

疯狂英语·新悦读 2022年12期


第一部分 单句语法填空

1. _______(creative)is sometimes more important than technical skill.

2.John and James are friends.The _______is a doctor,while the latter is an engineer.

3.We have taken effective measures _______(preserve)our natural resources.

4.She worked hard to get a _______(promote).

5.I make a proposal that we _______(hold)a meeting next week.

6.He is unlikely to _______(come)to the party tonight,because his mother is ill.

7.I do hope that you will take steps to prevent this _______happening again.

8.Everyone is willing to contribute food and clothes _______homeless people.

9.The police have completed their _______(investigation)into the accident.

10.The businessman made a _______(donate)of a lot of money to my school.

11.His nervousness quickly _______(disappear)once he was on stage.

12.In an attempt _______(attract)more customers,they took a variety of measures.

13.It is worthwhile _______(spend)two hours reading this book.

14. _______my opinion,making a suitable timetable is necessary and important for us to make good use of our time.

15.Children are often _______(compare)to the rising sun.

第二部分 完成句子


We will go to _____________________the summer camp held by our school this July,which makes us very excited.


Exercising ___________________________________losing weight.


The boss finally _____________________her persistent demands.


Smoking can ______________many diseases.


Remember to _____________________if you are in difficulty.


______________to finish the work by four this afternoon.


___________________________________life was very hard for her.


___________________________________teenagers study on the Internet.


____________________________I spent almost each day without worries.


He ______________read the book,______________remembered what he had read.


She arrived early _____________________get a good seat.


The professor suggested that we ______________________improving people's envi⁃ronmental awareness.


____________________________this boy has a great gift for languages and persuasion.


Yesterday we visited the West Lake ______________Hangzhou is famous.


____________________________,old people are fond of talking about their good old days.

第三部分 阅读




There's more to enjoy in the city in summer than beaches.Some of Toronto's biggest at⁃tractions have new and exciting features for summer.Here's a look at what's new in summer.

Art Gallery of Ontario

If you're looking to get some culture,there's plenty to see and do at the Art Gallery of Ontario,including art exhibits and collections from around the world.Right now there are masterpieces from the Musée Picasso,Paris.

Canada's Wonderland

Just outside the city limits is Canada's Wonderland,the biggest theme park in Canada.This year sees a lot of new additions to the park,most notably Leviathan,one of the world's longest and tallest roller coasters.There's also an interactive dinosaur park,stage shows for the kids and a Splash Works water park.

Casa Loma

The city's only historic castle is a great place to take kids for a day of exploration through the castle grounds,gardens and stables.The venue has many events going on throughout the year,and summer's activities include archery courses and Teddy Bear Pic⁃nics for kids aged two and up.

Black Creek Pioneer Village

The village features people dressed up for the 19th century,living in an old⁃fashioned way.There are gardens,farms filled with animals and more than 30 historical buildings to explore.During the week,visitors can tour the grounds,meet with historians,practice Vic⁃torian traditions,taste samples in the brewery and more.The site has activities on holidays,like a BBQ on Father's Day and a Canada Day celebration.

1.What is the feature of Art Gallery of Ontario?

A.It is about the cultural difference.

B.It has too many relics on show.

C.You can enjoy world⁃famous paintings.

D.You can have a close look at Vincent van Gogh's works.

2.Which place should you choose if your child enjoys theme parks?A.Black Creek Pioneer Village. B.Canada's Wonderland.C.Art Gallery of Ontario. D.Casa Loma.

3.What can you do in Black Creek Pioneer Village?A.Enjoy a rural life. B.Build historical buildings.

C.Have meals with historians. D.Experience fashionable life.


On the evening of April 8,2020,Dunhuang Academy and Huawei jointly launched a brand new technology⁃driven tour experience at the Mogao Grottoes.Using Huawei's Hetu artificial intelligence platform,combined with the output of the Digital Dunhuang project,visitors to the Mogao Grottoes can enjoy a fantasy experience.

Zhao Shengliang,director of Dunhuang Academy,said that it has been cooperating with Huawei since March 2019.Using Huawei's Hetu technology,visitors are able to see the detailed contents of the Dunhuang Art Murals (壁画) outside the caves,through their Huawei mobile phones.This will reduce the time tourists spend inside the caves,aiding the protection of the cultural relics,while at the same time helping to increase the amount of in⁃formation visitors can get.It is also considered to be a new way of promoting Dunhuang Art.

