从 A summer where the sun never sleeps 谈起


广东教育·高中 2023年4期


当关系副词where引导定语从句时,其先行词一般为指示地点的名词词语或短语。然而,人教版选择性必修一Unit 3却有a summer where the sun never sleeps (极昼之夏)的表述。Summer一词指示时间范畴,其后应使用when/ in which引导才较为合理,那么此处使用where指代时间概念是否得当?

首先,值得肯定的是定语从句中存在where/ when互换的语言现象,尤见于situation,stage,point等兼具“时间点”及“情形”含义的抽象名词。例句I got to the stage where I wasn't coping any more (牛津高阶英汉双解词典)中的stage既可理解为某一特定时间点,可也理解为抽象地点(某一阶段),因此使用where/ when引导定语从句都是可接受的。


[例1] ...I had a split second where I wasn't sure what to do...(COCA) 有一瞬间我不知道该做什么。

[例2] And then we have one hour where we do yoga.(COCA) 随后我们有一个小时做瑜伽的时间。

[例3] There wasn't a minute where she thought she wasn't going to get better.(COCA) 她每时每刻都在期盼自己能好转。

[例4] I can tell you there is not a single day where I do not take grading home and work at home.(COCA) 我可以告诉你,我每天都把评分的任务带回去,在家里工作。

[例5] ...and this is a month where women do all the cooking and all the shopping...这个月里,女性负责所有的烹饪及购物工作。

[例6] ...this was his first year where he was fully healthy.(COCA) 这是他第一次健康地度过一整年。

[例7] We had come through a decade where we lost jobs,income declined and poverty gaps widened.(COCA) 过去十年间,我们饱受失业、收入下降、贫困差距扩大的折磨。

[例8] I think maybe this is the moment where we could list some of the signs of dyslexia,both for parents and teachers.(BNC) 我想,现在该是我们为家长和老师列出一些诵读困难表征的时候了。

[例9] But in the very instant where he must decide between saving Kelly and saving himself,he saves himself.(COCA) 但在那个他必须决定救Kelly还是救自己的生死存亡关头,他选择了救自己。

[例10] We live today in an age where the dark plague of liberal decadence casts its shadow everywhere.(BNC) 我们生活在一个自由颓废如同黑暗瘟疫四处蔓延的时代。

[例11] I was brought up in a different era where you had to entertain yourself.(BNC) 我所成长的时代大不相同,那时候你必须懂得自娱自乐。

[例12] I guess he went through a period where he felt frustrated with himself.(BNC) 我想他大概经历了一段对自己感到沮丧的时期。

[例13] We are a long way from the time where a computer could pass a reasonable judgement on the quality of an electronic document.(BNC) 距离计算机能对电子文档的质量做出合理判断的时候,尚有漫漫征途。

[例14] Ever since that Christmas where Julia and I saw Santa...(COCA) 自我和Julia看到圣诞老人的那个圣诞节以来……

[例15] The Fun Ships provide a reasonably priced,all-inclusive holiday where fun and enjoyment are coupled with the excitement of sea travel in the Caribbean.(BNC) Fun Ships提供价格合理、包罗万象的假日,其时游客可体验兼具享受与刺激的加勒比海上旅行。


[例16] This holds true in today's digital age, where schemes to make a quick buck at the expense of others are seemingly ubiquitous.(COCA) 这也适用于当今的数字时代,现如今以牺牲他人为代价快速赚钱的计划似乎无处不在。

[例17] I'll never forget that day, where my brother's life is being turned upside down.(COCA) 我永不会忘记那一天,正是在那天我哥的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。

[例18] What follows is a discussion period, where the class members and instructor share problem-solving strategies.(COCA) 紧随其后的是一个讨论期,在此期间学生与老师可互相分享解决问题的策略。


[例19] Let the day perish wherein I was born,and the night in which it was said,There is a man child conceived.(英王钦定本圣经) 愿我生的那日,和说怀了男胎的那夜都灭没。(wherein被认为是where古体,并可被in which代替)


[例20] Jan.6 was a day where the “light of acts of courage” defeated darkness.(CNN) 1月6日是“英勇的行动之光”战胜黑暗的一天。

[例21] We are still at a period where we still have not seen consistent positive job growth.(Whitehouse: Press briefing) 我们仍处于一个就业率尚未持续增长的时期。

[例22] To that world assembly of sovereign states,the United Nations,our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace,we renew our pledge of support… (肯尼迪總统1962年就职演说) 联合国——这个由主权国家组成的联合大会——是我们在战争利器远盖过和平手段的时代中最后的希望,我们重申对它的承诺,将会继续给予支持。

[例23] We can see a day where all people live side by side.(柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典) 我们可以想象有那么一天所有人都和睦地生活在一起。

[例24] She's got to an age where she is being awkward.(柯林斯) 她到了难相处的年龄。




[例25] If winter comes,can spring be far behind? (汉英大词典) 寒冬已至,春日还会远吗?

[例26] If time flows constantly...(COCA) 如果时间持续不断地流逝……

[例27] Most teenagers go through a period of rebelling.(牛津) 大多数青少年都要经历一段叛逆期。

[例28] This stove hasn't been cleaned in years.(COCA) 这些年里,这个炉子一直没被清理过。

[例29] Washington state was 30 years ahead of the rest of the country on this issue.(COCA) 华盛顿州在该议题上领先全国其他地区30年。

[例30] The project is running about 3 years behind schedule.(BNC) 该项目较原计划落后3年。


由上可见,正是由于这种时间—空间的隐喻转化使得原本用于指示地点的关系副词where被用于指代纯粹的时间范畴。而空间—时间共享介词的使用进一步强化了这一概念,定语从句中when/where可被适当的介词+which形式所代替。就人教版教材中的a summer where the sun nerve sleeps而言,where可被替换为in which,而in which又可被when所代替,因此便形成了由介词做桥梁的when—where(时间—空间)的相互转化。

责任编辑 吴昊雷

