Historic Centre of Florence佛罗伦萨历史中心


疯狂英语·初中版 2023年2期



Florence was built on the site of an Etruscan settlement.This Tuscan city became a symbol of the Renaissance duringthe early Medici period (between the 15th and the 16thcenturies), reaching 1)extraordinary levels of economic andcultural development. The present historic centre covers 505ha and is 2)bounded by the remains of the city’s 14th-centurywalls. These walls are represented by surviving gates, towers,and the two Medici strongholds: that of Saint John the Baptist inthe north, popularly known as “da Basso”, and the Fort of SanGiorgio del Belvedere located among the hills of the south side.The Arno River runs east and west through the city and a seriesof bridges connects its two banks including Ponte Vecchio andPonte Santa Trinita.

Seven hundred years of cultural and artistic blooming aretangible today in the 14th-century Cathedral of Santa Maria del

Fiore, the Church of Santa Croce,the Palazzo Vecchio, the Uffizigallery, and the Palazzo Pitti. Thecity’s history is further evident in theartistic works of great masters suchas Giotto, Brunelleschi, Botticelliand Michelangelo.

The Historic Centre of Florence can be 3)perceived as aunique social and urban achievement, which includes museums,churches, buildings and artworks of immeasurable worth.Florence had an overwhelming influence on the development ofarchitecture and the fine arts, first in Italy, and then in Europe.It is within the context of Florence that the 4)concept of theRenaissance came to be. This heritage bestows upon Florenceunique historical and aesthetic qualities.

Overthecenturies ,Florence’s location also proved5)optimal for agriculture andtrade. The surrounding46Crazy landscape was well-suited toraising crops and livestock, andland-and water-based traderoutes—the Arno in particular—passed through or near the city.Today, multiple bridges connectthe northern and southernhalves of Florence across theArno. Spanning the river at itsnarrowest point is the PonteVecchio (“Old Bridge”). Earlierbridges built at or around thesame spot had washed away in floods, but this bridge haslasted since 1345.

Modern structures with big footprints 6)interrupt the sea ofred-tile roofs north of the river. Near the center of town, railroadtracks draw parallel lines running north-northwest. West of thetracks and immediately north of the river are racetracks. Nearthe east of the town sit sports stadiums. Although dwarfedby modern train tracks and racetracks, many of the smaller buildings near the center of town are far more famous. In aplaza north of the river, not far from the Ponte Vecchio, sit theFlorence Cathedral (Santa Maria del Fiore) and the Baptistery.The cathedral appears as a cross-shaped building casting a bigshadow to the north. Its neighbor to the west, the Baptistery, isbright white.

Santa Maria del Fiore towers above the city skyline.The building was started in the thirteenth century but theconstruction of its dome was not completed until the fifteenth,overseen by the architect Filippo Brunelleschi. With a meandiameter of 143.5 feet (43.7 meters) and a height of 295 feet(89.9 meters), the dome was the biggest built since Antiquity. Bysome estimates, the Duomo remains the largest masonry dometoday.

The Baptistery may be the oldest surviving building inFlorence. The 7)belief that the Baptistery originated as a Roman Temple of Mars persisted for centuries. Even though the time ofthe Baptistery’s construction remains a matter of research anddebate, excavations have 8)indicated that the building sits onfoundations dating from the first through third centuries AD.

1) extraordinary adj. 非同尋常的

2) bound v. 形成……的边界

3) perceive v. 感知;认为

4) concept n. 概念

5) optimal adj. 最优的;最佳的

6) interrupt v. 打断;遮挡

7) belief n. 信念;相信

8) indicate v. 表明;显示


a symbol of ……的象征

have a/an...influence on 对……有……影响

in particular 尤其;特别

date from 追溯到

佛罗伦萨是在意大利古国伊特鲁里亚的一个定居点上建立起来的。在美第奇时代早期(15世纪到16 世纪之间),这座托斯卡纳城市成为文艺复兴的象征,无论是经济还是文化,都发展到了非凡的水平。现在的历史中心以该市14 世纪城墙遗迹为界,占地505公顷。在这些城墙上,有残存的城门、塔楼和两座美第奇堡垒:北部的施洗者圣约翰堡(俗称“达巴索”),以及位于南侧山区的圣乔治德尔贝尔维德尔。阿尔诺河自东向西穿城而过,两岸由众多桥梁互相连通,包括维奇奥桥和圣特里尼塔桥。






洗礼堂可能是佛罗伦萨现存最古老的建筑。数百年来,人们一直认为洗礼堂起源于罗马马尔斯神庙。尽管洗礼堂的建造时间仍然有待考证并充满争议,但发掘出来古迹表明,该建筑的地基可以追溯至公元1 世纪到3 世纪。


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