Jury member of WA Achievement Award
Academician,Chinese Academy of Engineering
National Engineering Survey and Design Master
Chief Architect,China Architecture Design &Research Group
WA 中国建筑奖已经举办了多年,得到了业界的高度认可,参评作品代表了中国当代建筑创作的高水平与新水准,每一次担任评委都是很好的学习经历。很多参评作品我都早有耳闻或是实地参观过,都是非常优秀的建筑作品。建筑成就奖的评审,我认为实际上是在优中选优,更注重作品的社会影响力,以及使用过程中的长久效益。有几个重要的申报项目,我们都认为是非常好的。影响我们选择的并不是设计水平、建造水平,我们更看重一个项目在一类建筑当中的典型性、代表性和创新性。所以,我们觉得这些作品实际上承担着一种社会层面的责任。
The WA Awards for Chinese Architecture has been held for many years,and it is highly recognized by the architectural field.The selected works represent the high and new standards of contemporary architectural creations in China;thus,each time serving as a jury member is a great learning experience.I have heard about or visited many of the project entries,and they are all outstanding architectural works.The review of the WA Achievement Award is actually,in my opinion,a selection of the best of the best,with more emphasis on the social impact of the work and the long-term benefits of its utilization.There are several important entries that we,the jury,all considered to be excellent.However,what affected our choice was not the level of the design or construction,but the typicality,representativeness and innovation of a project in its category of architecture.Therefore,we believe that these works actually take on a social responsibility.(Translated by Dandan Wang)
Thomas Vonier
Jury member of WA Achievement Award
President 2017-2021,UIA/ International Union of Architects
中国建筑师力图表彰具有长久影响力的优秀作品,也在这个国际局势日益紧张的时期欣然拥抱国际交流,这是世界的幸运。WA 中国建筑奖展现了建筑师在提升城市宜居性和繁荣的同时,为改善人们生活所做出的有价值的贡献。奖项注重方案的长期性,将“持久影响”作为明确且至关重要的评价标准,这很好。WA 奖的获奖作品为教育、遗产和文化活动提供了重要的设施,如学校、图书馆、剧院和博物馆等,这些设施具有长久价值和现实意义。希望这些优秀的项目能够提醒我们,也提醒世界各地的人们,建筑可以体现并提升教育、历史、文化、语言、艺术以及更多长久的价值。(天妮 译)
The world is fortunate that the architects of China strive to recognize excellent work of lasting consequence,and while seeking also to embrace the value of international exchange in this era of growing international tension.The WA Awards for Chinese Architecture show how architects make valuable contributions that enhance the liveability and prosperity of cities,while improving the lives of many people.It is good that these awards emphasize the long term,making "lasting influence" an explicit,central criterion for recognition.The WAACA award recipients have produced significant facilities for education,heritage,and cultural pursuits—schools,libraries,theatres,and museums that will have enduring value and relevance.My hope is that excellent buildings like these will remind us all,and people everywhere,that architecture can embody and even elevate timeless values:education,history,culture,language,art,and much more.
WANG Xiao'an
Jury member of WA Achievement Award
National Engineering Survey and Design Master
Chief Architect,East China Architectural Design &Research Institute Co.,Ltd
参加了WA 中国建筑奖成就奖的评审,感受到WA 希望通过评奖,能够给出一个更为清晰的建筑创作导向,所谓的以人为本、环境共生、绿色生态等不应只是停留在表面的口号,而应是能够激发更为创新的思维、理性的思考和适宜技术实现等的内在动力,因而,评委有了较为一致的观点,那就是更看重作品的初始立足点,即与城市环境的融合、建筑空间的塑造、材料和技术的探索以及为城市公共空间和文化生活所带来的活力等,这些成为评价作品学术创新性成就的标准。
I participated in the selection of the WA Achievement Award for Chinese Architecture,and noticed that the World Architecture magazine aims to provide a clearer direction to the creation of architecture through this award.It advocates that the so-called people-oriented approach,environmental symbiosis,green ecology and so forth should not just remain superficial slogans,but be an internal motivation to stimulate more innovative and rational thinking,appropriate technology implementation and the like.As a result,the jury had a relatively unanimous view that the architectural work should have its initial grounding on the integration with the urban environment,the shaping of architectural space,the exploration of materials and technologies,the vitality brought to the urban public space and cultural life,these shall serve as the criteria for evaluating the academic and innovative achievements of the work.(Translated by Dandan Wang)
ZHANG Pengju
Jury member of WA Achievement Award
National Engineering Survey and Design Master
