

中国藏学 2022年2期

The Multi-ethnic Interaction Area is the Key Area to Consolidate the Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation—The Historical Foundation,Unique Status and Exemplary Role of the Kham Region in Ethnic Exchanges

SHI Shuo

Abstract:In China's ethnic pattern,there are some important connecting areas between ethnic inhabited areas.These connecting areas are often areas where multiple ethnic groups meet closely and play an irreplaceable role in forging the sense of community for the Chinese nation.The Kham area,located in the Hengduan Mountains area in the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,is exactly such a connecting area between ethnic inhabited areas and a typical multi-ethnic interaction area.The article discusses the historical foundation,unique status,and exemplary role of Kham in forging the sense of community for the Chinese nation.It is pointed out that the Kham area is the passage to Tibet and the outpost and support for the central government to govern Tibet since the Ming and Qing dynasties.It has a profound social tradition of supporting the central government and maintaining the unity of the country.Due to the long-term multi-ethnic interaction and close contact,the various ethnic groups in the Kham area have formed some important experiences of exemplary significance:1.Subjectively,the concept of ethnicity is weak, the boundaries between ethnic groups are blurred,and the principles of“seeking common ground” and “seeking peace” are followed when getting along with each other;2.Culturally,they have an open and tolerant attitude,building harmonious ethnic relations through cultural“sharing” ,etc.These experiences may seem simple,but they have important theoretical value and practical significance,highlighting the unique value and exemplary role of Kham in consolidating the sense of community for the Chinese nation.

Keywords:Kham area;The sense of community for the Chinese nation;Han and Tibetan ethnic groups;Multiethnic interaction;Cultural sharing

The Movement of Tibetans to Jiangnan Area:Historical Practice of Communication between Han and Tibetan Ethnic Groups in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties

LUO Hong

Abstract:The links between the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and the Han area were continuously strengthened during the Yuan and Ming dynasties.The activities of Tibetans in the Han area also reached a historical peak.Among them,the movement of Tibetans to Jiangnan is worth mentioning.Tibetan Buddhism developed in this area with the support of the Yuan imperial court.The court set up some religious and administrative institutions such as Jiangnan Buddhist General Office and Provisional Hangzhou Xuan-zheng-yuan.Some representatives including bZang po dpal and rGya bo pa and other Tibetan Buddhist monks were either exiled or sent to Jiangnan area.During the Hongwu and Yongle periods,the court canonized many monks and chiefs,and most of them such as De-bzhin gShegs-pa,Kun-dgav bKra-shis rGyal-mtshan,Byams-chen Chos-rje Shvakya Yeshes were invited to pay tribute and travel in Nanjing.Hou Xian,dPal-ldan bKra-shis and others served in the Nanjing imperial court.The number of Tibetans going to Jiangnan increased rapidly.However,the situation in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties was quite different in terms of numbers,sects,initiative,content of activities,and political and social circumstances.Overall,the movement of Tibetans to Jiangnan during this period enhanced the Tibetans'understanding of Jiangnan,accumulated strength for the accumulation of wealth and their own social transformation and development,and also enriched the multiculturalism of the Jiangnan area.It enhanced the political,religious and cultural interaction and connection between the east and the west areas.It is still instructive today for consolidating the sense of community for the Chinese nation.

Keywords:Yuan and Ming Dynasties;Tibetans;Jiangnan;Ethnic migration

Historical Memory and Community Narrative:Intellectual Elites'Discourses on Princess Wencheng during the Era of Republic of China

