2023 年总目录


材料与冶金学报 2023年6期

第22 卷第1 期

高拉速连铸结晶器电磁控流技术发展 …………………………罗 森, 杨宇威, 王卫领, 朱苗勇(1)

高炉渣液滴破碎过程数值模拟 ………………………………杜宇航, 刘晓宏, 温 治, 楼国锋(23)

高Al2O3型高炉渣系脱硫速度及铁水残硫量预测………………………………………………………………………………………………………张保志, 郑海燕, 丁亚强, 周先润, 马腾飞, 沈峰满(30)

高炉料面结构对煤气流分布影响的模拟……………………………………………………………………………………………………赵志坚, 佘雪峰, 赵奕喆, 刘燕军, 王艾军, 李丽红, 薛庆国(38)

Fe-C-Si 合金固态脱碳实验 …………………周玉青, 艾立群, 洪陆阔, 孟凡峻, 刘新亮, 孙彩娇(45)

富氧燃烧条件下Q235B 钢坯氧化反应动力学 ……王俊博, 于庆波, 赵 俣, 秦 勤, 胡贤忠(52)

一种微合金化超高强韧弹簧钢的热处理工艺与组织性能………………………………………………………………………………………………邵国华, 王 帅, 赵 阳, 姜政宇, 刘子玉, 陈礼清(59)

泡沫铝夹芯板的低速冲击行为与仿真模拟 …………………孙宇杰, 高 强, 马婉婷, 祖国胤(67)

基于质能平衡分析的电熔镁炉能效评估 ………………………王 鑫, 姜天驰, 张卫军, 罗维坤(75)

转鼓型涡电流分选机磁辊的仿真模拟与优化设计……………………………………………………………………………………………………冯 雷, 单志成, 曹 斌, 季玉璋, 苑 轶, 王 强(81)

镍对SUH409L 热轧卷组织与性能的影响 ……………………………………………………王志军(88)

累计拉拔变形量及退火温度对3003 铝合金线材组织和性能的影响…………………………………………………………………………………王高松, 李强强, 张博洋, 杨 光, 叶子超, 赵志浩(92)

薄板坯连铸连轧生产中低牌号无取向硅钢的实践…………………………………………………………………………………………………陈圣林, 李 准, 马文超, 叶 飞, 骆忠汉, 李大明(97)

Vol.22 No.1

Development of electromagnetic flow control technology for high speed casting mold ………………………………………………………………………Luo Sen,Yang Yuwei,Wang Weiling,Zhu Miaoyong(1)

Numerical simulation of the breakup of high temperature blast furnace slag droplet…………………………………………………………………………Du Yuhang,Liu Xiaohong,Wen Zhi,Lou Guofeng(23)

Desulfurization rate of high Al2O3blast furnace slag and prediction of the residual amount in molten iron………Zhang Baozhi,Zheng Haiyan,Ding Yaqiang,Zhou Xianrun,Ma Tengfei,Shen Fengman(30)

Numerical simulation study on the influence of burden profile on gas distribution in blast furnace………………Zhao Zhijian,She Xuefeng,Zhao Yizhe,Liu Yanjun,Wang aijun,Li Lihong,Xue Qingguo(38)

Experimental study on solid state decarburization of Fe-C-Si alloy……………………………………………………………Zhou Yuqing,Ai Liqun,Hong Lukuo,Meng Fanjun,Liu Xinliang,Sun Caijiao(45)

Kinetics of oxidation reaction of Q235B billet under oxygen-enriched combustion condition ………………………………………………………Wang Junbo,Yu Qingbo,Zhao Yu,Qin Qin,Hu Xianzhong(52)

Heat treatment process, microstructure and properties of a microalloyed ultra-high strength and toughness spring steel …Shao Guohua,Wang Shuai,Zhao Yang,Jiang Zhengyu,Liu Ziyu,Chen Liqing(59)

Low-velocity impact behavior and simulation of aluminum foam sandwich panels………………………………………………………………………………Sun Yujie,Gao Qiang,Ma Wanting,Zu Guoyin(67)

