

贵金属 2023年4期





◎ 贵金属冶金

银氧化锡合金废料电解综合回收工艺研究 44 1 21

高岭石对氰化浸金的影响及助浸研究 44 1 26

新疆某金矿浮选药剂优化试验研究 44 1 34

某厂含锑金矿浮选工艺改进研究 44 1 39

多硫化物微细粒浸染型金矿回收金试验研究 44 1 47

含铑冶金原料的浸出工艺现状及研究进展 44 1 74

含钌废催化剂回收钌的技术综述 44 1 81

响应曲面法优化NaClO浸出贵州难浸金矿中的金 44 2 62

氯化铅渣中铜、银和铅的分步浸出回收 44 2 69

某高硫微细粒金矿选冶试验研究 44 2 75

铂的萃取分离技术研究进展 44 2 81

山东某含金磁黄铁矿浮选尾矿磁选回收试验研究 44 3 22

基于工艺矿物学分析提高金浮选尾矿选矿回收率的研究 44 3 31

卡林型金矿的HClO4-FeCl3浸出及正交试验研究 44 3 35

H2SO4分解铁-FeCl3浸出焙烧金精矿中金 44 3 40

四川某低品位微细粒氧化金矿非氰浸出试验研究 44 3 46

锌丝置换氰化镀银废水中低浓度银的研究及应用 44 3 51

锌粉置换回收锑精矿碱浸液中的金 44 4 28

含铜污泥还原熔炼过程金银捕集分布规律研究 44 4 32

从失效钌锌催化剂中回收钌的工艺研究 44 4 37

从失效丙烷脱氢催化剂中回收铂 44 4 43

从铅银渣中回收金银概况 44 4 91

◎ 贵金属材料

Ir/HfO2复合涂层的制备及性能研究 44 1 1

混合稀土对金银铜合金组织及硬度的影响 44 1 7

生物可降解梯度多孔Fe-3Ag/HA复合材料的制备与性能研究 44 1 14

键合界面金属间化合物对可靠性影响的研究现状 44 1 92

不同剪切速率下锡银铜系/镍金焊点的断裂行为研究 44 2 1

Pd-20W合金的热压缩变形行为和显微组织 44 2 9

In对SnBiAg焊料微观结构及力学性能的影响 44 2 15

空气主要组分在Ag表面的吸附行为研究 44 2 22

球磨法对氧化铝镀银材料导电性能的影响 44 2 29

AuNiCu合金摩擦磨损的分子动力学模拟 44 3 57

银基稀土电接触材料的研究进展和展望 44 3 67

晶硅太阳能电极银浆用银粉的后处理方法综述 44 3 76

低温烧结高导热纳米银纸的制备及其烧结工艺研究 44 4 55

Au-20Sn贵金属钎料箔材的制备及性能研究 44 4 62

轧制和退火对爆炸焊接Ag/Ti复合板组织和力学性能的影响 44 4 69

高温电阻应变合金的研究及应用进展 44 4 74

Ir-Re合金涂层的研究进展 44 4 85

◎ 贵金属化学和催化

超细银粒子在氮化碳表面的可控生长及其光催化性能 44 1 54

有机液体储氢技术中催化剂应用的研究进展 44 1 86

可再生锌离子纳米金传感器的制备及其性能研究 44 2 36

钌基双金属聚酞菁电催化析氧性能研究 44 2 44

柠檬酸钠-施氏假单胞菌还原制备纳米银及抑菌活性研究 44 2 50

柴油机颗粒物-氮氧化物减排系统贵金属催化剂研究进展 44 2 88

稀土在直接甲醇燃料电池铂基催化剂中的应用及研究进展 44 2 95

沉淀剂对Ru-Zn催化剂催化苯选择加氢性能的影响 44 3 1

Rh(I)中间体及抗高血压药物用手性催化剂的合成及性能研究 44 3 7

一种联吡啶类铱配合物的合成及光物理性能测试 44 3 13

制备条件对卡斯特铂催化剂稳定性影响的研究 44 3 18

汽油机颗粒捕集催化剂研究进展 44 3 83

铑在三效催化剂中的应用 44 3 90

两种离子型铱配合物的合成、光物理性质及对OH-的检测 44 4 1

四(亚硝基)合钯酸钾的合成、单晶结构及其循环伏安特征 44 4 9

Ag-P改性g-C3N4的可见光催化活性研究 44 4 14

铜-氨-硫代硫酸盐体系金溶出影响因素的电化学研究 44 4 20

◎ 贵金属分析测试

贵金属三效催化剂空燃比特性的全智能分析方法 44 1 59

银碲保护-铋试金灰吹-ICP-MS测定地质样品中的贵金属 44 1 67

碱熔-碲共沉淀-ICP-AES法测定二次资源物料中的钌 44 2 57

黑色页岩贵金属成分分析标准物质研制 44 4 49


Content Index of 2023

LI Kaizhong, YIN Junmei

Editorial Office


◎ Metallurgy

Study on the recovery process of silver and tin from silver tin oxide alloy scrap 44 1 21

Study on the effect of kaolinite on cyanide leaching of gold and its aid 44 1 26

Experimental study on optimizing flotation reagents for a gold ore in Xinjiang 44 1 34

Study on improvement of flotation process of antimony-bearing gold ore in a plant 44 1 39

Experimental study on gold recovery from polysulfide fine-grained disseminated gold mines 44 1 47

