

教学考试(高考英语) 2022年5期

甘肃 董国勇 湖南 鲁 霞


Anil Bishnoi,a 48-year-old farmer from Rajasthan,has managed to save 10 000 blackbucks(印 度 羚).Over 30 years,Anil has devoted his life to the 1 of the blackbucks.He has been 2 to save them in their natural habitat,and due to 3 ,he even started an active campaign against hunters.

“I have 4 a number of hunters who believe that it’s okay to kill animals for entertainment.This is one of the reasons why I decided to 5 these animals in 1990,”Anil says.

Anil 6 a marketing campaign to stop hunters and save the blackbucks. 7 ,he used to reach the scene whenever he felt danger.He started to 8 the hunters — where they come from and how they catch the animals.Slowly,with the help of locals,he started reaching the spot to save these 9 .

Today,he works with a workforce of 3 000 10 throughout 12 districts.“Wherever we get a call from to save blackbucks,we go and make a committee there.We then deal with the situation through phone,giving them 11 on what to do according to the situation,”explains Anil.

However,in the course of saving them,Anil has been 12 many times by hunters.Many other times,he had to brave 13 climatic conditions and COVID-19 to go on a motorcycle to help these deer.In all these times,he believed in his cause and mission(使命)to save these 14 animals.

In view of Anil’s 15 work,he was awarded the Earth Hero Award by NatWest Group India.

1.A.record B.conservation

C.research D.communication

2.A.managing B.preparing

C.learning D.longing

3.A.flooding B.fighting

C.hunting D.suffering

4.A.looked for B.written down

C.rung up D.come across B.train

C.guard D.raise

6.A.started B.recommended

C.praised D.designed

7.A.Happily B.Initially

C.Luckily D.Surprisingly

8.A.encourage B.face D.observe


C.deer D.villagers

10.A.teenagers B.folks

C.officers D.doctors

11.A.instructions B.standards

C.books D.rewards

12.A.cheated B.threatened

C.helped D.persuaded

13.A.local B.cold

C.rare D.different

14.A.frightened B.young

C.innocent D.intelligent

15.A.secret B.professional

C.recent D.excellent


本文是一篇记叙文,主题语境为人与自然。本文采用顺序的手法,主要讲述了来自印度Rajasthan 的农民 Anil Bishnoi 毕生致力于保护印度羚的故事。人与自然主题语境下的环境保护子主题是高考英语的高频主题。本题与2021 年高考英语新高考Ⅰ卷完形填空的体裁、语篇类型一致,命题角度和考查知识点等接近。


本完形填空试题的预设难度为中等,共15 道题,其中7 题考查了动词(包含动词短语1 题),4 题考查了名词,3 题考查了形容词,1 题考查了副词。



第6 题考查学生对第三段内容的理解和概括能力;第7 题不但考查Initially 这个单词的意思,而且也重点考查学生对该段行文逻辑的理解和判断能力;第12 题考查学生的语境分析能力;第15 题考查学生对整体故事的理解能力。

在词汇考查方面,第13 题前的 brave 考查熟词生义,此处brave 用作动词,意思为“冒(风险)”,这个词可能给学生解答第13 题带来一定的难度。



15 道题目中,有区分度的题目是:

中等难度题:第4 题(考查学生对语境的推断能力),第8 题(考查学生对词义的理解),第13 题(学生需要根据语境并结合常识来解答)。

较大难度题:第7 题(学生可能对词语掌握不准确并且不能清楚地理解本段的行文逻辑),第15 题(学生可能会受主观判断的影响)。

【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了30 多年来,来自印度Rajasthan 的48 岁农民Anil Bishnoi 拯救印度羚的故事。

1.B 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据第一句“Anil Bishnoi,a 48-yearold farmer from Rajasthan,has managed to save 10 000 blackbucks(印度羚).”可知,30 多年来,Anil 一直致力于保护印度羚。故选B。

2.A 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据“and due to 3 ,he even started an active campaign against hunters”可知,他一直设法在它们的自然栖息地拯救它们。故选A。

3.C 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据“he even started an active campaign against hunters”可知,由于印度羚被猎杀,他甚至开始了一场反对猎人的运动。故选C。

4.D 考查动词短语辨析。


5.C 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据前文语境可知,这就是“我”在1990 年决定保护这些动物的原因之一。故选C。

6.A 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据“ 7 ,he used to reach the scene whenever he felt danger.”可知,Anil 开始了一场市场营销活动,以阻止猎人并拯救印度羚。故选A。

7.B 考查副词辨析。


8.D 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据“where they come from and how they catch the animals”可知,他开始观察猎人。故选D。