Energy efficiency evaluation of magnesia smelting furnace based on energy balance analysis ……………………………………………………………Wang Xin,Jiang Tianchi,Zhang Weijun,Luo Weikun(75)

Simulation and optimization design of magnetic roller for drum type eddy current separator ……………………………………………Feng Lei,Shan Zhicheng,Cao Bin,Ji Yuzhang,Yuan Yi,Wang Qiang(81)

Effect of Ni on microstructures and mechanical properties of SUH409L hot rolled coil …Wang Zhijun(88)

Effect of accumulative drawing deformation and annealing temperature on microstructures and properties of 3003 aluminum alloy wires …………………………Wang Gaosong,Li Qiangqiang,Zhang Boyang,………………………………………………………………Yang Guang,Ye Zichao,Zhao Zhihao(92)

Practice of producing medium-low grade non oriented silicon steel by thin slab continuous casting and rolling……………………Chen Shenglin,Li Zhun,Ma Wenchao,Ye Fei,Luo Zhonghan,Li Daming(97)

第22 卷第2 期

铁水预处理脱硫渣熔化性能的调控 ……蒋武锋, 田 亮, 郝素菊, 薄 荷, 马腾飞, 张玉柱(103)

顶部射流优化热风炉内燃烧行为模拟 ……………王子坤, 齐凤升, 刘中秋, 李宝宽, 刘红军(110)

电磁搅拌下连铸大圆坯结晶器内夹杂物运动行为 ……王星翰, 吴颖东, 姚毓超, 刘中秋, 李宝宽(119)

硫磺还原高铁赤泥提铁 ……………………………付慧军, 吕国志, 张廷安, 晁 曦, 陈 杨(127)

高铝粉煤灰盐酸法制备氧化铝的除杂工艺………………………………………………………………………………………………金一鸣, 杨酉坚, 郑晏辰, 杨岚婷, 王 宁, 杨佳鑫, 王兆文(133)

氨水水热法制备片状氧化铋 ……………………………………许 多, 刘立忠, 冯宇, 刘恩齐(141)

有机硅浆渣废料冶金法制备碳化硅 ………………宋爱林, 郭晓琳, 吴博文, 张照阳, 邢鹏飞(147)

粉煤灰-矿渣基无机聚合物颗粒吸附剂的制备及其吸附性能 ………………………………………………………………………………………冯 雪, 闫 姝, 黄 凯, 任晓琦, 都兴红, 邢鹏飞(152)

基于不同氢化物发泡剂的泡沫铝孔径分析及压缩性能………………………………………………………………………………………………………李大武, 张江华, 臧泰琦, 周 昊, 孙 挺(158)

电解法制备氢氧化镁粉体的非等温动力学解析 ……………郭丽莉, 涂赣峰, 冯乃祥, 狄跃忠(166)

硼硅酸盐玻璃润滑剂的黏度及析晶行为 ……张 雷, 王怀柳, 陈 鑫, 崔 磊, 倪培远, 厉 英(172)

氯化镁熔滴相变冷却过程的数值模拟 ……………赵传进, 吴彦铮, 刘军祥, 于庆波, 李光辉(178)

基于质能平衡的套筒对烧石灰窑碳排放计算与分析 ……………………………吴沁停, 荣文杰(185)

黄磷渣转杯粒化过程中丝状物生成量实验 …………………马伟东, 于庆波, 王安邦, 刘军祥(192)

废弃铝镁合金粉尘与水产氢反应的机理及影响因素 …裴新月, 许开立, 张毓媛, 王 犇, 李嘉欢(198)

Vol.22 No.2

Control of melting performance of hot metal pretreatment desulfurization slag……………………………………………………Jiang Wufeng,Tian Liang,Hao Suju,Bo He,Ma Tengfei,Zhang Yuzhu(103)

