(1.中国特种设备检测研究院,北京 100029;2.合肥城市学院,合肥 230001;3.北京化工大学 材料电化学过程与技术北京市重点实验室,北京 100029)
1 试样制备及检测[25]
1.1 失效管实物样
某石化公司烷基化装置表面蒸发式空冷器管内是流动的、压力为0.735 MPa的烃类介质,其进口温度73 ℃、出口温度50 ℃;管外换热介质是室温空气。该空冷器使用14 d后进行气密检验时发现,空冷器管束最下一排的一根换热管与管箱缝隙处出现泄漏,其材质牌号为镀锌20#碳钢管。为此,目测(VI)空冷器管束的整体布局情况,在仔细检查失效部位与远离失效部位时发现,失效管左端表面的镀锌层保持完好,仅有少量附着物;失效管右端基体腐蚀较均匀,未见明显的腐蚀凹坑或者其他腐蚀特征,其上有红褐色腐蚀产物,类似20#钢在大气环境中的腐蚀产物,并且管表面的镀锌层已完全腐蚀掉(图1)。用游标卡尺测量失效管穿孔泄露部位的长度、宽度和厚度等基本参数,在测量腐蚀部位附近管壁厚度(图1右端)时发现,距离腐蚀断口部位2 cm处的管壁厚与设计厚度(2.5 mm)相差不大,说明稍离穿孔泄露部位的管基材腐蚀轻微。但失效部位的管壁厚度仅有1.30 mm,只剩下设计厚度的一半,表明在此处的腐蚀减薄非常严重,减薄速度高达近0.1 mm/d。
图1 表面蒸发式空冷器失效管
1.2 金相样品
由于失效管实物样(图1)的中间部位能够较好地反映管基体的金相组织结构。因此,先在其中间部位截取制作用于金相组织和化学成份分析的样品(1#样品),然后依次用240#、360#、600#、800#和1000#砂纸打磨切割面并抛光,分别用丙酮和无水乙醇清洗后用冷风吹干,再按照GB/T13298-2015《金属显微组织检验方法》中的规定[26],在体积分数4%的硝酸酒精溶液中蚀刻3 min后取出,用自来水冲洗后再用无水乙醇进行脱水处理,再冷风吹干后置于4XC型金相显微镜(MM)下观察其金相组织结构。
1.3 SEM和EDS样品
2 检测结果
2.1 组织与形貌
2.1.1 MM分析
2.1.2 SEM分析
未除去腐蚀产物时2#试样外表面与内表面的SEM形貌分别见图3和图4。从图3可知,低放大倍数下可见管外壁表面较为平整、无缺陷(图3a);较高放大倍数下则明显可见腐蚀产物明暗相间地附着在管外表面(图3b—d);更高放大倍数下(图3e—f)呈片状分布的腐蚀产物颗粒大小不一,粒径平均3 μm左右,最大10 μm左右,且腐蚀产物呈现明暗相间的颜色,说明其为混合物,非单一物质所组成。从图4可知,在低放大倍数下可见,附着在管内壁表面的腐蚀产物疏松多孔(图4a);在较高放大倍数下腐蚀产物层呈多层排列,每层中的腐蚀产物颗粒呈片状分布(图4b—c);在高放大倍数下出现亮暗腐蚀产物颗粒,说明其成分不均匀且为混合物(图4d—f)。
图2 基体(1#样品)金相组织
图3 管外壁表面的SEM形貌(2#样品)
图4 管内壁表面的SEM形貌(2#样品)
2.2 EDS分析
2.2.1 管基体化学成分
2.2.2 腐蚀产物化学成分
表1 20#钢化学成分
表2 管内外壁表面腐蚀产物成分
3 失效原因与机理分析
3.1 失效原因[29-30]
3.1.1 材质因素
从设计与选型来看,选用有防护镀锌层的20#钢作为烷基化装置表面蒸发式空冷器管束是合理和可行的,但是其化学成分中没有Cr、Ni、Cu等3种合金元素,不满足国标20#钢的化学成分要求(表1),因而其耐蚀性差,减薄速度高(约0.1 mm/d)。因而初步判断该空冷器管束制造用材不合适,具备了发生腐蚀的材质因素。
3.1.2 介质与环境因素
3.1.3 其他因素
由图1、图3—4及表2可知,20#钢管表面镀锌层比较致密与完整,不是引起20#钢管腐蚀的因素。同时,从该石化公司提供的生产记录来看,也不存在其他因素的破坏。例如,人为的机械损伤、操作不当引起工艺介质剧烈波动等导致的20#钢管束的损坏等。但是,失效发生在管束与管板的连接处,此处是应力集中和管束镀锌层极易破坏的地方,对于整根管束来说,镀锌层局部破损处裸露出的碳钢表面成为小阳极,而镀锌层完好部位成为大阴极,在小阳极与大阴极的电偶腐蚀效应与内应力的联合作用下,20#钢加速腐蚀而减薄穿孔。空冷器管束仅仅服役14 d后就因腐蚀减薄,导致其厚度仅剩下设计厚度的一半,这也佐证了管束20#钢发生腐蚀具备了不完好的制造因素。
3.2 失效机制[31-33]
Fe→Fe2++2e (1)
Fe2++2OH–→Fe(OH)2↓ (3)
Fe+H2O+1/2O2→Fe(OH)2↓ (4)
Fe(OH)2→Fe(OH)3→FeO, Fe2O3+ H2O (5)
Fe→Fe2++2e (6)
Fe2++S2–→FeS↓ (8)
4 对策
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Failure Analysis of the Tube Bundle on Air Cooler of Alkylation Equipment
(1. China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute, Beijing 100029, China; 2. City University of Hefei, Hefei 230001, China; 3. Beijing Key Laboratory of Electrochemical Process and Technology of Materials, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China)
In order to find out the failure mechanism of the tube on the air cooler and avoid its failure again. The macroscopic morphology of the tube was visually inspected, the metallographic morphology of the tube was analyzed with a metallographic microscope, the microscopic morphology of the tube was observed with a scanning electron microscope, and the chemical composition of the tube matrix and the corrosion products on the tube were analyzed with an energy spectrometer. Visual inspection showed that the thickness of the tube wall was significantly reduced and reddish-brown products were produced on the tube, but the surface