王振华,胡贵荣,刘宁宁,刘娉楠,曹 缘,张栋楠
王振华,胡贵荣,刘宁宁,刘娉楠,曹 缘,张栋楠
(1. 石河子大学水利建筑工程学院,石河子 832000;2. 现代节水灌溉兵团重点实验室,石河子 832000;3. 兵团工业技术研究院,石河子 832000)
0 引 言
国内外对文丘里施肥器的研究主要聚焦于对称文丘里施肥器,研究的主要技术手段包括吸肥性能测试试验[8-10]、计算流体动力学(Calculate Fluid Dynamics,CFD)数值仿真[11-14],高速摄像技术[15-16]等。研究涵盖了文丘里施肥器性能测试、结构参数优化、样件工程应用等方面,形成了较为完善的结构设计及优化方法[17]。针对现有文丘里施肥器的不足,诸多学者对其进行结构参数优化或结构创新:李欢等[18-19]分别设计了螺纹式文丘里施肥器及四通道并联文丘里施肥器,使得文丘里施肥器的吸肥流量得到了明显提升,但仍存在喉部负压利用率较低、吸肥临界压差较高的问题。范兴科等[20]设计了一种偏心向上的非对称文丘里施肥器,并进行了物理试验,研究表明非对称文丘里施肥器水头损失更小、吸肥临界压差明显降低。王海涛等[21]通过CFD数值仿真技术对比分析了对称文丘里施肥器与非对称文丘里施肥器的流场分布差异,指出非对称文丘里施肥器喉部多方向速度碰撞少是其水头损失较小的主要原因。
1 材料与方法
1.1 结构模型
表1 文丘里施肥器结构参数
1.2 数值仿真
采用CFD技术进行流场可视化展示。采用UG12.0建立三维模,利用ANSYS Mesh 19.0进行网格划分。为提高计算精度并尽可能减少计算量,需进行网格无关性验证,以得到最佳网格尺寸。Zhang等[23]研究表明,计算精度主要受网格尺寸的影响,与计算工况相关性较小,因此本文在进水口为0.11 MPa、出口为0.04 MPa、进肥口为0 MPa的工况下进行网格无关性验证,检验指标为吸肥流量变化率,得到吸肥流量变化率与网格数之间的关系(图2)。当计算结果差异小于0.5%时,可认为网格密度对计算结果的精度影响不大,可用作计算网格[24]。综合考虑计算精度和计算成本,确定模型网格计算单元总数95.94万,此时最佳网格划分策略是全局最大尺寸为1.05 mm,针对进水口、水肥出口、进肥口、喉部进行局部网格加密。
图2 网格数量与吸肥流量变化率曲线关系
计算模型的选择取决于水流通过计算域的流态。前人研究指出,文丘里施肥器内部液体流经收缩段进入喉部时,流向发生变化,喉部流态紊乱,且有较大的压力梯度[25-27],因此本文数值仿真基于压力基求解器,选取Standard-湍流模型,在模型的近壁面采用非平衡壁面函数(Non-Equilibrium Wall Functions)。充分考虑空化效应,采用Mixture多相流模型,将Water-Liquid设置为Phase-1,Water-Vapor设置为Phase-2,激活空化模型中的Zwart-Gerber-Belamri模型。计算过程中,压力速度耦合方程采用SIMPLE算法,设置进水口、进肥口均为压力进口,出口为压力出口。设置进水口压力0.07~0.25 MPa,压力梯度0.02 MPa;进肥口压力设置为0 MPa,出口压力为0.04 MPa(表2),工作环境为1个大气压,计算精度设置为10-5。
1.3 物理试验
为验证数值仿真可靠性,使用PollyPolymer公司提供的精度为0.5 mm的3D打印机,利用HD-50光敏树脂打印试验样件,搭建吸肥性能测试平台(图3)进行试验测试。试验平台采用潜水泵供水,管路安装3个调压阀、2个压力表。试验时吸肥管外接肥液桶供肥,同时通过调节调压阀1、调压阀2、调压阀3控制流经非对称文丘里施肥器的水压。试验过程中设置进水口压力为0.07~0.25 MPa,压力梯度0.02 MPa,出口压力固定为0.04 MPa,吸肥口压力为标准大气压,试验工况如表2。每次试验3 min,用量筒容积法测定不同压力水平下肥液桶试验前后质量差和出口流量,并采用精度为0.001 g的电子天平进行校核。
表2 文丘里施肥器工作压力方案
Note:1is the water inlet pressure;2is the fertilizer inlet pressure;3is the outlet pressure;Dis the difference between inlet and outlet pressure.