Simulation of the combustion process of top combustion hot blast stove with top injection……………………………………………Wang Zikun,Qi Fengsheng,Li Baokuan,Liu Zhongqiu,Liu Hongjun(110)

Inclusion transport behavior in continuous casting large round bloom under electromagnetic stirring………………………………Wang Xinghan,Wu Yingdong,Yao Yuchao,Liu Zhongqiu,Li Baokuan(119)

Iron extraction from high iron red mud by pyrite reduction………………………………………………………………………………………Fu Huijun,Lü Guozhi,Zhang Tingan,Chao Xi,Chen Yang(127)

Process for impurities removal of alumina production by hydrochloric acid method from high-alumina fly ash

Jin Yiming,Yang Youjian,Zheng Yanchen,Yang Lanting,Wang Ning,Yang Jiaxin,Wang Zhaowen(133)

Preparation of flake bismuth oxide by ammonia hydrothermal method………………………………………………………………………………………………Xu Duo,Liu Lizhong,Feng Yu,Liu Enqi(141)

Preparation of silicon carbide by a metallurgical method of silicone slurry residue waste………………………………………………Song Ailin,Guo Xiaolin,Wu Bowen,Zhang Zhaoyang,Xing Pengfei(147)

Preparation and adsorption properties of fly ash-slag based geopolymer particle adsorbent………………………………………Feng Xue,Yan Shu,Huang Kai,Ren Xiaoqi,Du Xinghong,Xing Pengfei(152)

Pore size analysis and compressive properties of aluminum foams based on different hydride blowing agents………………………………Li Dawu,Zhang Jianghua,Zang Taiqi,Zhou Hao,Sun Ting(158)

Non-isothermal kinetic analysis of magnesium hydroxide powder produced by electrolysis………………………………………………………………Guo Lili,Tu Ganfeng,Feng Naixiang,Di Yuezhong(166)

Study on viscosity and crystallization behavior of borosilicate glass lubricant……………………………………………………………Zhang Lei,Wang Huailiu,Chen Xin,Cui Lei,Ni Peiyuan,Li Ying(172)

Numerical simulation of the cooling process of phase change of molten magnesium chloride droplet………………………………Zhao Chuanjin,Wu Yanzheng,Liu Junxiang,Yu Qingbo,Li Guanghui(178)

Calculation and analysis of carbon emission from annular shaft kiln with opposite burners based on mass-energy balance …………………………………………………………………Wu Qinting,Rong Wenjie(185)

Experimental study on the amount of fiber generated during rotary cup granulation of yellow phosphorus slag…………………………………………Ma Weidong,Yu Qingbo,Wang Anbang,Liu Junxiang(192)

Reaction mechanisms and influencing factors of hydrogen evolution of Al-Mg Alloy dust………………………………………………………Pei Xinyue,Xu Kaili,Zhang Yuyuan,Wang Ben,Li Jiahuan(198)

第22 卷第3 期

液流速度对钢板冷却过程影响的数值模拟 ……………………………刘凌昂, 于庆波, 秦 勤(205)

基于燃烧模拟和深度学习的钢包烘烤优化 ……………………………卢厚杨, 张 琦, 徐化岩(211)

转炉熔渣气化脱磷与循环利用工业试验……………………………………………………………………………………………………………孙华康, 李晨晓, 王书桓, 佟 帅, 薛月凯, 张凯璇(218)

大型底吹炉气含率的数值模拟 ………………………………郗文龙, 宋锦波, 牛丽萍, 刘素红(224)

烧结助剂对氮化硅陶瓷力学性能的影响 ……………叶超超, 王 伟, 茹红强, 王远鑫, 刘家臣(230)

高镁对回火态钢组织和性能的影响 ……………………………………徐 光, 罗 钢, 李 阳(236)

V-N 微合金钢Q550D 静态再结晶行为 …………………………………田余东, 高彩茹, 杜林秀(244)

成型压力对Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷微观组织结构和力学性能的影响………………………………………………………………………………方一航, 夏伶勤, 陈 光, 吴 韬, 于 湘, 陈凯敏(249)