Director of Academic Committee,Professor,Inner Mongolia University of Technology
President and Chief Architect,Inner Mongolia Grand Architectural Design Co.,Ltd
什么是好建筑?对我而言,这次评奖又是一次学习经历。WA 建筑成就奖似乎不同于一般的优秀奖,关于评价尺度,个人解读为正向、持久和全面。正向指价值观和示范作用,持久指经得住时间的考验,全面指兼顾专业和大众视野,加在一起无疑增加了评选的难度。我倾向于把价值观、持久度和社会性等难于评价的维度先设为过滤背景,再聚焦专业本体,重点考察设计中策略的有效、顺畅和自洽程度。最终有感于获奖的几个项目均有杰出表现,期待下一届WA 建筑成就奖有更多正向、持久和全面的好建筑。
What is good architecture? This year's review process was a learning experience for me.The WA Achievement Award seems to be different from other more general awards.My personal understanding of the evaluation criteria were positiveness,durability and comprehensiveness.Positiveness refers to the values and demonstration effect.Durability means to stand the test of time.Comprehensiveness suggests giving consideration to both professional and public perspectives.Putting the three together undoubtedly increased the difficulty of the selection.I tend to first set the intangible dimensions as the filtering background,including values,durability and sociality,and then focus on the ontology of the profession centring on the effectiveness,smoothness and self-consistency of design strategies.In the end,I appreciated the outstanding performance of the winning projects,and looked forward to more positive,durable and comprehensive entries in the next WA Achievement Award.(Translated by Dandan Wang)
DU Chunlan
Jury member of WA Achievement Award
Dean and Professor,Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning,Chongqing University
我很荣幸参加了WA 建筑成就奖的评审工作,有几点感触很深:一是组织方《世界建筑》杂志社一以贯之地将这个奖项评审开展下来,已经在业界学界引起了很大的反响,大家也越来越重视和关注这个奖项;二是组织的评委阵容强大且非常敬业,大家各抒己见、求同存异,评审的过程同时也是一个学术交流、学习的过程;三是作品呈现出的风度、广度突出,对技术关注的同时更加体现出对社会问题、文化传承与表达、公共建筑与环境协同等的思考,充分体现出建筑师的社会责任担当。祝愿WA 中国建筑奖越办越好!
I am honoured to participate in the jury for the WA Achievement Award,and I have some strong impressions:firstly,the organizer,World Architecturemagazine,has consistently carried out the selection of this award,which has generated a great deal of impact in the industry and academia,and more and more attention is paid to the awards.Secondly,the jury was consisted of professional and dedicated members,who expressed their opinions and sought common grounds.The selection process was like a process of academic exchange and learning.Thirdly,the works show outstanding style and breadth,with a focus on the technology while reflecting on the social issues,cultural inheritance and expression and the synergy between public architecture and the environment,fully demonstrating the architects' social responsibility.I wish the WA Awards go from strength to strength!(Translated by Dandan Wang)
Jury member of WA Design Experiment Award
Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Honorary Fellow of American Institute of Architects
Professor at the College of Architecture and Urban
Planning of Tongji University,Member of Academic Committee of Tongji University
新年伊始,参加了WA 设计实验奖的评审,对其核心价值“开创性探索”印象深刻。至于究竟何谓“开创性”,如何认定?历来见仁见智。一般而言,建筑设计的开创性探索,是历时性的经验累积和共时性的创意迸发产生交集的结果。然而,要在短暂的时空范围内对其作这样的价值认定,实际上存在着不确定性。但评审者起码可以相对把握识别参选作品优劣的两个基本条件:其一,对特定设计领域及其领先水平的批判性及突破性;其二,在该领域某个关键点上的独特性和启发性。我认为,参选作品如具备这两个条件,就应有资格获得WA 设计实验奖。这次评审,也让我领略了许多新的概念、策略和手法,可说是收获满满,尤其在城乡改造与再生领域的几个方面。
At the start of the new year,I participated in the selection of the WA Design Experiment Award and was deeply impressed by its core value of "design adventure".What exactly is "adventure" and how is it identified? It has always been a matter of individual preference.Generally speaking,the adventure of architectural design is the result of the intersection of the accumulated diachronic experience and synchronic creative spark.Nevertheless,to conduct a value identification in such a short space and time frame was,in practice,full of uncertainties.However,the jury could at least relatively grasp the two basic conditions required to identify the merits of the entries:the first is the criticality and breakthroughs in a particular design field and its leading edge;the second is the uniqueness and illuminating significance at a key point in the field.From my perspective,the entries that meet these two requirements should be eligible for the WA Design Experiment Award.The review has also made me appreciate many new concepts,strategies and techniques,and that was very rewarding,especially in the areas of urban and rural reconstruction and regeneration.(Translated by Dandan Wang)