1.调压阀1 2.调压阀2 3.非对称文丘里施肥器 4调压阀3 5.压力表1 6.压力表2 7.循环水箱 8.主管 9.支管
图4 数值仿真与物理试验对比
1.4 评价指标
将旋涡特征数据及吸肥性能数据导入origin 2021b(学习版)中,采用Correlation Plot小程序进行分析,其中相关性计算采用Spearman相关系数,数据缺失采用Listwise补缺方式。
1.5 云图处理
将Fluent计算结果导入Tecplot 360中进行后处理。提取文丘里施肥器中轴面上的速度流线分布、湍流动能分布,分别研究其旋涡特征和水力性能。
图5 旋涡边界及中心确定方法
2 结果与分析
2.1 旋涡特征分析
图6为不同D下的文丘里施肥器的速度及流线分布。文丘里施肥器的能量转换过程主要是压力与流速之间的转换,在相同的工作环境下,喉部流速越大,能量转换效率越高[13]。随着D的增大,沿水流方向流速先增大后减小,在喉部流速及流速梯度达到最大。喉管下部的流速比喉管上部的流速高,这是因为喉管上部的水流与吸肥管中的肥液相互掺混,流体相互碰撞导致了较大的局部能量损失,进而使得流速降低。在D相同的情况下,最大流速及最大流速区面积从大到小为F2、F1、DC,D0.07 MPa时,F2、F1、DC喉部的最大流速分别为16.76、15.90、15.01 m/s,平均速度分别为9.21、8.91、8.68 m/s,F2的能量转换效率最高,DC的能量转换效率最低。
表3为不同D下的涡旋特征,随着D从0.03 MPa增加到0.19 MPa,3类文丘里施肥器旋涡中心均向后和向下移动。在F1扩散段及出水直管段内,旋涡面积增加了518.77 mm2,增幅达39.27%,主流面积减少48.83%;在F2的扩散段及出水直管段内,旋涡面积增加了427.00 mm2,增幅达47.97%,主流区减小41.85%;在DC扩散段及出水直管段内,旋涡面积增加了531.25 mm2,增幅达38.51%,主流区减小55.02%;随着D的增加,F1与DC的旋涡面积增加幅度减小,F2的旋涡面积增加幅度增大。在相同工况下,与DC相比,F1旋涡区面积减小3.72%~4.25%,旋涡强度减小1.57%~10.54%;与F1相比,F2的旋涡区面积减小28.41%~42.37%,旋涡强度减小6.64%~35.65%。
图6 不同DP下文丘里施肥器的流线及流速对比
表3 不同DP时的文丘里施肥器旋涡特征
Note:represents the of vortex area,is the minimum distance from the vortex area boundary to the throat end,represents theaxis coordinates of the vortex center point,represents theaxis coordinates of the vortex center point, andrepresents the vortex intensity.