临界区高温侧正火对COST-FB2 钢组织与性能的影响………………………………………………………………………………………………………李 扬, 耿 鑫, 姜周华, 陶学儒, 彭雷朕(256)

等通道转角挤压工艺对5083 铝合金超声空蚀行为的影响 ………蒋宗明, 宁莉平, 张校烽, 李英龙(264)

烟气回流率对蓄热室式炉单周期加热的影响………………………………………………………………………………………………………李洪涛, 马飞龙, 马金凤, 纪运广, 赵亚珊, 盛永钢(272)

基于人工神经网络的三价铬基转化膜腐蚀失效演变规律……………………………………………………………………………………………………高俊杰, 刘侠和, 王 梅, 王利蓉, 杨瑞敏(279)

基于霍尔效应俘获绿地负氧离子发电的试验 ……杨 凌, 王 芳, 佟金轩, 刘中秋, 李宝宽(296)

利用CO2回收煤矸石中的碳 ………………………王瑞鹏, 张廷安, 吕国志, 晁 曦, 陈 杨(301)

Vol.22 No.3

Numerical simulation of the effect of liquid flow velocity on the cooling process of steel plate………………………………………………………………………………Liu Ling’ang,Yu Qingbo,Qin Qin(205)

Ladle baking optimization based on combustion simulation and deep learning……………………………………………………………………………………………Lu Houyang,Zhang Qi,Xu Huayan(211)

Industrial test on recycling of converter slag with gasification and dephosphorization………………………………Sun Huakang,Li Chenxiao,Wang Shuhuan,Tong Shuai,Xue Yuekai,Zhang Kaixuan(218)

Numerical simulation of the gas volume fraction of a large bottom-blowing furnace…………………………………………………………………………Xi Wenlong,Song Jinbo,Niu Liping,Liu Suhong(224)

Effect of sintering additives on mechanical properties of silicon nitride ceramics………………………………………………………Ye Chaochao,Wang Wei,Ru Hongqiang,Wang Yuanxin,Liu Jiachen(230)

Effect of high magnesium on microstructure and properties of tempered steel…………………………………………………………………………………………………Xu Guang,Luo Gang,Li Yang(236)

Static recrystallization behavior of V-N microalloyed steel Q550D……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Tian Yudong,Gao Cairu,Du Linxiu(244)

Effect of forming pressures on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti(C,N)-based cermets…………………………Fang Yihang,Xia Lingqin,Chen Guang,Wu Tao,Yu Xiang,Chen Kaimin(249)

Influence of normalizing at high temperature side in critical zone on microstructure and properties of COST-FB2 steel ……………………………Li Yang,Geng Xin,Jiang Zhouhua,Tao Xueru,Peng Leizhen(256)

Effect of equal channel angular pressing process on ultrasonic cavitation corrosion behavior of 5083 aluminum alloy ……………………………Jiang Zongming,Ning Liping,Zhang Xiaofeng,Li Yinglong(264)

Influence of flue gas reflux rate on single cycle heating characteristics of the regenerative furnace……………………Li Hongtao,Ma Feilong,Ma Jinfeng,Ji Yunguang,Zhao Yashan,Sheng Yonggang(272)

Corrosion failure evolution of trivalent chromium conversion film based on artificial neural network…………………………………………Gao Junjie,Liu Xiahe,Wang Mei,Wang Lirong,Yang Ruimin(279)

Optimization of steam system in steel enterprise based on exergy analysis………………………………………………………………………………………Yan Tianyi,Du Tao,Sun Jingchao,Qiu Ziyang(287)

Experimental of power generation with negative oxygen ions in green areas based on Hall effect…………………………………………Yang Ling,Wang Fang,Tong Jinxuan,Liu Zhongqiu,Li Baokuan(296)

Carbon recovery from coal gangue by CO2…………………………………………………………………………………………………Wang Ruipeng,Zhang Ting’an,Lü Guozhi,Chao Xi,Chen Yang(301)