Ye-shes bsTan-vdzin

Abstract:During the period of the Republic of China,due to certain twists and turns and difficulties that occurred in the relationship between the central government and Tibet,the relationship between Tibet and the motherland attracted unprecedented attention from the intellectual elites of that time.In this context,in order to introduce the long-standing friendly relationship between the Han and Tibetan ethnic groups to people who are“unfamiliar with the situation in Tibet” ,and to emphasize the historical fact that Tibet and the motherland are inseparable,discourses on Princess Wencheng began to be widely emphasized among the intellectual elites of the Republic of China.This paper systematically presents and sorts out this phenomenon,and points out that Princess Wencheng,as a historical memory and symbol of friendship between the Han and Tibetan ethnic groups,appeared widely in officials and scholars'narratives related to Tibet issue during the special period of difficulties and twists in the relationship between the central government and Tibet.These narratives have strongly confirmed the historical origin between Tibet and the motherland,and brought the feelings between the Han and Tibetan ethnic groups closer.The discourses on Princess Wencheng are not only the historical memory and symbol of Han-Tibetan friendship,but also an important testimony to the sense of community for the Chinese nation.

Keywords:Princess Wencheng;Tibetan local government;Han-Tibetan relationship;Intellectual elites of the Republic of China;Consolidating the sense of community for the Chinese nation

The Education of Mongolian and Tibetan School on Mongolian and Tibetan Students'Sense of the Chinese Nation and Its Influence during the Republic of China

PAN Xiao-tong

Abstract:After the establishment of the Nanjing National Government,facing the situation of internal and external aggression,it implemented frontier education to unite and integrate the Mongolian,Tibetan and other ethnic groups as the Chinese nation.Since 1930,Mongolian-Tibetan class and school had been set up,attached to the Nanjing Central Political School.The school enabled students to realize that they belong to the Chinese nation through curriculum setting,celebrity speeches,memorial ceremonies,and disciplined students'behavior and habits through militarized management and campus activities.The students wrote and publicized the interdependence and common destiny of Mongolia,Tibet and other ethnic groups and the Chinese nation through publications such asNew Qinghai,Kang-Tibet Vanguard,and Mongolian Future.During the Anti-Japanese War,they organized the propaganda and fundraising to stimulate frontier people's awareness of the Chinese nation.They were mainly engaged in education after returning to their hometowns,which promoted the process of national integration of various ethnic groups in terms of ideology and culture.Based on archives,newspapers and other materials,the essay discusses the establishment of Mongolian and Tibetan School,the measures to cultivate Mongolian and Tibetan students'awareness of the Chinese nation and their influence.

Keywords:Republic of China;Mongolian and Tibetan school;Mongolian and Tibetan students;Sense of the Chinese nation

Textual Research on the Place Name of rGyal rong

Tshe ring thar

Abstract:The original Bon religion's gNyan belief and the history of Mu clan's eastward migration to rGyal rong created the social and historical foundation of the belief in dMu rdo Mountain.With the dMu rdo Mountain as the central geographical coordinate and Jinchuan as the cultural core area,the geographical concept of the hot canyon “rGyal mo tsha ba rong” ,or“rGyal rong” ,blessed by Srid-pavi rGyal-mo,was formed around the 7th century and possibly earlier. “rGyal rong” was transliterated as “Jia liang” in Chinese historical books in the 7th century and first appeared in theBook of Sui.The concept of“Oriental rGyal mo rong”,which was literally translated as“Dong Nv guo” (Eastern Kingdom of Women)in the 10th century,appeared in theOld Book of Tang.Tibetan literature recorded the place name “rGyal rong” later than Chinese literature.Tibetan literature first recorded “rGyal mo tsha ba rong” in the 12th century,and “Oriental rGyal mo rong”was recorded for the first time in the 13th century.This is because not only the Tibetan language was produced much later than the Chinese language,but also under the leadership of the Tubo royal family,which had long adhered to the policy of promoting Buddhism and suppressing Bon,and the different local Buddhist regimes in the later dissemination period of Tibetan Buddhism,the Tibetan historiography with “Buddhist origin” as the main paradigm is completely attached to the history of the spread and development of Buddhism,therefore the rGyal rong area where Bon religion is prevalent has never entered the field of vision of mainstream Tibetan Buddhist historians.In the 15th century,it was only until Tsong kha pa's disciple Tsha-kho Ngag-dbang Grags-pa was sent to build a monastery and preach in the Amdo area that rGyal rong area began to receive the attention of the Buddhist upper class in dBus and gTsang.The connotation of the place name“rGyal rong”and the final formation of the geographic structure it represents have gone through a long historical process.This process also reminds us of the importance of paying attention to the exchanges and integration of multi-ethnic cultures in any academic research.