9.C 考查名词辨析。


10.B 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据本句语境可知,如今,他在12 个地区与3 000 名当地人一起工作。故选B。

11.A 考查名词辨析。


12.B 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据“Many other times,he had to brave 13 climatic conditions and COVID-19 to go on a motorcycle to help these deer.”可知,在拯救它们的过程中,Anil 多次受到猎人的威胁。故选B。

13.B 考查形容词辨析。


14.C 考查形容词辨析。


15.D 考查形容词辨析。

【解题思路】根据文章内容可知,鉴于Anil 的出色工作,他被印度NatWest 集团授予了地球英雄奖。故选D。





【作者单位 姓名】甘肃省积石山县民族中学 董国勇


The moment she laid eyes on Winter,Kim Cardinal knew she had to help him.The cream-coloured 1 with bright blue eyes was thin and weak,covered in 2 ,pink sores and wounds.His previous owner had hit hard times.

“People kept telling me not to buy him because he was in such bad 3 ,” says Ms.Cardinal,59.“I did it 4 .I couldn’t just leave him there.”

It was two years ago that Ms.Cardinal saved Winter.Two weeks ago,Winter saved Ms.Cardinal 5 .

It all began the night of Nov.15,as the raging(汹涌的)Nicola River 6 rapidly on the property(房屋)Ms.Cardinal 7 with her partner,Lorn Thibodeau,on Highway 8,near tiny Spences Bridge,B.C.,a town of 150.

Ms.Cardinal went out to check on Winter and a small horse and a mule who were in a stable ran parallel to the highway.She found Winter in a (n) 8 state.“He had his back up against the fence,9 as hard as he could.” When he saw Ms.Cardinal,the two-year-old horse began stepping all four feet heavily,as if he were 10 .“He was trying to tell me something.” But what?

“You okay,buddy?” Ms.Cardinal called softly as she 11 .Shining the little light behind him,she saw that half their property was gone,and in their place was a 20-foot-deep hole.

Ms.Cardinal turned and ran,12 for Mr.Thibodeau.The couple high-tailed it for a trailer on the road with the couple’s five dogs,five cats and a 13 of Great Pyrenees puppies.

Less than five minutes later,the rest of the property 14 all at once.The couple was left stunned,stranded(滞留)on the small patch of road with their animals.

“If Winter hadn’t warned me,”Ms.Cardinal says,“I would have 15 to sleep.And we’d all be gone.” D.mule

2.A.angry B.healthy

C.pretty D.nervous

3.A.colour B.price

C.size D.shape

4.A.anyway B.somehow

C.anytime D.somewhat usual times accident turn

6.A.rose B.flowed

C.declined D.winded

7.A.collects B.exchanges

C.shares D.rents

8.A.excited B.terrified

C.interested D.disappointed

9.A.biting B.jumping

C.breathing D.pushing

10.A.singing B.dancing

C.crying D.exercising

11.A.approached B.stopped

C.smiled D.ran

12.A.asking B.waiting

C.screaming D.applying

13.A.litter B.variety

C.string D.pile

14.A.gathered B.arose

C.disappeared D.broke away B.come out

C.gone back down


本语篇选自《环球时报》,语言原汁原味。文章讲述了一匹叫Winter 的马被他现在的主人Ms.Cardinal 买下并救治后,在一天晚上洪水来临时,他向主人发出警报,拯救了主人一家的故事。本语篇的主题语境为人与自然,体裁为记叙文,是高考英语完形填空中常见的话题和体裁。本完形填空试题侧重考查学生根据语境来推断事情的发展经过以及对作者情感的把握能力,尤其是对文章整体的把握能力。


本语篇共设15 道题,其中8 题考查了动词(包含动词短语1 题),3 题考查了名词,1 题考查了介词短语,2 题考查了形容词,1 题考查了副词。


根据《课程标准》的要求,本完形填空试题重在考查学生的英语学科核心素养,尤其是语言能力和思维品质,还涉及了部分的文化意识和学习能力。在语言能力方面,试题重在考查学生对英语基础知识的掌握,如第4 题考查副词的辨析。高考英语重在考查学生对词义了解的全面性,因此,本文设置了第2 题 angry 和第13 题 litter,考查学生对一词多义的掌握情况。在思维品质方面,试题重在考查学生对文章语境的分析、推理和判断的能力,如第1、3、5、6、8、9、10、12 题均需要学生分析文章前后文才能推出答案。具体分析如下:第1 题考查学生对整篇文章的把握,根据后文“When he saw Ms.Cardinal,the two-year-old horse began stepping all four feet heavily,...”可知Winter 是一匹马。第3 题需要学生联系上文“...with bright blue eyes was thin and weak,...,pink sores and wounds.”并进行逻辑推理,才能得出答案为“shape”。第10 题需要学生根据“the two-year-old horse began stepping all four feet heavily,...”进行推理,才能得出答案为“dancing”。本文对学生文化品质的考查主要体现在所选取的文章具有明显的跨文化的特点,在西方文化中,指代动物用“he”或者“she”,如果学生没有这个意识,则会增加他们理解文章的难度。在学习能力方面,试题需要学生能很好地规划自己解答完形填空试题的时间,有计划有策略地高效完成。