第22 卷第4 期

CaO 改质对铁酸锌中锌选择性浸出的影响 ……………………………蒋刘东, 李萍萍, 杜传明(307)

自还原钒渣压块的直接合金化行为 …………………………吕 兴, 王 楠, 陈 敏, 信建疆(313)

NaOH 亚熔盐处理铝电解废阴极炭块 …李代旭, 胡宪伟, 陶文举, 石忠宁, 王兆文, 高炳亮(321)

鱼雷罐内纯氧助燃预热废钢的数值模拟 …………常宇辉, 魏 国, 张 禹, 晏 越, 陈高强(330)

石榴石固态电解质材料Li6.4Al0.2La3Zr2O12的制备及性能 ……………裴子博, 贺子建, 刘亚飞(337)

氧化铁(α-Fe2O3)的表面各向异性的电化学传感性能 ……………高美琪, 李 松, 秦高梧(343)

Co含量对一种新型高温合金铸态及热处理组织的影响……………………………………………………………………………………刘静姝, 王 磊, 刘 杨, 宋 秀, 杨 楠, 刘世忠, 李嘉荣(351)

V 微合金化对高强弹簧钢静态相变和拉伸性能的影响 ……徐 光, 罗 钢, 陈 奎, 李 阳(361)

Al 含量对中锰高铝钢组织性能的影响 ……………李金典, 何东霖, 胡 晓, 高启涵, 丁 桦(371)

Mn 含量及冷却速率对真空吸铸Al-Mn 合金显微组织的影响 …………………周鹏飞, 陆从相(379)

三电极体系对NiFe-LDH 光阳极光电化学动力学的影响 ……………孙姣姣, 杨晓红, 安希忠(387)

二次燃气入射角度对低NOx燃烧器燃烧特性的影响…………………李昊星,秦 勤,于庆波(395)

镍基双效催化剂催化焦油重整制氢实验…………张津宁,谢华清,吴贞国,郭 锐,陆 寒(403)

Vol.22 No.4

Effect of CaO modification on selective leaching of zinc from ZnFe2O4……………………………………………………………………………………………Jiang Liudong,Li Pingping,Du Chuanming(307)

Direct alloying of self-reduction vanadium slag briquette………………………………………………………………………………………………………Lü Xing,Wang Nan,Chen Min,Xin Jianjiang(313)

Treatment of spent cathode carbon block of aluminum electrolysis industry with NaOH sub-molten salt………………Li Daixu,Hu Xianwei,Tao Wenju,Shi Zhongning,Wang Zhaowen,Gao Bingliang(321)

Numerical simulation on preheating scrap with oxy-fuel combustion in torpedo…………………………………………………………………Chang Yuhui,Wei Guo,Zhang Yu,Yan Yue,Chen Gaoqiang(330)

Preparation and properties of garnet solid-state electrolyte materials Li6.4Al0.2La3Zr2O12…………………………………………………………………………………………Pei Zibo,He Zijian,Liu Yafei(337)

Facet-dependent electrochemical sensing properties of hematite (α-Fe2O3) …………………………………………………………………………………………………Gao Meiqi,Li Song,Qin Gaowu(343)

Effect of Co content on the as-cast and heat-treated microstructure of a novel fourth-generation nickel-based

single crystal superalloy……………………………………………………………………………………………Liu Jingshu,Wang Lei,Liu Yang,Song Xiu,Yang Nan,Liu Shizhong,Li Jiarong(351)

Effect of V micro-alloying on static transformation and tensile properties of high strength spring steel………………………………………………………………Xu Guang,Luo Gang,Chen Kui,Li Yang(361)

Effects of Al contents on the microstructures and mechanical properties of medium Mn high Al steels……………………………………………Li Jindian,He Donglin,Hu Xiao,Gao Qihan,Ding Hua(371)

Effects of Mn content and cooling rate on microstructure of vacuum suction casting Al-Mn alloy……………………………………………………………………………………Zhou Pengfei,Lu Congxiang(379)