Status and research progress of leaching technology for rhodium-containing metallurgical materials 44 1 74

A review on ruthenium recovery from ruthenium-containing waste catalysts 44 1 81

Optimization of NaClO leaching process of gold from refractory gold ores in Guizhou by response surface methodology 44 2 62

Stepwise leaching and recovery of copper, silver and lead from lead chloride slag 44 2 69

Experimental study on beneficiation and metallurgy of a high sulfur micro fine grained gold deposit 44 2 75

Research progress in the separation of platinum by solvent extraction 44 2 81

Experimental study on the recovery of a gold-bearing pyrrhotite flotation tailings in Shandong by using magnetic separation technique 44 3 22

Study on improving floatation tailings of a gold mineral recovery based on process mineralogy analysis 44 3 31

Study on HClO4-FeCl3leaching and orthogonal test of Carlin-type gold ore 44 3 35

Extraction of gold from roasted gold concentrate by decomposing iron with H2SO4combined with leaching with FeCl344 3 40

Experimental study on non-cyanide leaching of a low grade oxidized micro fine gold ore in Sichuan 44 3 46

Recovery of silver in wastewater from cyanide silver plating by replacement with zinc wire 44 3 51

Recovery of gold from alkali leached solution of antimony concentrate by replacement of gold with zinc powder 44 4 28

Study on distribution of gold and silver capture during reduction smelting of copper sludge 44 4 32

Study on the process of recovering ruthenium from spent ruthenium-zinc catalyst 44 4 37

Recovery of platinum from spent propane dehydrogenation catalyst 44 4 44

Overview of recovery of gold and silver from silver and lead slag 44 4 91

◎ Materials

Preparation and properties of Ir/HfO2composite coatings 44 1 1

Effect of mixed rare-earth elements on microstructure and hardness of AuAgCu alloy 44 1 7

Study on Preparation and properties of biodegradable gradient porous Fe-3Ag/HA composites 44 1 14

Research status of the influence of bonding interface intermetallic compounds on reliability 44 1 92

Fracture behavior of Sn-Ag-Cu solder joints on Ni(P)/Au surface-finished substrates at different shear rates 44 2 1

Hot compression behavior and microstructure of Pd-20W alloy 44 2 9

Effect of In on microstructure and mechanical properties of SnBiAg solders 44 2 15

Study on adsorption behavior of the main components of air on Ag surface 44 2 22

The effect of ball milling on the conductivity of silver plated on the surface of alumina 44 2 29

Molecular dynamics simulation of friction and wear of AuNiCu alloy 44 3 57

Recent research progress and prospects of silver-based rare earth electrical contact materials 44 3 67

A review on the post treatment methods of silver powder for conductive paste of crystalline silicon-based solar electrodes 44 3 76

Study on preparation and sintering process of silver nanowire film with a high thermal conductivity 44 4 55

Study on preparation and properties of Au-20Sn precious metal soldering foil 44 4 62

Effects of rolling and annealing on microstructures and mechanical properties of explosion welded Ag/Ti composite plate 44 4 69

Progress on research and application of strain alloys resistant to high temperature 44 4 74

Research progress in iridium-rhenium alloy coating 44 4 85

◎ Chemistry & Catalysis

Study on controllable growth and photocatalytic properties of ultrafine silver particles on the surface of carbon nitride 44 1 54

Research progress in the application of catalysts for liquid organic hydrogen carrier technology 44 1 86

Preparation and performance of nano-gold as a renewable sensor for Zn2+44 2 36

Study on performance of electrocatalytic oxygen evolution over Ru-based bimetallic polyphthalocyanine 44 2 44

Preparation of nano-silver by sodium citrate -reduction and its antibacterial activity 44 2 50

Research progress in precious metal catalysts for diesel particulate matter-nitrogen oxide emission reduction system 44 2 88

Application and research progress of rare-earth matals in platinum catalysts for direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC) 44 2 95

Influence of precipitants on catalytic performance of Ru-Zn catalysts in selective hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexene 44 3 1

Synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance of [Rh(COD)(S,S)-Meduphos)] in the antihypertensive drug Ramipril 44 3 7

Synthesis and photophysical properties of iridium phosphorescent complexe with bipyridine as auxiliary ligand 44 3 13

Study on the influence of preparation conditions on the stability of Karstedt platinum catalyst 44 3 18

Research progress on catalyzed gasoline particulate filter 44 3 83

Application of rhodium in three-way catalysts 44 3 90

Synthesis, photophysical properties and OH-recognition of two cationic iridium complexes 44 4 1

Synthesis, single-crystal structure and cyclic voltammetry of potassium tetranitropalladate(II) 44 4 9

Study on visible light catalytic activity of Ag-P modified g-C3N444 4 14

Electrochemical study on the factors affecting the dissolution of gold in the copper-ammonia-thiosulfate system 44 4 20

◎ Test & Analysis

A fully intelligent analysis method for air-to-fuel ratio characteristics of precious metal-based three-way catalysts 44 1 59

Determination of precious metals in geological samples by ICP-MS following bismuth fire assay under the protection of silver tellurium 44 1 67

Determination of ruthenium contents in secondary resource by ICP-AES after alkali fusion-tellurium coprecipitation 44 2 57

Development of reference materials for composition analysis of precious metals in black shale 44 4 49

60 Articles

(第44卷终/End of Volume 44)


节前做多情绪不浓 贵金属一枝独秀