Railway Engineering Science


Railway Engineering Science 2022年1期

Subscription Information

Railway Engineering Science is published quarterly.

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Publication Information

Administrated by: Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China

Sponsored by: Southwest Jiaotong University

Co-published by: Southwest Jiaotong University and Springer Nature

Edited by: The Editorial Board of the Railway Engineering Science

Editorial off i ce: Room 453, Administrative Building, Xipu Campus, Southwest Jiaotong University, Western High-tech Zone, Chengdu 611756, China, E-mail:, Tel.:+86-28-66366847, 66366552

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Aims and Scope

Railway Engineering Science is an international, peer-reviewed, and free open-access journal that publishes original research articles and comprehensive reviews related to fundamental engineering science and emerging technologies in rail transit systems, focusing on the cutting-edge research in high-speed railway, heavy-haul railway, urban rail transit, maglev system, hyperloop transportation, etc. The main goal of the journal is to maintain high quality of publications, serving as a medium for railway academia and industry to exchange new ideas and share the latest achievements in scientif i c research, technical innovation and industrial development in railway science and engineering. The topics include but are not limited to

• Design theory and construction technology

• System dynamics and safety

• Electrif i cation, signaling and communication

• Operation and maintenance

• System health monitoring and reliability

• Environmental impact and sustainability

• Cutting-edge technologies

The publication costs for Railway Engineering Science are fully covered by Southwest Jiaotong University so authors do not need to pay any article-processing charges.