Effect of three electrode system on electrochemical dynamics of NiFe-LDH photoanode……………………………………………………………………………Sun Jiaojiao,Yang Xiaohong,An Xizhong(387)

Influence of secondary gas incidence angle on the combustion characteristics of low NOxburner………………………………………………………………………………Li Haoxing,Qin Qin,Yu Qingbo(395)

Experimental on hydrogen production from tar reforming catalyzed by nickel-based double-effect catalyst……………………………………Zhang Jinning,Xie Huaqing,Wu Zhenguo,Guo Rui,Lu Han(403)

第22 卷第5 期

高炉装料过程的智能控制模型 ………………………………韩宏松, 李海峰, 孙俊杰, 邹宗树(409)

装填方式对矿焦耦合反应中焦炭溶损特性的影响 ……韩嘉伟, 孙 洋, 窦明辉, 郭 瑞, 孙 章(416)

纯氧助燃时氧气分配对铁水包烘烤过程影响的模拟 ………安信欣, 胡贤忠, 赵 俣, 于庆波(423)

基于随机搜索算法和AdaBoost 模型预测LF 精炼过程脱硫率…………………………………………………………………………………………………………严旭梅, 陈 超, 王 楠, 陈 敏(430)

利用改进XGBoost 预测RH 精炼终点钢水温度……………………………………………………………………………………………………徐 猛, 雷 洪, 何江一, 韩 信, 王兴华, 王燕斌(437)

Fe3O4@SiO2/rGO复合材料的制备及性能 ……………………………刘海丰,高 波,尹俊太(444)

磁性多孔材料的制备及其在电磁除尘系统中的应用…………………………………………………………………………………………………………单天龙, 李东刚, 杨 扬, 李俊超, 闫 强(449)

烧结压力对SPS 制备MoSi2涂层高温抗氧化性能的影响…………………………………………………………………………………………茅晨浩, 朱 路, 任宣儒, 王晓虹, 张 平, 冯培忠(456)

碳热还原法制备碳化硼的热力学研究………………………………………………………………………………………………………………李 欣, 牛 群, 陈 滨, 乔 佳, 程恩庆, 邢鹏飞(464)

电沉积制备镍钴基硒化物及其电催化氧化尿素的性能………………………………………………………………………………………………………张婉婷, 冯忠宝, 刘文涛, 石彤彤, 庄艳歆(471)

钢铁材料超塑性研究现状与发展 …………张鸿涛, 李凯华, 孙胜辉, 闫海乐, 丁 桦, 蔡明晖(478)

形变热处理工艺对Cu-Fe-P 合金组织与性能的影响 ………郑济森, 张峻嘉, 唐天轶, 付 莹(489)

温度变化速率对TC4 钛合金热变形力学性能的影响………………………………………………………………………………………………张 宝, 李德崇, 曹宏东, 付雪松, 周文龙, 陈国清(495)

新型压铸浇道设计对预结晶组织和孔隙率的影响……………………………………………………………………………………………………焦祥祎, 王鹏越, 刘亦贤, 石利军, 王成刚, 熊守美(500)

5083 铝合金动车车窗超塑气胀成形工艺 ……………………王国峰, 李源池, 周彤旭, 赵佳乐(505)

Vol.22 No.5

Intelligent control model for charging process of blast furnace……………………………………………………………………………………………Han Hongsong,Li Haifeng,Sun Junjie,Zou Zongshu(409)

Effect of loading method on solution loss characteristics of cokes in sinter-coke coupling reaction………………………………………………Han Jiawei,Sun Yang,Dou Minghui,Guo Rui,Sun Zhang(416)

Simulation of the effect of oxygen distribution on iron ladle baking during pure oxygen combustion………………………………………………………An Xinxin,Hu Xianzhong,Zhao Yu,Yu Qingbo(423)

Predicting desulfurization ratio during LF refining process based on Random Research and AdaBoost model…………………………………………………Yan Xumei,Chen Chao,Wang Nan,Chen Min(430)