Natalie Mossin
Jury member of WA Design Experiment Award
Head of Institute,the Royal Danish Academy–Institute of Architecture and Technology
President of Congress,UIA 2023
建筑中最有价值的实验是能够启发更广泛应用。这些实验带来了全新的、能广泛应用的潜力。参与2020 WA 设计实验奖评选的很多优秀作品展示了新兴实践的相关途径,也在社会和环境可持续性的层面有所探求。参选作品对材料和空间的经济性有所挖掘,对既有建筑做出颇有影响力的改造和补充。对于建筑所处的环境,无论是城市还是乡村,都进行了诗意的表达。当我们在世界范围内进行全新且更可持续的建筑实践时,这些高品质的项目可以带来启发和引导。(天妮 译)
The worthiest experiments in architecture are the ones that inspire wider application.Out of the experiment comes the potential of new,broadly applied practices.The many excellent entries to the 2020 WA Design Experiment Award demonstrates relevant avenues for new practices,though successful explorations of architecture contribute to both social and environmental sustainability.The entries explored an economy of materials and space,impactful transformations and additions to the existing,and a poetry in regard to architectural contributions to context,be it urban or rural.The quality of the best projects has the capacity to inspire and guide,as we develop new,more sustainable architectural practices around the world.
Jury member of WA Design Experiment Award
Professor,School of Architecture,Tsinghua University
这届WA 设计实验奖收到的120 余个参评项目,一定程度上体现了近些年我国城乡建设在环境友好、资源节约、遗产保护、城乡复兴、社区营建、文教艺术诸多领域基于国情并富有建设性的空间表达。从入围和获奖作品中我们能感受到一种共鸣,即那种对自然生态、文化传统和社会正义的敏感在具体时空中自信而有度的表达。这些项目关注特定语境中个体和集体行为的均衡和关联,以开放和适应性的弹性策略应对新的生活现实及其带来的挑战,将时代误置的资源加以重构并整合到现今城市与乡村的公共生活中。我们看到许多建筑师都在“边界”上展开工作与思考,并自觉地取道于可持续发展的思路,广泛地联系社会,深入地关注建造,并以细微的人文关怀,寻求建筑与环境之间的互动和统一,使个人和社区能从中受益,他们也以其作品为融合与丰富社区的生活做出了超越建筑边界本身的贡献。
To a certain degree,the more than 120 entries received in this year's WA Design Experiment Award reflect the constructive spatial expression of China's urban and rural construction based on national conditions in recent years in many fields,including environmental friendliness,resource conservation,heritage protection,urban and rural rejuvenation,community construction,culture,education and art.From the shortlisted and award-winning works,we can sense a kind of resonance– the kind of sensitivity to natural ecology,cultural tradition and social justice expressed in a confident and measured fashion in a specific space and time.These projects focus on the balance and correlation of individual and collective behaviours in specific contexts,respond to new realities of life and their challenges with open and adaptive flexible strategies,reconstruct the misplaced resources of the ages and integrate them into current urban and rural public life.We saw many architects working on and thinking about "boundaries",and consciously taking on the idea of sustainable development,widely connecting with society,focusing in depth on constructions,and,with subtle humanistic care,seeking the interaction and unity between buildings and the environment.It enables individuals and communities to benefit from it,and they,too,with their work integrating and enriching community life,exceed the contribution of the architectural boundaries.(Translated by Dandan Wang)
XU Tiantian
Jury member of WA Design Experiment Award
Founding Principal,DnA Design and Architecture
本届WA 设计实验奖的参评作品反映了当下中国建筑丰富多元的实验性。这些作品不仅仅局限在建筑自身的语言表达和创意构思,更具备了直面现实的思考和探索。而获奖的作品,实验与实践的结合更加深入成熟,从城市到乡村,从大型公共建筑到小体量空间装置,从传统建造技艺到新型结构形式,内容涵盖居住、社区、文化、教育、生态、基础设施、街区改造、工业遗产等不同维度的建筑创新。这种开放包容以及人文关怀,既是对建筑学的不断拓展,也体现实验性的真正意义。
The entries for this year's WA Design Experiment Award mirrored the rich and diverse experiments of contemporary Chinese architecture.These works were not only limited to the language expression and idea conception of architecture itself,but also addressed the reflection and exploration of the boldness of reality.And for the award-winning works,the combination of experiment and practice further matured,from urban to rural,from large-scale public building to small-volume spatial installation,from traditional building techniques to new structure forms,and the contents included different dimensions of architectural innovation such as residential,community,culture,education,ecology,infrastructure,neighbourhood transformations,or industrial heritage.Such openness,tolerance and humanistic care not only demonstrated the continuous exploration of architecture,but also represented the true meaning of experimentation.(Translated by Dandan Wang)
