?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

( )5. What can our family members encourage us to do?

A. Get good grades. B. Spend time traveling.

C. Stop arguments with others. D. Set goals and achieve our dreams.

第五課时 (Section B 3a—Self Check)

◢ 写作导引 ◣








1.with friends 和朋友出去闲逛

2. get into awith 和……打架

3. be nice to sb 对某人友好


5. offer to help 提供帮助

6. compete... with 与……竞争

7. learn to relax 学会放松

8. cut out 减少

9. have too much有太多压力

10. have no time to relax 没有时间放松


1. In my opinion, children need to...

2. Children should... so that...

3. My problem is that I cant get on with my


4. Too much pressure is not good for a childs


5. I think wed better...

6. I hope the advice can be useful for you.




to Get on Well with Our Parents?”为题,写



1. 重要性;

2. 做法或建议。


How to Get on Well with Our Parents?

◢ Self Check ◣

I 根据首字母及句意补全单词。

1. I cant go out with you because my mother doesnt a me to go out at night.

2. Your answer is not right. Its w.

3. If you dont know the meaning of the word, just try to g it.

4. I like going to school by bike. Firstly, it is cheap. S, its green.

5. We carefully c the first report with the other two yesterday. The first one was better.

Ⅱ 完形填空。

Helen was sitting in the garden reading her favorite book. Some time later, her old1sat

beside her. Suddenly, she pointed at something and asked Helen what it was. Helen looked at it and

told her it was a sparrow (麻雀). Helen was2by the simple question.

Helen went on reading. Several3later, her old mother asked her the same question and

Helen found it was the same bird. After a little while, the old woman again asked the question about

the sparrow. This time Helen got4 . She shouted at her mother for asking the question again

and again. The old woman5stood up and entered the house. Helen continued reading her

book. A few minutes passed and her old mother6beside her again. She opened an old diary

and put it in front of Helen. Helen picked up the diary and began to read it. It said, “Today, while I

was7in the garden, my little Helen came to me. Looking at a sparrow in a tree, my child asked

me what it was. I8at her, said it was a sparrow and kissed (親吻) her. After a while, little

Helen asked the question again. This went on until she went back into the house with me after I

finished my work. Little Helen asked me at least ten times and I kept on9her and kissing her.”

Tears (眼泪) came into Helens eyes. She closed the10and felt very sorry for what she

did. She realized that she should treat (对待) her mother the way her mother treated her.

( )1. A. father B. mother C. brother D. sister

( )2. A. relaxed B. scared C. moved D. surprised

( )3. A. minutes B. hours C. days D. weeks

( )4. A. sad B. worried C. excited D. angry

( )5. A. suddenly B. quickly C. silently D. clearly

( )6. A. sat B. stood C. asked D. cried

( )7. A. walking B. playing C. running D. working

( )8. A. laughed B. shouted C. smiled D. pointed

( )9. A. answering B. helping C. feeding D. advising

( )10. A. letter B. diary C. magazine D. book

Ⅲ 阅读理解。

At times, we all want to look a bit more like someone else. However, the pictures we see on TV

and social media (社交媒体) can give us improper ideas about how our bodies “should” look. The

truth is that everybody is different—and thats a good thing. Accepting and feeling good about our

bodies is really important for our self-confidence (自信).

Body confidence is when someone accepts and is kind towards their body. Jade Parnell from

the Center for Appearance Research (CAR), says that having body confidence is “about being

accepting of your body and what it does for you”.

If you feel positively (積极地) about your body, you are more likely to take care of it. Research

has even shown that you are more likely to take part in activities and perform well in school.

However, feeling agitated about your body could make you step back, do less well at school and

even feel down.

Its important to remember that everybody is different. To develop a positive body image,

Parnell says, “Try to talk positively about your own body and other peoples bodies. Try not to pay

too much attention to appearance (外貌). Instead, think about what your body does for you: do your

legs make you run really fast?” She also advises looking after your body well by eating different

kinds of foods, exercising to feel good and to have fun, and getting plenty of sleep. Remember that

you are more than how you look.

( )1. The writer thinks that the pictures on TV and social media.

A. may show everyone is different B. are perfect for people to follow

C. may give wrong ideas of looks D. show people how to be kind

( )2.The underlined word “agitated” probably means “ ” in Paragraph 3.

A. scared B. serious C. careless D. worried

( )3. Parnell will agree that you should.

A. accept your body as it is B. stop talking about others bodies

C. remember what you used to be like D. spend less money on your appearance

( )4. What does the writer mainly advise readers to do?

A. Eat less junk food. B. Be kind to their friends.

C. Take more exercise. D. Build up body confidence.

Ⅳ 语法填空。

Stress is a normal 1. (feel). Sometimes stress can push us 2. (move)

forward. But stress becomes bad 3. it affects (影响) our everyday life and health.

Sometimes stress comes when you dont realize (意识到) it. Do you often feel a stomachache, a

headache, or get angry 4. (easy)? Do you have trouble 5. (sleep)? If your

answers are yes, you are probably facing a lot of stress and you may need help.

Talking about your problems with someone always 6. (help). You can have a talk with

your parents, friends, teachers or even doctors. Tell them if youre 7. (worry) about your

schoolwork, or if you have some difficult 8. (relation) with your classmates. Then you can

come up 9. a few solutions (解决办法) together like spending more time 10.

proper communication, and going for a short holiday. Theres one important thing you need to

remember: It is normal to have some stress. It is OK to feel angry, scared or lonely sometimes.


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