Keywords:Place name of rGyal rong;Textual research;dMu rdo;Jia liang;Eastern Kingdom of Women

A Look at the Formation and Evolution of the Cosmology of Bon Religion through Dunhuang Manuscripts

Ngag-dbang rGya-mtsho,Tshe-ring bKra-shis

Abstract:There seems to have formed a conclusion in the academic circles that the dualism cosmology of Bon religion has been influenced by the Persian Zoroastrian,and the duality of light and darkness constitutes one of the basic contents of Bon doctrine.This conclusion is based on the ancient Bon literatureSrid pavi mdzod phug.According to the Bon cosmology recorded in the Dunhuang manuscripts,there are theories that the heaven has nine layers or thirteen layers,which is the early Bon cosmology.After the eleventh century,the concept of thirteen layers of heaven has evolved into that of thirty-three layers of heaven,which can be found inmDo gzer mig,mDo vdus,mDo dri med gzi brjidand some ritual texts.The theory of thirty-three layers of heaven comes down to “triadism” .The basic classics of Bon religion are divided into three categories—black,white,and varicolored.The transformation of“triadism” into dualism was completed in the process of institutionalization of Bon religion,formed in the development of religion,and to some extent it also laid the theoretical foundation for the later introduction of Buddhism.

Keywords:Dunhuang manuscripts;Bon religion;Cosmology;Triadism;Dualism

Study on the Ti shri Ras pa of the Western Xia(Tangut)from Multiple Perspectives

FANG Zi-chao

Abstract:Tibetan materials have showed that the Tibetan monk Ras pa engaged in the activities of building temples and disseminating Buddhism in the Western Xia(Tangut)for nearly 30 years,eventually became the last Imperial Preceptor(Ti shri),witnessed the demise of the Western Xia Regime,and he was closely related to many existing Buddhist relics of the late Western Xia in the Hexi region.This paper starts with the biographical documents of Ti shri Ras pa,and then makes a comparative study of the images of eminent monks wearing black hats in the Western Xia Regime.Through the research methods of linguistics and philology,it is concluded that there is a great possibility that the image of eminent monks painted in the front room of Mogao Cave 465 in Dunhuang is Ti shri Ras pa.

Keywords:Mogao Cave 465;Tibetan Buddhism in Western Xia;Ti shri Ras pa;Iconology;Historical linguistics

The Ninth Panchen Lama's Appeal for Peace during the Period of the Beiyang Government and Its Significance

PU Sheng-hua

Abstract:During the period of the Beiyang government,the warlords fought incessantly,the national foundation was shaken,and the people were miserable.In 1924,the ninth Panchen Lama witnessed an unprecedented dis-aster in the mainland,which brought great suffering to the Chinese people.Facing the current situation of constant flames of war,the ninth Panchen Lama could not bear to sit and watch.He hovered between various forces by means of letters and telegrams,speeches,conversations and so on.He spared no effort to mediate disputes and called for peace.The ninth Panchen Lama wrote to the aftermath meeting twice and solemnly put forward opinions and suggestions on eliminating the scourge of war and implementing the Chinese Republic of five ethnic groups.In the second War between Zhi and Feng,War between Jiang su and Zhe jiang,War between Guo and Feng,War between Jin and Feng and other warlord wars,he repeatedly electrified the whole country,stated his interests,advised disputes and advocated peace.At the same time,in every fighting conflict,the ninth Panchen Lama kept persuading the parties involved in the dispute by letters or telegrams,or sending personnel to mediate,trying to mediate the contradictions of all parties and strive for peace.In order to save the country from danger and save the people from water and fire,he also delivered speeches on various occasions,stating the harm of civil war,calling on the belligerents to put national interests first,dispel past grievances and make peace.When interviewed by the press,the focus of his conversation was often to express his concern about the chaotic situation and stated his consistent peace proposition as always.All these were conveyed by his strong desire for peace and war,soaked with his strong patriotic feelings.Inspired by his patriotism,all sectors of society had agreed with his peace proposition and expressed their best efforts to eliminate the scourge of war.Although the appeal for peace of the ninth Panchen Lama could not fundamentally change the situation of war,it played a role in awakening the Chinese people to a certain extent,stimulated people's feelings of family and country and patriotic consciousness and had a great social impact.At the same time,it also played a somewhat mitigating role in the incessant fighting between warlords,which had a certain significance of the times.