of the tube away from the failure location was intact. The metallographic morphology of the tube matrix is consistent with that of standard 20# steel, and the products on the tube are loosely porous, with a chemical composition consisting mainly of Fe, Zn, O and S. The chemical composition of the tube matrix lacks three elements, Cr, Ni and Cu, and the material used for tube bundle manufacture is unsuitable, which reduces the corrosion resistance of the tube material and possesses the material factor for corrosion to occur. The tube bundle at the junction with the tube plate has both internal stress and local breakage of the surface galvanized layer caused by manufacturing factors, the latter leading to the formation of small anode and large cathode electric coupling pairs; under the combined effect of internal stress and electric coupling effect, the overall corrosion of the tube substrate is accelerated and eventually leaks due to thinning and perforation. The outer wall of the tube is in contact with oxygen-rich air or cooling water medium, O2becomes the depolarizing agent of the electrochemical cathodic process; while the inner wall of the tube is a hydrocarbon medium containing sulfur components, H+ ions become the depolarizing agent of the electrochemical cathodic process. In the oxygen-rich medium, the surface of the outer wall of the tube is very easy to occur oxygen depolarization electrochemical corrosion, while in the sulfur-rich medium, the surface of the inner wall of the tube is very easy to occur hydrogen depolarization electrochemical corrosion. Therefore, when manufacturing the air cooler, ensure that the material of the air cooler tube bundle is consistent with the design material to avoid large deviations. Avoid local damage to the galvanized layer as much as possible, and carefully check the galvanized layer on the outer surface of the tube bundle after manufacture, and repair any local damage as soon as possible; in addition, eliminate the internal stress at the connection as much as possible. Regularly check the connection between the air cooler bundle and the tube plate to ensure that there are no gaps in the connection and that the galvanized layer is not damaged; regularly remove the dust from the air cooler bundle and drain the water and dirt in the dead ends and low places to prevent the generation of corrosive media.
air cooler; tube bundle; galvanized 20# steel tube; general corrosion; galvanic effect; failure analysis
LIU Yu-jie (1981-), Male, Master, Engineer, Research focus: special equipment detection and fault diagnosis.
LI De-yi (1985-), Male, Master, Senior engineer, Research focus: equipment structure and process.
XIONG Jin-ping (1963-), Male, Ph.D., Professor, Research focus: corrosion and protection of metal material.
刘昱杰, 杨树方, 李德义,等.表面蒸发式空冷器管束失效分析与防护研究[J]. 表面技术, 2022, 51(12): 225-231.
LIU Yu-jie, YANG Shu-fang, LI De-yi, et al. Failure Analysis of the Tube Bundle on Air Cooler of Alkylation Equipment[J]. Surface Technology, 2022, 51(12): 225-231.