

疯狂英语·新策略 2022年11期

江苏 李 璐


主题语境:人物 篇幅:358词 建议用时:7分钟

Liu A'nan owns a medium-sized scrap station(废品站)in Handan of North China's Hebei Province.He has also become a web celebrity. Since he started posting his daily scrap-picking activities in 2019, he has gained over 10 million followers on Douyin.

China produces about over 400 million tons of household garbage every year. But there is a small but important group struggling to help relieve the pain of the“garbage siege”.More waste recyclers like Liu are creatively presenting their real work on the Internet to change people's stereotypes of the recycling industry. Influenced by these content creators,more people realize that“waste is also precious”,and recycling of waste materials is an important part of the circular economy.

“Recycling is a tough business,but it's fun,”Liu toldGlobal Times.Liu said his home was built on ruins as his parents and many relatives have also run scrap yards.“I have been laughed at as a garbage collector since I was a child.I hope that more people will put aside their contempt and realize that waste recyclers deal with waste and rubbish, but they are not street rats,”Liu said.

Liu noted that China's waste recycling industry chain had advanced quite a bit.“As long as you are not afraid of hardship, you can certainly make money,”Liu remarked. Liu also stressed that the process of sorting waste was“full of surprises”. In the 1,000-squaremeter scrap station,Liu picked up more than 70 watches,ranging in value from tens of dollars to several thousands of dollars. Up to now, Liu has collected more than seven hundred pounds of calligraphy and a thousand pounds of books.

“Just like the famous saying in the movieForrest Gump,‘Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.’My videos allow many people to experience the positive energy that small surprises can bring to their lives, and also let them know that a lot of so-called garbage is actually precious and should have an extended life rather than be thrown away,”Liu said.

Reading Check

1.What is Liu A'nan famous as on Douyin?

A.A folk singer.

B.A garbage collector.

C.A clever businessman.

D.A community volunteer.

2.What have Liu's videos on the Internet made people believe?

A.Opportunities are everywhere for us to become rich.

B.Waste is now the biggest threat to human survival.

C.Recycling plays an important part in the circular economy.

D.All types of waste are recyclable with modern technology.

3.What does the underlined word“contempt”in paragraph 3 mean?





4.What did Liu stress according to the last paragraph?

A.His memory of a movie.

B.His love of chocolates.

C.The surprises in his work.

D.The significance of his work.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

Influenced by these content creators, more people realize that“waste is also precious”,and recycling of waste materials is an important part of the circular economy.在这些内容创作者的影响下,越来越多的人意识到“废品也是宝贵的”,废品回收是循环经济的重要一环。

【点石成金】本句是一个复合句。influenced by these content creators 在句中作原因状语;and连接两个宾语从句,作谓语动词realize的宾语。

Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

medium-sized 中等规模的;中等大小的

web celebrity 网红

scrap-picking 废品回收

put aside 把……放在一边;搁置;暂不考虑

as long as 只要

range 范围从……到……

have an extended life 延长寿命


新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2