Dunhuang Academy has used digital technology to preserve the research and explora⁃tion of Dunhuang Grottoes since the early 1990s.It has collected a wealth of data and has realized the goal of sharing digital Dunhuang globally.It has played an important role in the protection and research of cultural sites,as well as promoting the development and progress of related work.

The Huawei Hetu platform unites Dunhuang's study findings,high⁃resolution images of the site's murals and virtual,three⁃dimensional models with the real Mogao Grottoes.It has not only recreated the real tour of the scenic spot,but also developed a new way of digi⁃tally experiencing the grottoes.When people visit the site,they not only have the experi⁃ence of seeing the real grottoes,but they can appreciate the admirable artworks more clearly and in greater detail.

In the future,Dunhuang Academy will continue to cooperate with Huawei to create more colorful virtual contents to enrich the experience of Mogao Art on the platform,help⁃ing people around the world get to know Dunhuang Art better.

4.Which is the advantage of the Hetu technology?

A.It helps to build cultural relics.

B.It decreases the cost of visitors.

C.It offers unreal information to tourists.

D.It reduces the time visitors spend inside the caves.

5.What does the underlined word“promoting”in paragraph 2 mean?

A.Encouraging. B.Selling.

C.Inventing. D.Declaring.

6.How does the author feel about Dunhuang's cooperation with Huawei?

A.Doubtful. B.Negative.

C.Hopeful. D.Indifferent.

7.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Huawei released Hetu AI

B.Dunhuang Grottoes attract tourists

C.Dunhuang academy protects grottoes well

D.AI technology helps tourists enjoy Dunhuang Art


Shi Wenlan said the only thing that interests her is dealing with smelly centuries⁃old books.“I don't want to drink,and I don't want to eat or move.I like sitting alone under the warm lights,mending holes and cutting pages.I'm a boring person,but I'm doing an inter⁃esting thing,”she said.In the past 26 years,the 51⁃year⁃old restorer of ancient books at the Hunan Library in Changsha,capital of Hunan Province,has brought about 100,000 pages of ancient books back to life.Her work helps to ensure that ancient knowledge can be read and appreciated by people today.Shi has great faith in her little⁃known job.“Ancient books are precious documents and important achievements of Chinese civilization.To restore them is to rescue cultural relics that are dying out,”she said.

Books age and decay (腐烂) over time.“Though technology,such as accurately con⁃trolled temperatures and humidity levels,can be used to slow the process,a number of old books are on the edge of withering away forever,”experts said.“At the Hunan Library alone,a third of its 680,000 ancient books are in urgent need of restoration,which means each of its eight restorers needs to complete 3,000 pages a year,”said Liu Xueping,direc⁃tor of the library's special collection department.More young restorers must be trained to promote the production of ancient books,so human civilization can be preserved despite the damage of time,experts said.

In recent years,the government has attached great importance to the restoration of an⁃cient books and has put forward many policies to encourage more people to take up the work.The number of restorers has now reached about 1,000.They have better educational backgrounds and receive more systematic training,as well as better salaries and higher so⁃cial status,Shi said.

8.Which of the following best describes a book restorer's job?

A.Boring. B.Well⁃paid. C.Demanding. D.Dangerous.

9.What does the underlined phrase“withering away”mean in paragraph 2?

A.Falling. B.Reducing. C.Weakening. D.Disappearing.

10.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.It is important to restore books.

B.Restorers will receive less education.

C.Restorers are receiving more attention.

D.It will be easier to be a restorer in the future.

11.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?

A.Human civilization can be preserved

B.Ancient books have been brought back to life

C.Ancient books are in urgent need of restoration

D.Restorers preserve ancient books for descendants


A group of scientists are hurrying to document ancient ruins on the US territory of Puerto Rico.The scientists are working as fast as they can before rising sea level destroys a large part of the island's history.

Scientists hope to use the 3D images they have taken to help identify which sites are most at⁃risk to natural disasters and other dangers.Falko Kuester,a scientist,said,“A big part of what we're working on is to make the invisible visible and make sure it stays in our memory.”

Scientists first explored a large stretch of land along Puerto Rico's north coast.That area includes a ceremonial (仪式的) center used by the Taino Indians about 2,000 years ago.Isabel Rivera,an environmental archaeologist (考古学家),said the scientists found what appears to be a large settlement just east of the ceremonial site.

