Stonehenge,Avebury and Associated Sites


疯狂英语·初中天地 2022年12期



Stonehenge and Avebury,in Wiltshire,are among the most famous groups of megaliths in the world.They consist of circles of menhirs arranged in a pattern whose astronomical significance is still being1)explore [ɪkˈsplɔː(r)] v.探索explored.These holy places and the nearby Neolithic sites are an2)incomparable [ɪnˈkɒmprəbl] adj.无可匹敌的incomparabletestimony to prehistoric times.


The Stonehenge,Avebury and Associated Sites is one of the most3)recoɡnizable [ˌrekəɡˈnaɪzəbl] adj.可辨认的recognizabletourist attractions in England.It is also a cultural UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS) known for its prehistoric and archaeological value.It was inscribed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1986.

The Stonehenge,Avebury and Associated Sites is a group of prehistoric monuments.It is considered as the most important monument of its kind in the world.According to archaeological experts,these megaliths have been dated back to 3,700 BC and 1,600 BC.The megaliths are associated with the funerary and ceremonial practices that were done in Britain durinɡ the Neolithic and Bronze Aɡe.

The Stonehenge,Avebury and Associated Sites is comprised of two major land areas that are located within 30 miles from each other.The first site is the famous Stonehenge,while the second location comprised within this World Heritage Site is the Avebury and associated sites.


consist of 由……组成

date back to 追溯到

be comprised of 由……组成

It is therefore important to look closer into each location to have a better understanding of these cultural monuments and their heritage value.

Stonehenge and Associated Monuments

The Stonehenge monuments are one of the most4)siɡnificant [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt] adj.重要的significantmegaliths in the world,but also for the culture and heritage of England.It is located in South Wiltshire and5)span [spæn] v.横跨;包括spansup to 26 square kilometers in land area.The prehistoric monument of Stonehenge is the main feature of this WHS.The ownership of this monument is divided between various orɡanizations includinɡ the National Trust,Wiltshire Council,and the English Heritage.

The associated monuments in Stonehenge represent the most architecturally sophisticated stone circle from the prehistoric times.This also represents the hiɡhest concentration of Neolithic and Bronze Aɡe monuments found in England.There are several burial mounds and a processional route within the axis of this complex of monuments.In fact,some experts claim there is an astronomical character to how these structures were built.

Avebury and Associated Monuments

The Avebury associated monuments were dated back to 2,600 BCE.It also holds the same level of importance as the monuments found within Stonehenge.In particular,this part6)feature [ˈfiːtʃə(r)] v.以……为主要组成features3 prehistoric stone circles (one of them is the largest of its kind in the world).The main stone circle is7)measure [ˈmeʒə(r)] v.测量measuredat 331.6 meters in diameter.

Tips for Visitors

Want to visit the Stonehenge,Avebury and Associated Sites in England? Here are some tips to help you prepare for what is to expect:

The site is located in a far-out part of England.The closest town is Salisbury and the site itself is about 30 minutes away.Be prepared for a long drive.

For conservation purposes,tourists are not allowed to get too close to the monuments.A rope encloses the perimeter of the monuments in order to stop curious tourists.The closest you can get to the monuments is 15 feet.The restriction followed after studies show that the soil beneath the stones is of fragile nature.Hence,UNESCO and the conservationists at the site wanted to reduce activity around the surface.

Winter is considered the best time to visit.Also,as a bonus,the entrance is free during the winter and summer solstices.


in particular 尤其;特别



巨石阵、埃夫伯里和相关遗迹群是英国最具辨识度的旅游景点之一,也是联合国教科文组织世界遗产,以其史前和考古价值而闻名。1986 年,它被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。

巨石阵、埃夫伯里和相关遗迹群是一组史前巨石古迹,被认为是世界上同类古迹中最重要的一处。据考古专家称,这些巨石可以追溯至公元前3700 年到公元前1600 年。这些巨石与新石器时代和青铜时代英国的葬礼和仪式有关。

巨石阵、埃夫伯里和相关遗迹群由两个相距不到30 英里(约合48千米)的主要陆地区域组成。第一处遗址是著名的巨石阵,该世界遗产的第二个遗址则包括埃夫伯里和相关遗址。



巨石阵是世界上最重要的巨石之一,也是英国文化和遗产的代表。它位于南威尔特郡,占地面积达26 平方千米。史前巨石阵是该世界遗产的主体,其所有权由英国国民信托组织、威尔特郡议会和英国遗产协会等不同组织机构所有。



埃夫伯里的相关古迹可追溯至公元前2600 年。其重要性也与巨石阵内的古迹相当。尤其值得一提的是,该部分包括三个史前石圈(其中一个是世界上最大的石圈),主石圈直径达331.6 米。



该遗址位于英国的偏远地区。最近的城镇是索尔兹伯里,距离遗址大约30 分钟车程。要做好开长途车的准备。

出于保护目的,游客不允许太靠近古迹。为了阻止好奇的游客进入,古迹周围围了一圈绳子。离古迹最近的距离是15 英尺(约合4.6 米)。研究发现,巨石下方的土壤极为脆弱,因此出台了这一限制令。联合国教科文组织和该遗址的保护人士希望减少地表周围的活动。



Scientists Find Source for Stonehenge Stones科学家们找到了巨石阵石头的来源