Jury member of WA Social Equality Award
Academician,Chinese Academy of Engineering
President,Chief Architect,Architecture Design &Research Institute of Tsinghua University (THAD)
Professor,School of Architecture,Tsinghua University
WA 社会公平奖评审的主要标准是建成环境服务于社会弱势群体,体现社会公平的原则。本届参评的项目中有不少优秀的值得推崇的项目:有在乡村公共建筑的建造中让当地民众全程参与,建筑师成为集体智慧的表达者;也有在城市更新改造中以“微更新”的策略,解决老城中保留历史记忆和改善生活环境之间的矛盾;还有体现教育公平、服务于社区的学校或幼儿园。当然,还有些乡村的民宿或客栈,尽管设计水准和完成度也不错,但没有表现出让原住民如何受益或推进社会公平,因而此类项目并没有在社会公平奖的评审中得到认可,这也是评委们达成的共识。
The main criterion for the evaluation of the WA Social Equality Award is that the built environment serves vulnerable social groups,demonstrating the principle of social equity.There were many excellent entries worthy of praise,for instance:in the construction of rural public buildings,local people participated in the entire process,while architects became the articulator of collective wisdom.Also,there are "micro renewal" strategies in urban renewal to solve the contradiction between preserving historical memory and improving living environment in the old town.Moreover,there are schools and kindergartens that embodied educational equity and served the community.There are also,of course,rural lodges and guest houses that,despite their good design and completion,did not illustrate how they could benefit indigenous people or promote social equity.Therefore,such projects were not recognized in the selection of the WA Social Equality Award.This was also the consensus of the jury.(Translated by Dandan Wang)
GUI Xuewen
Jury member of WA Social Equality Award
National Engineering Survey and Design Master
Chief Architect,Central-South Architecture Design Institute
WA 社会公平奖的评审除了关注作品的设计质量与诗意美学,更关注作者对于当下社会弱势群体的善意与贡献。“大开大合”的城市发展如同潮汐浪潮,令当下许多城市呈现出时间、代际上的层垒拼贴。优秀的设计,或许是这些“旧建筑”“老物件”得以有尊严地接入当下、迈向未来的方式之一。本次的获奖作品中,既有具备城市更新示范作用的普通市民生活空间改造,也有着眼人口迁移问题、利用城市闲置用地的临时腾挪建设,呈现出设计者们对于众多社会问题的密切关注与亲身参与,关注点兼具社会性、多元性与在地性。其中对乡村、集镇功能、空间、环境综合品质的提升,对随迁、留守儿童成长、教育、心理健康环境的改善,对区域发展不均衡情况的织补与活化等课题的研究与探索,均是十分值得尊重和鼓励的。
In addition to the design quality and poetic aesthetics of the architectural works,the selection of the WA Social Equality Award pays more attention to the author's goodwill and contribution to disadvantaged social groups in the present society.The rapidly changing urban development is like a tidal wave,causing many cities today to present a collage of layers of time and generations..Good design is perhaps one of the ways in which these "old buildings" and "old objects" can be brought into the present with dignity while moving towards the future.The award-winning projects are not only about the transformation of living space for ordinary citizens with the exemplary role of urban renewal,but also the temporary constructions that employ unused land in cities to tackle the problem of population migration.They reflect the designers' close attention to and personal involvement in numerous social issues,focusing on locality,sociality and diversity.Those worthy of respect and encouragement include:the research and exploration of the improvement of the comprehensive quality of rural areas,cities and towns,space and environment;the improvement of the growth,education and mental health of the migrant and left-behind children;and the remediation and revitalisation of the uneven development in the region.(Translated by Dandan Wang)
LI Xiangning
Jury member of WA Social Equality Award
Dean,Professor,College of Architecture &Urban Planning,Tongji University
参加WA 中国建筑奖的评审工作,让我感受到WA 奖是具有多元、包容和开放性的建筑奖项,能够反映当代中国建筑优秀的建筑师和他们的作品。它既能够围绕不同的议题设立评选类别,又能够融合大型国营设计企业、独立建筑师事务所以及很多初出茅庐的青年建筑师的实践,对当代中国建筑做出全景式的呈现。我本次参与评审的WA 社会公平奖就从充分弘扬建筑的社会价值出发,发掘为建筑的社会性和推动公平正义做出贡献的优秀建筑案例,不仅在建筑学角度,在面向大众的层面也具有深远的意义和价值。