Predicting the endpoint steel temperature of RH refining using improved XGBoost………………………………………………Xu Meng,Lei Hong,He Jiangyi,Han Xin,Wang Xinghua,Wang Yanbin(437)

Preparationandproperties ofFe3O4@SiO2/rGOcomposites……Liu Haifeng,Gao Bo,Yin Juntai(444)

Preparationofmagnetic porousmaterialandits applicationin electromagnetic dustremovalsystem……………………………………Shan Tianlong,Li Donggang,Yang Yang,Li Junchao,Yan Qiang(449)

Influence of sintering pressure on high-temperature oxidation resistance of MoSi2coating prepared by SPS…………Mao Chenhao,Zhu Lu,Ren Xuanru,Wang Xiaohong,Zhang Ping,Feng Peizhong(456)

Research on the thermodynamics for the synthesis of boron carbide by carbothermal reduction…………………………………………Li Xin,Niu Qun,Chen Bin,Qiao Jia,Cheng Enqing,Xing Pengfei(464)

Study on electrodeposition of Nickel-cobalt selenides and electrocatalytic oxidation of urea……………………………………Zhang Wanting,Feng Zhongbao,Liu Wentao,Shi Tongtong,Zhuang Yanxin(471)

The current status and development of superplasticity in steel materials……………………………………………………Zhang Hongtao,Li Kaihua,Sun Shenghui,Yan Haile,Ding Hua,Cai Minghui(478)

Effect of thermo-mechanical treatment process on the microstructure and properties of Cu-Fe-P alloy………………………………………………………Zheng Jisen,Zhang Junjia,Tang Tianyi,Fu Ying(489)

Effect of temperature change rate on the mechanical properties of TC4 titanium alloy under hot deformation…………Zhang Bao,Li Dechong,Cao Hongdong,Fu Xuesong,Zhou Wenlong,Chen Guoqing(495)

Effect of new die casting runner design on the externally solidified crystal (ESC) and porosity……………………Jiao Xiangyi,Wang Pengyue,Liu Yixian,Shi Lijun,Wang Chenggang,Xiong Shoumei(500)

5083 Aluminum alloy railway window superplastic air bulging forming process…………………………………………………………………………Wang Guofeng,Li Yuanchi,Zhou Tongxu,Zhao Jiale(505)

第21 卷第6 期

50%CO2+50%CO 气氛条件下金属化炉料与焦粉耦合过程的非等温反应动力学 ……………………………………………………………………………………闫瑞军, 柳政根, 储满生, 刘培军(511)

电极更换对电渣重熔过程金属液和熔渣凝固的影响………………………………………………………………………………………………黄 烁, 段怡如, 李连鹏, 段 然, 刘中秋, 李宝宽(518)

煤粉与含铁除尘灰高炉混合喷吹的数值模拟………………………………………………………………………………………………………朱朋选, 高强健, 肖旭杭, 郑海燕, 姜 鑫, 沈峰满(525)

电磁搅拌模式对大方坯结晶器内钢水流动特性的影响 ……梅德云, 陈 敏, 杨湘澜, 铉明涛(532)

铁矾渣热分解过程动力学及其对制备水泥熟料的影响………………………………………………………………………………………………符 岩, 谢 锋, 武书林, 路殿坤, 葛 辉, 王 伟(540)

锂锰摩尔比对水热法制备Li1.6Mn1.6O4的影响 ……刘 肖,李凤华,李英楠,樊瑞,陈晓志(547)

基于床层传热的真空镧热还原氧化钐过程优化………………………………………………………………………………傅大学, 张永健, 涂赣峰, 陈建设, 李斌川, 孙树臣, 韩小亮, 魏金海(553)

六偏磷酸钠对氧化铈悬浮性能的影响及其机理……………杨明君,边 雪,李艳平,吴文远(559)


固相燃烧法制备LiMg0.02Mn1.98O4正极材料及电化学性能……………………………………………………………………………………………………陈奕妃, 杨 梅, 向明武, 白 玮, 郭俊明(573)

