

疯狂英语·新策略 2022年9期

四川 蒋建平


Ⅰ. 核心单词

1. sympathy n. 同情;支持;赞同sympathetic adj. 有同情心的;表示同情的;讨人喜欢的

2. cooperate vi. 协作;配合cooperative adj. 合作的cooperation n. 合作;协助;配合

3. organize vt. 组织organization n. 组织

4. responsible adj. 有责任的responsibility n. 责任

5. serve vt. & vi. 服务service n. 服务servant n. 用人;雇员

6. assist vt. & vi. 帮助;协助assistance n. 帮助;支持assistant n. 助手;店员;售货员;助教

7. volunteer n. 志愿者vt. & vi. 主动提供voluntary adj. 自愿的

8. direct vt. & vi. 管理;指挥directly adv. 直接地;正好地;坦率地conj. 一……就……director n. 主任;主管;导演direction n. 方向;指导;趋势;用法说明

9. deliver vt. & vi. 投递;发表;宣布

10. enthusiastic adj. 热心的;热情的enthusiastically adv. 满腔热情地enthusiasm n. 热心;热情

11. profit n. 收益;利润;好处

12. donate vt. 捐赠donation n. 捐赠;赠送;捐赠物

13. ambulance n. 救护车

14. allocate vt. 分配;分派;把……拨给

15. association n. 协会;社团;联系

16. attend vt. & vi. 照料;出席;参加

17. sponsor n. 赞助者;赞助商vt. 赞助

18. adopt vt. & vi. 收养;领养;采用adoption n. 收养;领养;采用

Ⅱ. 高频短语

1. a sense of duty/responsibility 责任感

2. without delay 毫不耽搁

3. for free/free of charge 免费地

4. be on good terms with sb 与某人关系好

5. be skilled in 在……方面熟练

6. be active in 积极参与……

7. be supportive of 支持……

8. be dying to do sth 渴望做某事

9. be in harmony with 与……和谐相处

10. be trapped in 被困在……之中

11. be ready to help others 乐于助人

12. be enthusiastic about charity 热衷于慈善事业

13. give away 捐赠

14. make a difference 有影响

15. collect/raise funds 筹集资金

16. communicate with 与……交流

17. put oneself in other's shoes 设身处地为他人着想

18. volunteer to do sth 自愿做某事

19. give/lend a helping hand 伸出援手

20. set a good example to 为……做出好榜样

21. help sb in need 帮助处于困境的人

22. do charity/voluntary work 做 慈 善/志愿者工作

23. do community service 做社区服务工作

Ⅲ. 靓句积累

1. not...but... 不是……而是……

Volunteers are not paid not because they are worthless but because they are priceless. 志愿者没有报酬,不是因为他们毫无价值,而是因为他们是无价的。

2. if so 如果这样的话

If so, you may be surprised to learn that libraries have changed for the better.如果这样的话,你可能会惊讶地发现,图书馆已经变得更好了。

3. not only置于句首时,使用部分倒装句式

Not only is it a privilege to do voluntary work to help those in need but also an opportunity to challenge myself. 做志愿者工作帮助那些需要帮助的人不仅令我倍感荣幸,而且给了我一个挑战自我的机会。二、续写金句

1. Word about the mission of helping the poor spread like wildfire and good varieties of donations were flooding in. 关于帮助穷人这个任务的消息不胫而走,各种捐赠源源不断地涌入。

2. I would love to work as a volunteer for an organization related to education,because I do feel that this is something that every individual has a right to have,but very few are able to get the quality education. Anyone who initiates it in some way, I would volunteer. Or may be in some time, start it off on my own. 我很想在一个与教育相关的组织做志愿者,因为我确实觉得教育是每个人都有权拥有的东西,但很少有人能够得到优质教育。任何一个以某种方式发起它的人,我都会自愿参加。 或者在一段时间内,由我自己发起。

3. I believe there could be several reasons for people volunteering. Some people volunteer because they feel for the cause and want to do something about it.There are some who volunteer because volunteering teaches themselves a lot.They learn teamwork, leadership, patience,organizing things and so much more. 我认为人们当志愿者可能有几个原因。 有些人做志愿者是因为他们支持这项事业,并想为此做点什么。 有些人做志愿者是因为志愿工作教会了他们很多东西,如团队合作、领导能力、耐心、组织能力等。

4. As far as I am concerned, not only will her generosity help those in need realize their dreams and rebuild faith in life,but also it will motivate more people to participate in such a good deed. 依我看,她的慷慨不仅能帮助那些处于困境的人实现梦想、重拾对生活的信心,而且还能激励更多人参与这样的善举。

5. Now I have come to know what labor means. I think what I experienced in this summer vacation is really wonderful and meaningful. 现在我终于懂得了劳动的真谛。 这个暑假我所经历的一切都是如此精彩而有意义。


Ⅰ. 阅读理解

体裁:记叙文 篇幅:311词

建议用时:7分钟 来源:改编



The 64-year-old Mahendra, the Secretary at People for Animals (PFA), talks about his disabled and wounded dogs like a father talks about his children—with the same love, affection and warmth. It was this love that led him to establish India's first shelter home for dogs living with disabilities.

It all started in 1998. While taking a midnight walk, Mahendra came across a very weak dog on the street, whose bones were visible under its skin. Mahendra decided to feed it and for the next couple of days it became the centre of his life, until the night when he found it dead.