当D=0.03 MPa时,DC与F1旋涡区边界与喉部末端的距离为0,说明旋涡已经对喉部造成了影响,而F2的旋涡区较小,且远离喉部,对喉部的影响较小;随着D的增大,F2的扩散段末端形成较大的旋涡,且旋涡区逐步向喉部发展,旋涡对喉部的影响逐渐增大。其原因是与F1相比,F2的扩散段前端与喉部平滑过度,扩散角度较小,不利于旋涡发展;F2扩散段末端的扩散角度较大,导致偏斜流动和回流现象明显,从而产生较大的旋涡,同时随着D的增大,喉部负压增加,在出口压力不变时,逆压梯度增大,导致旋涡区逐渐向喉部发展。与F1、F2相比,DC的扩散段是向两边扩散,其偏斜流动更加明显,主流区主要集中在扩散段远离吸肥管的一侧,从而在其扩散段中形成了更大的旋涡。
2.2 湍流动能分布特征
a. DP=0.03 MPab. DP=0.15 MPac. DP=0.19 MPa
随着D的增大,F2的最大湍流动能逐渐向扩散段中部移动,其原因是随着D的增大,旋涡区逐步向喉部发展,旋涡区回水与主流区中的水发生碰撞,同时该部分产生边界层分离现象,增加了流动阻力损失,导致湍流强度增加。当D<0.15 MPa时,相同工况下,F2的最大湍流动能及其分布区域均小于F1,表明在较低的工作压差下,F2的能量损失较小。当D=0.19 MPa时,DC的最大湍流动能也向着扩散段中部移动,这是因为DC的扩散段向两侧扩散,使得主流区更加远离吸肥管一侧,产生了边界层分离现象,同时远离吸肥管一侧的流向发生转变,多方向速度碰撞增加,湍流强度增加。
2.3 吸肥性能
当D=0.09 MPa时,F2达到最高吸肥流量,其后吸肥流量逐渐下降(图8a),这是因为随着D的增大,F2的扩散段旋涡逐渐向喉部发育,对喉部的影响逐渐增加,且旋涡区域增大趋势较为明显,形成较大旋涡,旋涡区能量耗散显著增加,降低了吸肥性能。当D=0.13 MPa,DC的吸肥流量达到最大值0.143 m3/h,D=0.15 MPa,,F1达到最大吸肥流量0.156 m3/h,其后F1和DC的吸肥流量趋于稳定,这是因为F1和DC的扩散段的旋涡对喉部负压的影响不随着进出口压差的变化而存在显著性差异,但随着进出口压差的增大,管内逐步出现空蚀空化,抑制了喉部负压的进一步增大,影响了吸肥流量的持续增加。相同工况下,F2的吸肥流量比F1提升50.64%~103.22%,增加幅度随着D的增大逐渐降低;DC的吸肥流量比F1的吸肥流量小16.56%~49.15%,减小幅度随着D的增大逐渐降低,这说明相同结构尺寸下,非对称结构文丘里施肥器比对称结构文丘里施肥器吸肥性能更好。
吸肥效率随着进出口压差的增大逐渐降低,并最终趋于平稳(图8b)。在相同工况下,与DC相比,F1的吸肥效率提升31.23%~56.21%。与F1相比,F2的吸肥效率提升48.15%~98.25%,随着D增大,提升幅度逐渐降低。D>0.09 MPa时,F2的吸肥流量下降明显,而F1达到最大吸肥量之后基本保持不变,导致F2的吸肥效率下降速度比F1更快,表明F1的吸肥量随着压强的变化稳定性较强,且工作范围较大,F2在低压差的工作环境下具有较强的吸肥性能,更加适用于低压滴灌系统。
2.4 旋涡对吸肥性能的影响分析
a. F1b. F2c. DC
Note: * represents significant effect,≤0.05;is the fertilizer absorption flow rate, m3·h-1;represents the Change rate of fertilizer absorption flow,=(q+1-q)/q´100%,=1-9, %;represents fertilizer absorption efficiency, %; the data in the figure is the correlation coefficient, and if it is greater than 0, it means positive correlation, otherwise it means negative correlation.