The Taino Indians once lived on many islands in the Caribbean Sea.But after the ar⁃rival of Christopher Columbus and other Europeans,the native people were nearly all killed.Rivera said,“Up to today,there is still a lot we don't know about native culture along our coasts.It's not in our history books.We want to recover that information before it disappears.”

Some scientists say that warmer temperatures in the Caribbean increase the number and strength of storms.Scientists noted that large amounts of water caused by Hurricane Maria washed away part of the area they are studying.

Eric Lo,an engineer,flew to Puerto Rico in August 2017 to launch the project one month before Maria struck the island.Lo was surprised at what he saw when he returned to the US territory months later.He said,“Pieces of land where I had stood and flown the drone(无人驾驶飞机)didn't exist anymore.They were underwater.”

Scientists are now trying to find out how badly the hurricane and loss of land have af⁃fected the archaeological site they are studying.Scientists are using 3D models based on drone images to measure areas and explore other details.

12.What can scientists most probably see by applying 3D images?

A.The sites most likely to disappear quickly.

B.The remaining territory of Puerto Rico.

C.The sites staying in memory.

D.The history destroyed by rising sea level.

13.What do we know about the Taino Indians from the text?

A.They were all killed by Christopher Columbus.

B.They settled in the center of Puerto Rico.

C.They took advantage of a ceremonial site.

D.They didn't experience hurricanes.

14.What can we infer from Eric's words?

A.Archaeological digging caused the loss of land.

B.His engineering work is valueless.

C.Storms made severe damage to the sites.

D.Global warming is the cause of all the losses.

15.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?

A.How to win over nature B.Secrets of a heritage site

C.Impacts of climate change D.A race to document heritage



What comes to mind when you think of the word“museum”?Do you picture paintings hanging on a wall,quiet halls full of relics from the past,or do you think of airplanes sus⁃pended(悬挂)from the ceiling?Perhaps science experiments come to mind.16

There are many different types of museums around the world.Each one might display certain types of exhibits based on subject matter.

17 One of the most famous is the Louvre in Paris,France.It's the home of theMona Lisa.Paintings aren't the only form of art that museums put on display.They usually contain all sorts of art,from sculptures to fabric art.Many cities now have children's muse⁃ums.What do they display there? 18 These give kids a chance to explore their imagina⁃tions by interacting with exhibits on a personal level.Science and space museums can take children on a trip all around and even beyond Earth.Do you wonder about the world around you or what's“out there”? 19 And there are good old⁃fashioned history museums.It can be so great to see the original documents and artifacts that shaped history!

20 Have you ever been to zoos or botanical gardens (植物园)?These are museums with living exhibits that are right out in the open instead of hanging on a wall or sitting be⁃hind glass.

Do you think you might want to work at a museum someday? It could be fun to work around such interesting items and show the public how important they are.There are many fun and fascinating careers related to museums.

A.Not all museums are buildings,either.

B.They usually feature many hands⁃on activities.

C.The designs of museums vary from place to place.

D.If so,you'll want to find a science or space museum to tour.

E.What makes museums so important to cultural development?

F.Actually,all of these things and more are possible in museums.

G.If you love art,there's no shortage of art museums around the world.

第四部分 语言运用


阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Xing Tonghe,who graduated from Architecture Department,Tongji University of Shanghai in 1962,is now the director of Xing Tonghe Design Studio and director of Shang⁃hai World Expo.

Xing Tonghe has taken charge of more than 300 projects in the past 50 years.His works have been granted more than 30 1 as national,ministry or municipal (市级的)outstanding design.In the past years,he has also been in charge of the work of planning and designing the Shanghai APEC conference hall,2010 World Expo Shanghai planning and so on.Among his works,the Shanghai Museum was 2 as the“World City Distin⁃guished Modern Architecture Design”.

The Shanghai Museum,dating back to 1952,moved to its current location in 1995.The building was designed by Xing Tonghe of Xiandai Architectural Design Group,which is responsible for a(n) 3 70%of Shanghai's new developments.

The museum has a 4 of over 120,000 pieces,including bronzes,ceramics,calligra⁃phy,furniture,jades,ancient coins,paintings,seals,sculptures and so on.The Shanghai Museum 5 several items of national importance,including one“transparent”bronze mirror from the Han Dynasty.

