

文化交流 2022年12期



最令浙江人引以为傲的也是瓷器,因为华美莹澈的浙江青瓷是世界陶瓷的母窑。世界考古史表明,最早的陶瓷是中国人烧造的,其中最早发明瓷器的就是浙江人。传统观点认为,公元前8000~2000 年,中国人发明了陶器,但浙江近些年在浦江县上山文化堆积层中,发掘出一万年前的陶器制品,使得中国陶器史向前推进了二三千年(最近江西万年县仙人洞遗址的考古发掘,更是将中国陶器制作历史推至两万年前)。






宋代龙泉五管盖瓶。浙江省博物馆/展出A five-spouted jar made at the Longquan Kilns and dated to the Song period, on display at the Zhejiang Provincial Museum.

宋元龙泉窑青瓷。大英博物馆/收藏Celadon wares made at the Longquan Kilns and dated to the Song period, collected at the British Museum.

上林湖越窑博物馆内展品。Cultural relics are on display at the Shanglin Lake Yue Kilns Museum in Ningbo city, Zhejiang province.

上林湖越窑博物馆内展品。Cultural relics are on display at the Shanglin Lake Yue Kilns Museum in Ningbo city, Zhejiang province.





那么,又该如何看龙泉大窑青瓷釉色呢? 南宋赵彦卫的《云麓漫钞》是最早记载龙泉青瓷呈色的:“青瓷器,皆云出自李王,号秘色,又曰出钱王。今处之龙溪出者色粉青,越乃艾色。”这是古人对龙泉粉青釉鉴定的说法,也给了今人在判断龙泉青瓷与其他窑口青瓷之区别时的一些启示。





五代越窑五管盖瓶。A five-spouted jar made at the Yue Kilns and dated to the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.

南宋官窑出戟花觚。故宫博物院/收藏A wintergreen celadon goblet unearthed from the Southern Song Dynasty Guan Kilns, collected at the Palace Museum.

浙江省博物馆举办的南宋龙泉青瓷展展品。A Longquan celadon pot is on display at the Zhejiang Provincial Museum.

浙江省博物馆举办的南宋龙泉青瓷展展品。Two Longquan celadon pots are on display at the Zhejiang Provincial Museum.






从东南亚及欧美仿造浙江青瓷的历史看,前500 年属低仿,科技含量和工艺水平无法达到浙江的高超技艺。后500年中国内乱外患,青瓷发展停滞,西方开始文艺复兴运动和工业革命,而我们的青瓷制作水平仍停留在恢复阶段。20年来,浙江青瓷在政府与民众的不懈努力下,重回高光时刻,龙泉青瓷在世博会和G20杭州峰会上又大放异彩。


Zhejiang Celadon:“Mother” of World’s Porcelain

By Hong Jiaxiang

Wherever you go in the world, whether like it or not, as long as you are Chinese, you will be naturally associated with porcelain.This association cannot simply be shaken off or erased, because you have the culture of porcelain flowing in your veins: China is porcelain, and porcelain is China.

上林湖越窑博物馆内的展品。Cultural relics are on display at the Shanglin Lake Yue Kilns Museum in Ningbo city, Zhejiang province.

What has made Zhejiang people most proud is also porcelain,because Zhejiang celadon is the “mother” of the world’s porcelain.Archaeological studies show that the earliest ceramics were made by the Chinese people, and the earliest porcelain was made by the Zhejiang people. Traditional views held that pottery was invented in around 8000 to 2000 BC, but sherds unearthed in Shangshan Archeological Site in Zhejiang’s Pujiang county proved to be over 10,000 years old, pushing the history of Chinese pottery back by 2,000-3,000 years. More recently, archeological finds at the Xianren (or Immortals) Cave in Wannian county, neighboring Jiangxi province have pushed it further back, to 20,000 years ago.

Nevertheless, the earliest kiln site producing China’s protoporcelain, Huoshao Mountain Kiln site, is located in Zhejiang’s Deqing county, with a history of more than 8,000 years.

Chen Wanli (1892-1969), a foremost ceramics expert in the Palace Museum, had a special fondness for Zhejiang celadon.He believed that “of the history of Chinese ceramics, half lies in Zhejiang”, and the celadon from the Yue Kiln and the Longquan Kiln comprises the major part of Zhejiang’s ceramics history. In fact, as the “mother” kiln of porcelain in China and the world, the profound historical and practical significance of Yue Kiln and its celadon products is far from being fully explored.

The beauty of Yue Kiln lies in the bright and clear celadon it produced, which is as gentle as jade. More than 1,000 years ago, Lu Qiumeng, a Tang dynasty (618-907) poet, once declared,“When the Yue Kiln opens in late autumn, the verdant celadon cover a thousand mountain peaks,” describing the spectacular scene of porcelain-making at the Yue Kiln during his time. Tang literati were fond of drinking tea and the Yue celadon happens to show the perfect greenness of the tea.

After the Tang dynasty, Yue celadon blossomed everywhere in Zhejiang. In the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period(907-979), Yue celadon reached its peak. It was when the “Mise Ware” (mise literally means “secret color”), the finest type of Yue celadon, emerged, with the product quality, glaze and innovative production all at the top. Indeed, almost all the famous kilns that later followed, even the “eight great kilns” in the Northern Song dynasty (960-1127), were deeply influenced by the Yue Kiln.