图9 旋涡特征对吸肥性能的影响
Fig.9 Effects of vortex characteristics on fertilizer absorption performance
3 讨 论
4 结 论
1)随着进出口压差的增大,文丘里施肥器扩散段中的旋涡区面积及旋涡强度增大,旋涡区逐渐向后、向下移动。相同工况下,弧形扩散段的非对称文丘里施肥器旋涡区面积减小28.41%~42.37%,旋涡强度减小6.64%~35.65%。随着进出口压差的增大,弧形扩散段中旋涡区边界到喉部的距离由37.92 mm减小到19.99 mm,对喉部的影响程度逐渐增加。
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Effects of diffusion section structure on vortex characteristics and fertilizer absorption performance of non-axisymmetric Venturi injector
Wang Zhenhua, Hu Guirong, Liu Ningning, Liu Pingnan, Cao Yuan, Zhang Dongnan
(1.,,,832000,; 2.-,,832000,; 3.,,832000,)
Fertilization equipment is one of the important components of low-pressure irrigation systems. A Venturi injector is widely used in the agricultural irrigation system, due to its simple structure, low price, and convenient use. The non-axisymmetric Venturi injector normally presents a better fertilizer absorption performance than the axisymmetric one. There are many studies on the response relationship between the fertilizer absorption performance and structural parameters of the Venturi injector. But, only a few studies are focused on the response relationship between the vortex characteristics and structural parameters. Therefore, this study aims to explore the influence mechanism of vortex on the non-axisymmetric Venturi injector in the low-pressure irrigation system, in order to improve the fertilizer absorption performance. An analysis was made to compare the vortex characteristics, fertilizer absorption performance, and the response relationship between fertilizer absorption performance and vortex characteristics of non-axisymmetric Venturi injectors with arc diffusion section and non-axisymmetric Venturi injectors with linear diffusion section. A test platform was developed to evaluate the fertilizer absorption performance. The fertilizer inlet of the non-axisymmetric Venturi injector was set as the atmospheric pressure, where the outlet was 0.04 MPa, and the water inlet was controlled between 0.07 and 0.25 MPa. A pressure gradient was taken for each 0.02 MPa to carry out the experimental test of fertilizer absorption performance. At the same time, the computational fluid dynamics software was selected to carry out the vortex analysis and visualization of the flow field. The mathematical modeling, meshing and simulation of Venturi injectors were carried out to compare with the physical test. The Tecplot post-processing software was used to analyze the numerical simulation, where the spline curve was used to locate the vortex. The results show that the diffusion section of the non-axisymmetric Venturi injector as an arc structure was conducive to reducing the vortex area, and the local energy loss in the vortex area, in order to improve the energy conversion efficiency of the non-axisymmetric Venturi injector. The vortex area and intensity decreased by 28.41%-42.37%, and 6.64%-35.65%, respectively, in the non-axisymmetric Venturi injector with the arc diffusion section under the same difference between inlet and outlet pressure. Once the outlet pressure was 0.04 MPa, the rate of fertilizer absorbed by the non-axisymmetric Venturi injector with the linear diffusion section increased gradually with the increase of inlet and outlet pressure difference, and finally tended to be stable. However, when the non-axisymmetric Venturi injector with the arc diffusion reached the maximum amount of fertilizer absorption, the amount of fertilizer absorption decreased with the increase of inlet and outlet pressure difference. The non-axisymmetric Venturi injector with the arc diffusion section presented a 50.64%-103.22% and 48.15%-98.25% increase in the amount and efficiency of fertilizer absorption, respectively, compared with the linear diffusion section. There was a gradually reduced increase in the amount of fertilizer absorption and its efficiency with the increase of the inlet and outlet pressure difference. The vortex region presented a significant effect on the fertilizer absorption performance of the non-axisymmetric Venturi injector (≤0.05). The center point of the vortex region was gradually downward and backward with the increase of inlet and outlet pressure difference. When the inlet and outlet pressure difference was 0.03 MPa, the distance between the vortex boundary and the throat of the non-axisymmetric Venturi injector with the linear diffusion section was 0, indicating that the direct impact of the vortex on the formation of negative pressure in the throat. The vortex in the non-axisymmetric Venturi injector in the arc diffusion section was far away from the throat, without a direct effect on the formation of negative pressure in the throat. However, there was a gradually decreased distance between the vortex boundary and the throat of the non-axisymmetric Venturi injector in the arc diffusion section. The influence of the vortex on the throat increased gradually with the increase of the inlet and outlet pressure difference. A decrease in the area or intensity of the vortex area and an increase in the distance from the vortex boundary to the throat can greatly contribute to the better performance of fertilizer absorption in the non-axisymmetric Venturi injector. The finding can provide a strong reference for the structural design of non-axisymmetric Venturi injectors.
CFD; numerical analysis; Venturi injector; diffusion section structure; fertilizer absorption performance; vortex
王振华,胡贵荣,刘宁宁,等. 扩散段结构对非对称文丘里施肥器旋涡特征及吸肥性能的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(16):61-69.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.16.007 http://www.tcsae.org
Wang Zhenhua, Hu Guirong, Liu Ningning, et al. Effects of diffusion section structure on vortex characteristics and fertilizer absorption performance of non-axisymmetric Venturi injector[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(16):61-69. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.16.007 http://www.tcsae.org