

疯狂英语·新阅版 2022年12期


1 Porcelain (瓷器), one of ancient Chinas oldest and greatest inventions, has played a significant role in the countrys long history. The word “porcelain” was probably first used by the celebrated traveler Marco Polo when he brought it from China to Europe in the 14th century. The fact that porcelain is also popularly known as “china” in English speaks of the common recognition of its origins and identification with China.

2 By the late Paleolithic (舊石器时代的) Age, ancient Chinese people had already made pottery (陶器). Pieces discovered from the Xianrendong Cave in Jiangxi Province are believed to be the worlds earliest pottery, dating back about 20,000 years.

3 Some 18,000 years later, with technological advancements, such as the use of raw materials, the firing techniques, protoporcelain appeared during the Shang Dynasty. These early items shared some basic characters with porcelain, but they were not yet as pure as porcelain.

4 By the late Spring and Autumn Period and the early Warring States Period, large quantities of protoporcelain began to be made in present?day Zhejiang Province. These items were cheaper and easier to get than the bronze pieces of the day, which were preferred by most people.

5 However, it wasnt until the Eastern Han Dynasty that porcelain in its modern form appeared. It was first developed in Zhejiang Province. Then some of the most well?known porcelain kilns (窑) began to make their mark during the Tang Dynasty. One of them was the Yue Kiln. These lines from a poem by the Tang poet Lu Guimeng describe the sight of porcelain being made at the Yue Kiln: When the Yue Kiln opens in late autumn, the verdant celadon (青瓷) covers a thousand mountain peaks.

6 Jiang Yu, director at the Zhejiang Provincial Museum, said, “Our ancestors mastered the craft of producing porcelain, which has since been highly regarded, not only by the Chinese, but also by people all over the world. It has become an important part of Chinese culture.”

1. How is the text developed?

A. By space. B. By comparison.

C. By time. D. By importance.

2. What is the difference between protoporcelain and porcelain?

A. Porcelain is purer than protoporcelain.

B. Porcelain is more delicate than protoporcelain.

C. Porcelain is more affordable than protoporcelain.

D. Porcelain is more well?known than protoporcelain.

3. What can we infer from the lines of the Tang poet Lu Guimeng in paragraph 5?

A. Yue Kiln is very cheap. B. Yue Kiln is very popular.

C. Yue Kiln is very beautiful. D. Yue Kiln is very expensive.

4. Why are Jiang Yus words mentioned in the last paragraph?

A. To increase the sales of porcelain.

B. To show the importance of porcelain.

C. To promote the culture of porcelain.

D. To introduce the beauty of porcelain.

Ⅰ. Useful expressions

play a significant role in 在……起重要作用

refer to 指的是

as well as 和;以及

Ⅱ. Difficult sentences

1. The fact that porcelain is also popularly known as “china” in English speaks of the common recognition of its origins and identification with China. 瓷器在英語中也被普遍称为“china”,这一事实表明了人们对其源于中国且与中国密切相关的普遍认知。

【点石成金】that 在该句中引导的是一个同位语从句,porcelain is also popularly known as “china” in English是fact的内容;speak of意为“表明;说明”。

2. Our ancestors mastered the craft of producing porcelain, which has since been highly regarded, not only by the Chinese, but also by people all over the world. 我们的祖先掌握了瓷器的生产工艺,这不仅受到中国人民还受到世界各地人民的高度重视。

【点石成金】which在该句中引导的是一个非限制性定语从句。not only...but also...意为“不仅……而且……”。


锲而不舍 点石成金
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