Being part of the jury,the WA Awards for Chinese Architecture strikes me as an architectural award with diversity,inclusiveness and openness,reflecting the best architects and their work in contemporary Chinese architecture.Not only is it able to create categories of the awards for different topics,it can also embrace the works from large state-owned design firms and independent architecture practices to many emerging and young architects,providing a panoramic view of contemporary Chinese architecture.The WA Social Equality Award that I participated in this time fully promoted the social value of architecture and explored outstanding architectural cases contributing to the sociality and equality of architecture.It has far-reaching significance and value,not only from the perspective of architecture,but also at the level of the general public.(Translated by Dandan Wang)
Peter Russell
Jury member of WA Social Equality Award
Professor,Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft)
Dean,Institute of Future Human Habitats,Tsinghua SIGS
担任2020 WA 中国建筑奖社会公平奖的评委是一次让人印象深刻却又倍感谦恭的经历。参选作品中乡村振兴的主题让人印象深刻,呈现出小型社区在自然灾害、经济脆弱性和最小干预下所面临的挑战。然而,参选作品的精神表明,巨大的设计挑战也许能激发出我们作为设计师的最佳状态。这些获奖作品及所有提交的作品呈现出的独创性、尊重、智慧和善意让人印象深刻。该奖项再次激发了我们对下一代建筑师、规划师和城市设计师的希望与信任。参选作品的品质恰如其分地表明,在中国(包括城市和乡村)强大、安定且充满活力的社区正在有序建设中且前景广阔,对于专业人士和居民来说都是如此。能够担任评委是我的荣幸。(天妮 译)
Being on the 2020 Jury for the WA Social Quality Award was an insightful and humbling experience.The theme of rural rejuvenation struck home as the entries showcased the challenges facing smaller communities affected by natural disasters,economic susceptibility and minimal means.However,in the spirit in the entries showed that quite possibly,the biggest design challenges bring out the best in us as designers.The ingenuity,respect,resourcefulness and sensitivity shown was impressive,as can be seen through not only the winning entries,but through all of the submissions.This award reinvigorates the hope and trust we can have for the next generation of architects,planners and urban designers.The quality of the entries aptly demonstrated that the continued development of strong,stable and invigorating communities in China (both urban and rural) is well underway and has a promising future,for the profession and for the inhabitants they are built for.It was a privilege to serve on the Jury.
ZOU Zhanyu
Jury member of WA Social Equality Award
Executive President,Executive Chief Architect,CAPOL International &Associates Group
很荣幸受邀参加WA 社会公平奖的评审工作。WA 社会公平奖是一个比较特别的奖项,倡导关注社会弱势群体,以建筑和设计推进社会公平,彰显人文关怀。除了要求建筑师在建筑文脉、空间组织、绿色材料、造价管控等多方面的能力外,更关注通过设计释放出来的价值观和社会责任感。在这次参评的作品中,建筑师秉承微介入、低成本的原则和方式,把城乡历史肌理和自然人文生活相联系,特别是在城市平民的生活空间、旧区旧建筑活化、城市修补这些难度更大、问题更多的类型上,涌现出许多兼具艺术和社会双重价值的高品质作品。开发利用存量建筑,改善城乡空间品质,推动相关设计领域发展是我们共同的责任和目标,期望WA中国建筑奖越办越好,将更多中国建筑和中国建筑师推向世界舞台。
I am honoured to be invited to serve on the jury of the WA Social Equality Award.It is a special award that calls attention to the socially disadvantaged groups,promotes social equality through architecture and design,and highlights humanistic care.In addition to requiring the architects to master the architectural context,spatial organization,green materials,cost control and other aspects,it pays more attention to the values and social responsibility of the design itself.In these works,the architects adhere to the principle and approach of small intervention and low cost,linking the historical texture of urban and rural areas with natural and cultural life.Particularly from tackling the more difficult and problematic issues,including the living space of urban residents,the revitalisation of old buildings in old districts and urban reconstruction,many high-quality works of both artistic and social values have emerged.It is our common responsibility and goal to develop and utilise existing buildings,improve the spatial quality of both urban and rural areas,and promote the development of related design fields.I look forward to World Architecture's success with the WA Awards for Chinese Architecture– bringing more Chinese architecture and Chinese architects to the world stage.(Translated by Dandan Wang)