多孔结构镍钴基硒化物的制备及其电催化氧化尿素性能…………………………………………………………………………………………任丽丽, 张婉婷, 解二伟, 乔永莲, 张 悦, 冯忠宝(582)

长期服役对P91 钢蒸汽管道接头疲劳裂纹扩展行为的影响………………………………………………………………………………………田成川, 赵 海, 田 妮, 刘 杨, 郦晓慧, 王巍麟(588)

步进式板坯加热炉应用MILD 富氧燃烧的数值模拟…………………………………………………………………………………………………………潘 博, 胡贤忠, 于庆波, 秦 勤, 赵 俣(595)

滚筒内三元颗粒混合的离散元模拟 …………………………荣文杰, 瞿林涛, 李嘉钰, 李宝宽(602)

Vol.22 No.6

Non-isothermal reaction kinetic analysis of coupling process between metallized burden and coke powder in a 50%CO2+50%CO gas mixture…………Yan Ruijun,LiuZhenggen,ChuMansheng,Liu Peiju(511)

Effectof electrodechange on solidification of moltenmetalandslagduringelectroslag remelting process……………………Huang Shuo,Duan Yiru,Li Lianpeng,Duan Ran,Liu Zhongqiu,Li Baokuan(518)

Numerical simulation of pulverized coal injection blending with iron-bearing dust in blast furnace process……Zhu Pengxuan,Gao Qiangjian,Xiao Xuhang,Zheng Haiyan,Jiang Xin,Shen Fengman(525)

Effect of electromagnetic stirring mode on flow characteristics of molten steel in bloom mold…………………………………………………………Mei Deyun,Chen Min,Yang Xianglan,Xuan Mingtao(532)

Kinetic analysis of the thermal decomposition process of Jarosite and its effect on cement clinker preparation………………………………Fu Yan,Xie Feng,Wu Shulin,Lu Diankun,Ge Hui,Wang Wei(540)

Effect of lithium-manganese molar ratio on the preparation of Li1.6Mn1.6O4by hydrothermal method……………………………………………Liu Xiao,Li Fenghua,Li Yingnan,Yang He,Chen Xiaozhi(547)

OptimizationofSmproductionbyvacuum LathermalreductionofSm2O3based onheat transferinthe pellets bed…………………………………………………………Fu Daxue,ZhangYongjian,Tu Ganfeng,Chen Jianshe,Li Binchuan,Sun Shuchen,Han Xiaoliang,Wei Jinhai(553)

Effect and mechanism of sodium hexametaphosphate on the suspension performance of ceria……………………………………………………………Yang Mingjun,BianXue,LiYanping,WuWenyuan(559)

Preparation andCa2+doping modification of ternary LiNi0.7Co0.15Mn0.15O2………………………………………………………………………………………………………Chen Yanheng,Tian Xiaolong(566)

Synthesis andelectrochemicalpropertiesofLiMg0.02Mn1.98O4cathode materialsby solid-state combustion method……………………………ChenYifei,Yan Mei,Xiang Mingwu,Bai Wei,Guo Junming(573)

Preparation of porous nickel-cobalt-based selenideand its electrocatalytic performance for urea oxidation reaction ……Ren Lili,Zhang Wanting,Xie Erwei,Qiao Yonglian,Zhang Yue,Feng Zhongbao(582)

Effect of long-term service on fatigue crack propagation behavior of P91 steel steam pipe joint…………………………………Tian Chengchuan,ZhaoHai,Tian Ni,Liu Yang,Li Xiaohui,Wang Weilin(588)

Numerical simulation of MILD oxygen enriched combustion in a walking beam slab reheating furnace……………………………………………Pan bo,Hu Xianzhong,Yu Qingbo,Qin Qin,Zhao Yu(595)

Discrete element simulation of ternary particle mixing in a rotating drum………………………………………………………………………………………Rong Wenjie,Qu Lintao,Li Jiayu,Li Baokuan(602)


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