文章故事内容简单,文章题目整体难度不大,所设题目的选项词汇都是高考英语的高频词。具有一定难度的词汇包括 angry(红肿的),approach (靠近),litter (一窝幼崽),sores(疡,褥疮),property (房屋及院落,房地产)。

15 道题中,有区分度的题目是:

题目不难但学生易错的题:第3 题(学生未掌握shape 一词的含义及易根据前文的“thin and weak”推断答案为size)

中等难度题:第6 题(考查学生对本题所在的长难句的理解能力),第14 题(考查学生对上一段文章内容的把控能力与前后两段内容的联系能力);

较大难度题:第13 题(考查学生对litter 一词的含义的掌握)。


本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述一匹叫Winter 的马被他现在的主人买下并救治后,在一天晚上洪水来临时,他向主人发出警报,拯救了主人一家的故事。

1.B 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据下文中的“When he saw Ms.Cardinal,the two-year-old horse began stepping all four feet heavily,...”可知,Winter 是一匹马。故选B。

2.A 考查形容词辨析。

【解题思路】根据“...with bright blue eyes was thin and weak,...,pink sores and wounds.”中的“thin and weak”及“sores and wounds”可知,这是描述伤口的形容词。故选A。

3.D 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上一句中的“thin and weak”及“People kept telling me not to buy him...”可推断出,人们不让“我”买下这匹马的原因是他“不健康,外形不好”。故选D。

4.A 考查副词辨析。

【解题思路】根据后一句“I couldn’t just leave him there.”可知,无论怎样,“我”还是把他买了下来。故选A。

5.D 考查介词短语辨析。

【解题思路】根据前一句“It was two years ago that Ms.Cardinal saved Winter.”可知,两年前Ms.Cardinal拯救了Winter,两周前,Winter 反过来又拯救了Ms.Cardinal。故选D。

6.A 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据“It all began the night of Nov.15,as the raging Nicola River 6 rapidly on the property ...”中raging river(汹涌的河流)及下文中“half their property was gone”可知,这次发洪水的原因是河水上涨。故选A。

7.C 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据“...the property Ms.Cardinal 7 with her partner,”可知,“Ms.Cardinal 7 with her partner”是用来修饰property 的定语从句,这个财产为二人共享。故选C。

8.B 考查形容词辨析。

【解题思路】根据前文“...a small horse and a mule who were in a stable ran parallel to the highway.”及后句“He had his back up against the fence...”可知,Winter 意识到了洪水的危险。故选B。

9.D 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据“He had his back up against the fence...”可知,他用背顶住篱笆。故选D。

10.B 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据“ began stepping all four feet heavily”可知,他四脚重重地跺地,就好像在跳舞。故选B。

11.A 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据“‘You okay,buddy?’Ms.Cardinal called softly...”可知,她在靠近时轻柔地说“还好吧,兄弟?”。故选A。

12.C 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据上一段中的“she saw that half their property was gone,and in their place was a 20-foot-deep hole”可知,她看见一半的房屋不见了,在他们所在的地方还有个20 英尺的洞,因此她意识到了危险的来临,所以她尖叫地去喊Mr.Thibodeau。故选C。

13.A 考查名词辨析。

【解题思路】根据“...with the couple’s five dogs,five cats and a 13 of Great Pyrenees puppies ”可知,“我”逃跑时带了五只狗、五只猫和一窝大白熊犬。故选A。

14.C 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】根据前文“ ...half their property was gone”,“Less than five minutes later,the rest of the property 14 all at once.”及后文“And we’d all be gone.”可推断出剩余的房屋也消失了。故选C。

15.C 考查动词短语辨析。

【解题思路】根据整篇文章的内容及最后一句“‘If Winter hadn’t warned me,’Ms.Cardinal says,‘I would have 15 to sleep.And we’d all be gone.’”可知,如果不是Winter警告我,我就会回去睡觉了,那样我们就都不在了。表达了Cardinal 对Winter 拯救了他们性命的感激之情。故选C。







拓展思路 一词多造