

疯狂英语·新悦读 2022年12期

广东 李奕群




1The beauty of our world is that there's still much to be discovered!In recent days,a 3,000⁃year⁃old lost city was found in Egypt,known as the city of Aten.Experts called this the most significant find because of the tomb of the boy king Tutankhamen.

2The lost city is believed to be founded by the ninth king of ancient Egypt's 18th dy⁃nasty,King Amenhotep Ⅲ.The exploring of this city unlocks a rare look into ancient Egyp⁃tian life at a time when the empire was at its wealthiest,a member of the mission added in a statement.Experts hope this“extraordinary”discov⁃ery will aid them in better understanding past civili⁃zations and their respective day⁃to⁃day lifestyles.

3The process began back in September be⁃tween the temples of Amenhotep Ⅲ and King Ramses Ⅲ.The statement told that“within weeks,to the team's great surprise,formations of mud bricks began to appear in all directions.What they ex⁃plored was the site of a large city in a good condition of preservation,with almost complete walls,and with rooms filled with tools of daily life”.The city looked as if it was left behind the other day.

4 As the team walked through this uncovered city,they began to uncover what was left,and are still continuing to do so.The city was found to be filled with homes,some with walls nearly 10 feet high.Ancient characters were found on wine containers,rings and mud bricks,which happened to be covered with King Amenhotep Ⅲ's decoration and en⁃abled the team to date the city to its past time.

5From the time the city was discovered to now,several areas have been uncovered and identified within Egyptian culture.According to the statement,a bakery and large complete kitchen with containers to store food were found.What experts believe to be a governmen⁃tal district was also found.A third area was identified as a workshop.

6As more and more man⁃made objects are being discovered,the experts team is hope⁃ful to“uncover untouched tombs filled with treasures”.

Reading Check

1.What's the function of the first sentence?

A.To lead in the topic.

B.To encourage people to travel.

C.To prove the beauty of the world.

D.To persuade people to uncover the mystery.

2.What do we know about King Amenhotep Ⅲ?

A.He is the founder of the lost city.

B.He was the most powerful person in that era.

C.He is the tenth king of ancient Egypt's 18th dynasty.

D.He lived at a time when the Egyptians were at their wealthiest.

3.What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A.The city was very old. B.The city was very beautiful.

C.The city had many antiques. D.The city was well⁃preserved.

4.What did the experts team find in the city?

A.Homes with walls 20 feet high.

B.Rings with ancient characters.

C.Wine containers with puzzles.

D.Mud bricks with King Amenhotep Ⅱ's decoration.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Useful expressions

to one's great surprise 让某人特别惊讶的是

in all directions 四面八方

be filled with 充满……

Ⅱ.Difficult sentences

1.As the team walked through this uncovered city,they began to uncover what was left,and are still continuing to do so.当这个团队步行穿过这座暴露(于公众视野)的城市时,他们开始挖掘残留的东西,并且仍在继续这样做。

【点石成金】As在该句中引导时间状语,意为“当……时;随着”;what 引导一个宾语从句;uncovered意为“暴露的;无覆盖的”。

2.What experts believe to be a governmental district was also found.专家所认为的行政区域也被发现。

【点石成金】本句中的What 引导的是一个主语从句,governmental district 意为“政府区;行政区域”。


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