庆祝中国—乌拉圭建交35周年 南北之光摄影展首场活动在重庆举行


重庆与世界 2023年4期


To celebrate the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Uruguay, “Light of the South and North”, Flavio Toti Monzón and Jolie Luo Double Solo Exhibition kicked off on March 31 in Chongqing. It was co-hosted by the Consulate-General of Uruguay in Chongqing, the Foreign Affairs Office of Yuzhong District Peoples Government, the Chongqing International Culture Exchange Center, and Hong Kong VA Galleries.

H.E. Fernando Lugris, Ambassador of Uruguay to China, Valentin Touris, Acting Consul-General of Uruguay in Chongqing, Zhou Yi, Deputy Director-General of the Chongqing Foreign Affairs Office, Deng Guanghuai, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Yuzhong District Committee and Vice Major of Yuzhong District Government, Yang Guangshun, Director of Chongqing International Culture Exchange Center, and consular officials from Italy, Hungary, Cambodia, the Philippines, Belarus, Japan, Myanmar, the U.K., and the Netherlands in Chongqing attended the opening ceremony. Chongqing Liaison Unit of the Government of the Hong Kong SAR, officials from relevant departments of Chongqing Municipality and Yuzhong District, as well as art lovers and media representatives, were also present.

H.E. Ambassador Fernando Lugris said in his speech that this year marks the 35th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Uruguay; therefore, the Embassy and Consulates of Uruguay in China will hold a series of celebration activities. This exhibition is the first one in Western China.” It keeps the exchanges and mutual understanding between the two countries in humanities and arts. It is hoped that the two sides can further strengthen people-to-people exchange, economic and trade cooperation, and mutual understanding.

“Although our countries are far apart geographically and have different cultures, we are closely connected.” Zhou Yi noted. The works of this exhibition not only show the distinctive scenery of the two countries, which are far away from each other but also demonstrate the two artists love for every inch of the land of their respective countries.

Chongqing has been dedicated to promoting the friendship between China and Uruguay by actively boosting friendly exchange with Uruguay in different sectors. The two sides have cooperated effectively in economy, trade, culture, and education. In the future, Chongqing and Uruguay are expected to gain further understanding and friendship to level up Chongqing-Uruguay cooperation.

Since the Consulate-General of Uruguay in Chongqing was established in Yuzhong District, Chongqing, in 2019, friendly exchange and cooperation have been enhanced between Uruguay and Chongqing. According to Deng Guanghuai, the 35 years of diplomatic ties between China and Uruguay have witnessed mutual respect and equality between the two countries, setting an example for South-South cooperation in the world. Yuzhong District will promote mutual respect, cooperation, and mutual trust with foreign consulates in Chongqing in more areas, including economy and trade, science and technology, and art, thus creating more opportunities for further cooperation and stronger economic impetus, which will constantly benefit all parties.

The exhibition comprises 38 photography works by Flavio Toti Monzón and Jolie Luo. According to the introduction given by Vincent L.J. Deng, curator and the CEO of Hong Kong VA Galleries, the two artists have broken the barrier of gender binary, cultural discrepancy, and nationality to show people through a joint exhibition their shared fascination with nature and humans in their natural environment - a tranquil environment away from the hustle and bustle of the city, which is also one that requires hard work in exchange for tolerance. The works on display include photos taken in several nature reserves by Flavio Toti Monzón and ones taken by Jolie Luo during his trip to Muztagata in Xinjiang and Laigu Glacier in Tibet.

Photo/Hong Kong VA Galleries














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