The Yue celadon in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdom period was smooth in glaze and transparent in layers, with more appealing shapes. At the same time, the strengths of Yue celadon in decoration from previous dynasties were passed down and further developed, as surface-pattern carving and printing techniques reached a highly mature stage. During that period, the Yue celadon was delicate, and the glaze thin and uniform, making decoration themes more diverse. Whether it is the carving of flowers, birds and figures, or the tide patterns of rivers, lakes and seas, the subjects were varied and vivid. Lotus petal decoration, in particular, was the first of its kind in a generation, and its changes became hallmarks of dynastic transformation in the Song (960-1279), Yuan (1206-1368), Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1616-1911) eras. It not only inherited the characteristics of gold- and silverware, bronze mirrors and embroidery of the Tang dynasty,but also had a rigorous composition, with constantly innovated exquisite patterns, representing the highest level of Zhejiang celadon since the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.

作者在上海博物馆参加古瓷鉴定活动。The author attends a porcelain-appraisal event at the Shanghai Museum.

For more than 40 years, I have been to almost all the kiln sites in northern Fujian and Henan, as well as the ancient kiln sites in Hebei, Shanxi, Anhui and Jiangxi, helping identify the Shanglin Lake Yue celadon products unearthed in these places.Some of them are more exquisite than the “Five Famous Song Kiln Sites” in terms of their shapes and glaze, and I found that they have been inherited from the Yue Kiln. In lectures in London, or in training courses with with top domestic appraisal experts in Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, everyone agreed with my assessment that Zhejiang’s Yue celadon of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms is the “mother” of all the Song dynasty porcelain,and there is a clear relationship of inheritance, absorption and development.

When it came to the Song dynasty, the Guan Kiln and the Ge Kiln, which would later stun the world, emerged, and the celadon wares with pink blue and plum green colors produced by Longquan appeared. In recent years, when collecting ancient Chinese porcelain artworks, international collectors would invariably choose Zhejiang celadon wares and regard them as the most important. They believe that Zhejiang celadon has the longest history and high cultural and artistic value, worthy of permanent collection. No wonder, as the Longquan Kiln was another peak of Chinese celadon production in Zhejiang after the Yue Kiln.

Ample archeological evidence has shown that the Longquan celadon wares had already been widely used in the imperial court and by nobles in the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279). Even if not government-run, the Longquan Kiln was at least a famous civilian-operated kiln site providing exquisite celadon to officials and the public alike.

Huang Binhong (1865-1955), a well-known painter who hailed from Zhejiang’s Jinhua city, often described the highest level of Chinese painting and Longquan celadon as “Hun Hou Hua Zi”(roughly translated as “profound and gentle”). This is inseparable from the fact that Huang opened an antique shop with his father in Jinhua in his early years and immersed himself in Longquan celadon since childhood. For me, Huang evaluation of Longquan celadon is accurate, which captures the features of its beautiful shape and glaze.

In March 1999, I interviewed Xu Chaoxing, a great master of Longquan celadon and a deputy to the National People’s Congress. He believed that Longquan celadon has a production history of more than 1,000 years, and of Zhejiang’s celadon, it is the celadon with the longest production period, the widest distribution in terms of kiln sites, the highest product quality, the largest production scale and the largest export range in the history of Chinese ceramics. In the late Qing dynasty, Longquan Kiln was somewhat in decline, which was related to the fact that it was not included in the “Five Famous Kilns” in the Ming dynasty.However, great importance has been attached to Longquan celadon, but its real historical significance and value still need to be further discovered.

I once went to Sotheby’s in London to deliver lectures. It so happened at the time that the auction prices of Chinese blue and white porcelain as well as its Southern Song dynasty Longquan celadon surpassed those of European and American oil paintings for the first time. A well-known British collector once said: it will be another thirty years before the Chinese truly understand the incomparable Zhejiang celadon and the wealth that the Song dynasty porcelain could generate.

I answered him with a smile: those Zhejiang people who got rich first were already prepared for celadon investment. In Ningbo, Shaoxing, Lishui and Hangzhou, there are not only wellprotected celadon kiln sites, collectors from these and other places also make frequent appearance in the auction market at home and abroad. Many collectors I know of are opening museums, holding seminars and establishing celadon studios and workshops in order to discover, study and spread ancient Chinese ceramic culture,especially the celadon and master kiln culture of Zhejiang.

Based on years of research, I once gave a lecture during a training session at the National Development and Reform Commission. I proposed that Zhejiang celadon was the first generation of high-end scientific and technological products created and fired in China before the Industrial Revolution, and it eventually became the first batch of bulk commodities for art exchange globally. The craftsmanship of Zhejiang’s celadon-making has led the world for thousands of years.

The rapid economic development of Zhejiang over the past three decades is also steeped in this profound history and culture, and under the background of high-end craft design and commercial workshop model. Step by step, through inheritance,innovation and expansion, the strong scientific, technological and industrial power of ancient Zhejiang, which once led the economic growth and cultural exchange of the ancient world, was made all the more evident.

It is precisely this inherent force of history and culture that continues to power the economic and cultural development of Zhejiang, now led by artificial intelligence, machine manufacturing and e-commerce, among others.

In September 2009, the UNESCO inscribed the traditional firing technology of Longquan celadon on its Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, the only ceramic item on the list. Zhejiang celadon, as the incomparable “mother”porcelain of the world, deserved to be recognized as such. This is the historical glory of Zhejiang and its pride forever.


唐 越窑秘色瓷八棱瓶
浙江上虞禁山早期越窑遗址考古发掘 青瓷溯源