A Brave Voyage Across the Ocean跨越海洋的勇敢航行
故事讲述了主宰风和海的半神毛伊(Maui)偷走了女神特菲提(Te Fiti)之心,导致岩浆魔鬼厄卡(Te Ka)陷入疯狂的状态,南太平洋各小岛也面临着毁灭的威胁。一千多年后,某小岛上的酋长之女莫阿娜(Moana)在父母的呵护下渐渐长大。童年时,她曾偶然捡到“特菲提之心”,亦曾受到大海的召唤。然而,父亲却严厉禁止莫阿娜出海,即使他们的小岛正遭受着毁灭的威胁。从奶奶那里,莫阿娜知晓了他们这一族人的历史。于是为了拯救小岛,她毅然出海去寻找被困在某地的毛伊,好让他归还“特菲提之心”。历尽千辛万苦,莫阿娜终于见到了这个传说中高傲自大的半神。然而,毛伊却因为担心“特菲提之心”会带来霉运,而拒绝完成这一使命。最后,在命运的指引下,毛伊不得不随着莫阿娜踏上了波澜壮阔的海洋冒险之旅。
Scene A
Moana: We were voyagers(航海者). We were voyagers! Whyd we stop?
Grandma: Maui! When he stole(偷) from the Mother Island, darkness fell. Te Ka awoke. Monsters(怪物) lurked(潜伏) and boats stopped coming back. To protect(保护) our people, the ancient(古代的) chiefs forbid(禁止) voyaging. And now we have forgotten who we are. And the darkness has continued(继续) to spread(蔓延), chasing away our fish, draining(使耗尽) the life from island after island.
Moana: Our island?
Grandma:: But one day, someone will journey beyond our reef(暗礁), find Maui, deliver him across the great ocean, to restore(归还) the heart of Te Fiti. I was there that day. The ocean chose you!
Moana: I thought it was a dream. Ah! (The ocean plays with Moana.)
Grandma: Nope! Our ancestors(祖先) believed Maui lies there, at the bottom of his hook(钩). Follow it, and you will find him.
Moana: But, why would it choose me? I dont even know how to make it past the reef ... But I know who does!
Scene B
Moana: How do you get your tattoos(纹身)?
Maui: They show up(出现) when I earn(获得) them.
Moana: Howd you earn that one? Whats that for?
Maui: Thats a mans discovery(发现) of Nanya.
Moana: Whats Nanya?
Maui: None ya business.
Moana: Ill just keep asking. Whats it for?
Maui: You need to stop doing that. Back off!
Moana: Just tell me what it is!
Maui: I said back off.
Moana: Is it why your hooks not working?
Maui & Moana: Ah! (Maui throws Moana into the sea.)
Moana: You dont wanna talk? Dont talk. You wanna throw me off the boat? Throw me off. You wanna tell me I dont know what I am doing? I know I dont. I have no idea why the ocean chose me. Youre right. But, my island is dying. So I am here. Its just me and you. And I want to help. But I cant if you dont let me.
Maui: I wasnt born a demigod(半神半人). I had human parents. They took one look and decided they did not want me. They threw me into the sea, like I was nothing. Somehow I was found by the gods. They gave me the hook. They made me ... Maui. And back to the humans I went. I gave them islands, fire, coconuts. Anything they could ever want.
Moana: You took the heart for them. You did everything for them. So theyd love you.
Maui: It was never enough.
Moana: Maybe the gods found you for a reason. Maybe the ocean brought you to them. Because it saw someone who is worthy(值得的) of being saved. But the gods arent the ones who make you Maui. You are.
Maui & Moana: Ah! (Maui throws Moana into the sea.)
Moana: You dont wanna talk? Dont talk. You wanna throw me off the boat? Throw me off. You wanna tell me I dont know what I am doing? I know I dont. I have no idea why the ocean chose me. Youre right. But, my island is dying. So I am here. Its just me and you. And I want to help. But I cant if you dont let me.
Maui: I wasnt born a demigod(半神半人). I had human parents. They took one look and decided they did not want me. They threw me into the sea, like I was nothing. Somehow I was found by the gods. They gave me the hook. They made me ... Maui. And back to the humans I went. I gave them islands, fire, coconuts. Anything they could ever want.
Moana: You took the heart for them. You did everything for them. So theyd love you.
Maui: It was never enough.
Moana: Maybe the gods found you for a reason. Maybe the ocean brought you to them. Because it saw someone who is worthy(值得的) of being saved. But the gods arent the ones who make you Maui. You are.
Let's Learn!
None ya business.不关你事,其中ya是you的口语读法。这是非常口语化且不规范的说法,规范的说法应是:None of your business.
Know More!
In the beginning, there was only ocean.
This suits you.
Whatever just happened, blame it on the pig!
Im his mom. I dont have to tell him anything.
The ocean doesnt help you, you help yourself!
莫阿娜:你不想说?那就别说了。你想把我扔下船?那就扔吧。你想说我根本不知道自己在干什么,我确实不知道。我也不知道大海为什么选择了我,你说得对。但是,我的小岛正在消亡,所以我来了。现在只剩下你和我,我想帮你,但如果你不愿意, 我就没法做到。