Breaking Will Become an Olympic Event 霹雳舞将成为奥运竞技项目
“Breaking”, or breakdancing, willbecome an official Olympic event. Breakingis a kind of street dance that first appearedin New York in the 1970s.
Breaking was first tried out as anOlympic sport during the 2018 Buenos AiresYouth Olympics i n Argentina. TheInternational Olympic Committee (IOC) hasannounced that the event will be includedwhen the Olympic games are held in Parisin 2024.
The move is just one of many changesto the Olympics in the hope of attractingmore young people. IOC President ThomasBach says the IOC cant expect that youngpeople “will come to us themselves. Wehave to go to them”.
“霹雳舞”将成为奥运会的正式比赛项目。霹雳舞是一种街头舞蹈,起源于20 世纪70 年代的纽约。
在阿根廷举办的2018 年布宜诺斯艾利斯青年奥运会期间,霹雳舞首次“试水”,成为青奧会的比赛项目之一。国际奥委会(IOC)宣布将这项赛事纳入2024 巴黎奥运会竞技项目中。
“Its a big thing not only for b-boys (boys whoperform breaking) and b-girls but for all dancersaround the world,” said Shawn Tay, President ofthe World Dance Sport Federation (WDSF). “TheWDSF could not be prouder to have breakingincluded at Paris 2024... It was a true team effort toget to this moment and we will try our best to makesure the breaking competition at Paris 2024 will beunforgettable.”
Even before 2024, skateboarding, sportclimbing and surfing were added to the program for2020 Tokyo Olympics in 2021 after being put off bya year because of COVID-19.
Surfing is a special challenge for host citiessuch as Paris, where there is no ocean. To solvethat problem, Paris has partnered with Tahiti,where the surfing part of the games will be held.
“这对霹雳舞舞者乃至全世界的舞者来说都是一件大事。”世界体育舞蹈联合会(WDSF)主席肖恩·泰说,“霹雳舞能纳入2024巴黎奥运会竞技项目,WDSF 感到非常自豪……这是团队努力的结果,我们将尽最大努力以确保在2024 巴黎奥运会上的霹雳舞比赛令人难忘。”
在2024 年前,滑板、运动攀岩和冲浪已被纳入2020 东京奥运会竞技项目。2020 东京奥运会因为新冠疫情推迟了一年举行。
Word Bank
announce v. 宣布,宣告
attract v. 吸引;使喜爱
proud adj. 骄傲的;自豪的
partner v. 结成伙伴,做搭档
Gerry offered to partner me at tennis.