The new building is a modern 6 of the ancient Chinese cosmological (宇宙的)view,that Heaven is round and the earth beneath is square.

The form is also considered to be 7 to the Chineseding,a bronze food container,but this is 8 by the architect as the main inspiration.

Within the square base,Xing 9 a new philosophy and argued that the museum rep⁃resents a 10 on museum design.“In the past,it was thought that the owner or managers were the 11 of the museum and we are afraid that people might visit the museum and destroy the 12 .That's why so many old museums have railings for protection.I made the change.13 should be the host and cultural relics belong to people,so I trust them.So we light up the halls to 14 the display,instead of lighting the passageways.And we don't 15 people,either.They can choose which part they want to see first.Lots of new museums in China have embraced this idea now.”

1.A.awards B.rewards C.praises D.ranks

2.A.thought about B.thought over C.thought of D.thought out

3.A.separated B.estimated C.considered D.valued

4.A.source B.resource D.collection

5.A.houses B.hides C.handles D.provides

6.A.translation B.transformation C.interpretation D.operation

7.A.similar B.familiar C.strange D.particular

8.A.denied B.declined C.accepted D.supplied

9.A.adapted B.adopted C.adjusted D.approved

10.A.reference B.mistake C.recall D.reflection

11.A.visitors B.designers C.hosts D.architects

12.A.exhibits B.objections C.technologies D.decorations

13.A.Staff B.Spectators C.Family D.Observers

14.A.damage B.illustrate C.clarify D.highlight

15.A.display B.restrict C.greet D.require



The construction of a new building of the renowned Sanxingdui Museum began 16.______Tuesday in the city of Guanghan,southwest China's Sichuan Province.

Located in the Sanxingdui Museum Park,with 17.______total area of about 55,000 square meters,the new building 18.______(house)the cultural artifacts unearthed from the No.1 and No.2 pits of the Sanxingdui Ruins site,as well as important cultural artifacts unearthed in future excavation(挖掘)projects.It will consist of three round 19.______(structure)piled on top of each other,said Li Wenbo,20.______is in charge of the con⁃struction.

“A world⁃class museum and a national archaeological site park are planned,21._______(make)the museum a national cultural symbol showcasing the origins and 22.______(de⁃velop)of Chinese civilization,”said Wang Juzhong,director of the management commis⁃sion of the Sanxingdui Ruins site.The construction has two parts: the main project and the exhibition project.It has a total investment of approximately 1.43 billion yuan.The exhibi⁃tion project is expected 23.______(complete)in October 2023.

Discovered in the late 1920s,the Sanxingdui Ruins have been called one of the world's 24.______(great)archaeological finds of the 20th century.By the end of last year,over 10,000 relics,including golden masks,figurines and ivory objects 25.______(unearth)from the six recently unearthed sacrificial pits.

第五部分 写作


请你以“保护文物(Cultural relics protection)”为题,用英语为你校英文报写一篇文章。内容包括:






Cultural relics protection



An encounter in a department store

Candle holders,picture frames and so on surrounded me in a household goods store.While my husband and I waited for construction to be finished in our new house,I enjoyed seeking decorating ideas.A figurine on one of the shelves attracted my attention,and I picked it up.It was beautiful,made of cast bronze: A woman is dancing with a young girl,their faces caught in a moment of pure joy,and the girl is looking up at what could only be her mother.

Memories flooded in,and I remembered my daughter,Laura,my son,Glenn,and me dancing around the living room.I was a nurse,which meant long shifts at the hospital,so I cherished these moments with my kids.

I could see both of my children—Glenn dancing to the record player as Laura spun round and round.Time had passed in the blink of an eye.My husband and I were moving out of the house they'd grown up in.Laura has children of her own and works as a designer.Glenn also works in a design company.

I had to buy it,and knew just where I'd put it in the new house.It would be put on the side of the fireplace in the living room.Only one thing could make my purchase more per⁃fect: if this figurine was part of a set,the other piece of a mother dancing with a boy might exist.

Determined,I searched the entire store.I carefully scanned every shelf.There was no companion figurine anywhere,nor a salesperson to help me.Maybe the cashier will know,I thought.I headed to the registers.As I stood in the checkout line,I spotted an older woman walking quickly with something like a figurine in one of her hands.


Paragraph 1:

I stepped aside,so the woman could get past.

Paragraph 2:

I asked the cashier about the woman helping me.