After that, Mahendra started providing treatment to all wounded and sick dogs he came across. Some time later, someone told Mahendra about PFA, India's largest animal welfare organization, chaired by Mrs Maneka Gandhi. Mahendra contacted her and she was impressed by the work he was doing. Mrs Gandhi asked him to start a PFA chapter in Ahmedabad.

Thus, in 2004, he started the shelter.It took a long time for Mehendra to find the land where the shelter could be set up.Finally, Ramesh Bhai Patel, a native farmer from a village named Jundal,agreed to give his land for nothing. Along with a team of four doctors and many volunteers, the shelter now has 25 dogs that were unable to walk at all when they were brought in. Today, they're slowly healing.Dogs that have healed with proper treatment are sent back to where they came from if the environment there is safe.However, the shelter will be home to the blind dogs for all their lives, says Mahendra.

The shelter runs on money coming from Mahendra's own pension of Rs.45,000. There have been some financial crunches now and then, but Mahendra is determined that no matter what challenge comes their way, they'll fight through.

1. What made Mahendra decide to do something for disabled and sick dogs?

A. His contact with PFA.

B. The encouragement of Gandhi.

C. The death of a homeless sick dog.

D. A walk with a sick dog of Gandhi.

2. What happened to Mahendra when he tried to build the shelter?

A. He secured government funds.

B. He got a land from a local farmer for free.

C. He learned medical knowledge from doctors.

D. He met with much difficulty in finding volunteers.

3. What does the underlined word “crunches”in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. Crises. B. Details.

C. Services. D. Advantages.

4. Which of the following words can best describe Mahendra?

A. Modest.

B. Humorous.

C. Kind-hearted.

D. Open-minded.

Ⅱ. 完形填空

体裁:记叙文 篇幅:251词

建议用时:7分钟 来源:改编



When Arun Krishnamurthy was a teenager, he witnessed a pond near his home filled up with trash. The damage to the pond made a great 1 to the beautiful pond in his memory. So he decided to do something to 2 its original beauty.

In 2007, Krishnamurthy and his team founded the EFI to 3 the garbage and restore the natural habitats of birds, frogs and native plants, giving wildlife a chance to 4 . Over the past few years, the EFI has 5 restoration work on 112 lakes and ponds. 6 , EFI aimed to restore lakes and ponds. However, its far-reaching influence surprised Krishnamurthy. The work has 7 India's water supply for it helps groundwater recharge.

In fact, groundwater is 8 to India, accounting for 80% of its water supply. However, overusing water is reducing reserves greatly. The government is required to take some measures, but Krishnamurthy believes it is 9 that play a significant role.

Currently, the EFI is facing a 10 when it comes to waste disposal (处理).Up to 95% of the solid waste it 11 from lakes and ponds ends up in landfills.The group is researching on various 12 of reusing and recycling more of the trash.

Despite the difficulties, he feels

13 not only for India but for the world. He 14 everyone to care for lakes and ponds, the dumping (倾倒) of the waste and needs of wildlife. With the right 15 , each of us can make a difference to our planet.

1. A. contrast B. claim

C. response D. contribution

2. A. replace B. regain

C. explore D. demonstrate

3. A. store B. rebuild

C. destroy D. remove

4. A. return B. escape

C. compete D. remember

5. A. looked into B. held up

C. carried out D. cut off

6. A. Naturally B. Originally

C. Finally D. Actually

7. A. changed B. interrupted

C. benefited D. reflected

8. A. familiar B. attractive

C. vital D. cruel

9. A. individuals B. members

C. organizers D. leaders

10. A. choice B. challenge

C. defeat D. topic

11. A. transports B. forms

C. rescues D. collects

12. A. standards B. methods

C. policies D. consequences

13. A. hopeful B. ready

C. thankful D. happy

14. A. permits B. teaches

C. warns D. urges

15. A. conclusions B. assessments

C. intentions D. occasions

Ⅲ. 读后续写








Last August, my husband, our two kids and I were on vacation for a nice week away. We had hiked about half a mile to a popular spot called Diana's Baths, where the water falls off a series of flat rocks. The baths were full of families,so we made our way to one of the upper levels of rock to keep our distance.

Both where we sat and down below,the water fell into small pools, where kids in swimsuits were playing around. I watched as some younger parents nervously took their children away from the rocks'edges, feeling grateful that our kids, at six and eight, could keep their physical space with more confidence. I was still terrified as I saw my two boys jump between the slippery rocks. At the top of my voice, I warned them not to run and to stay away from the edges.

Then, seconds later, I turned and saw my son Wyatt sitting down between two rocks in a fast-moving stream. I yelled at him to get out. He yelled back something that I couldn't hear, and then he disappeared over the edge. I screamed, over and over,“Somebody help my son! ”I didn't even know what help he needed. My husband was rushing down the rocks. Wyatt was sitting up—he was alive. My biggest fear was erased.

It was about 12 feet from the top of the waterfall to the pool below, and Wyatt had fallen on his back, straight onto the rocks. While everyone else looked on from a distance, too afraid or unbothered to help, one of the visitors, Lisa, didn't hesitate. By the time I had climbed down the rocks and my husband had pulled Wyatt out of the water, she had already called 911 for an ambulance. She told me that she was a nurse. She put a towel under Wyatt's head, asked us to keep him still and on his back, and said, “I'm not leaving you.”


Paragraph 1:

The rescue team came and took Wyatt out of the park on a stretcher to the ambulance.





Paragraph 2:

On the day Wyatt checked out of the hospital, Lisa turned up, with a bunch of flowers in hands.







Britain's“Shark House”
每一个人的努力, 都不会被辜负
Learning English By Reading Books