Keywords:Beiyang government;The ninth Panchen Lama;Appeal for peace;Fighting between warlords;Significance of the times

On the Political Connotation of Tibetan Local Annual Tribute in the Qing Dynasty

CHEN Yu-tong

Abstract:The Qing government clearly stipulated the annual tribute of the two sPrul-sku system,i.e.,the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Erdeni,in order to strengthen the relationship and appease the Tibetan people,thus becoming an effective system for the Qing government to manage Tibet and consolidate its rule.Since the Qianlong reign,annual tributes in Tibet showed stability and continuity in terms of type and quantity,which could be roughly divided into five categories:religious articles,characteristic textiles,medicinal materials and food,daily necessities and special tributes,and the tributes were not all local things.The tributes that flowed in the frequent exchanges between the central government and the Tibetan local government served as the material carrier of the Tibetan annual tribute system in the Qing Dynasty,the main connotation is a political symbol centered on national identity.On the one hand,it is the emotional expression of the Dalai Lama and Panchen Erdeni's respect,prayers,and gratitude to the Qing emperor.national identity.Through the flow of tributes with political connotations,the two sides maintained and consolidated the relationship between the central government and the Tibetan local government,and finally realized the political situation in which Emperor Qianlong said “prosperity and harmony” ,national harmony and inheritance,and the inland and the frontier are like one family.

Keywords:Qing Dynasty;Tibetan local government;Annual tribute;Political connotation

A Translation and Study on the Tibetan-Language Imperial-composed Stele Inscription of the History of the Reconstructed Dalongshan Huguo Monastery

LI Zhi-ming,bSod-rnams dBang-mo

Abstract:The Stele of the History of the Reconstructed Dalongshan Huguo Monastery was erected on the first day of the tenth lunar month of the Seventh Year of Zhengde Reign(1512)in the Ming dynasty.It is an important primary source to understand the history of Dalongshan Huguo Monastery and the only extant Ming dynasty Tibetan-language stele with imperial-composed inscription in Beijing.Both the content and style of the inscription attest to the Han-Tibetan cultural interaction in the Ming time.This article argues that the Tibetan inscription was translated from its Chinese correspondence.Because the stele with the Chinese inscription was lost in early Qing,the value of the stele with Tibetan inscription has not been well recognized.As the inscription indicates,Emperor Wuzong required two eunuchs,Gu Dayong and Zhang Xiong,to carry out a large scale of reconstruction for Dalongshan Huguo Monastery from 1510 to 1511.After the construction,Daqing Chos rje Rin chen dpal ldan and Dajue Chos rje Chos skyabs bzang po hosted a series of rituals in the temple.The reconstruction work has established the layout for the monastery for hundreds of years.This article argues that Daqing Chos rje Rin chen dpal ldan was another name for Emperor Wuzong as there was no other Tibetan Buddhist monk bearing the title of Daqing Chos rje and the name of Rin chen dpal ldan.In addition,there are many transliteration vocabularies in the inscription,making the stele quite valuable for understanding Han-Tibetan phonetic rules in the Ming dynasty.

Keywords:Huguo Monastery;Emperor Wuzong;Daqing Chos rje;Han-Tibetan communication

Translation and Annotation of Nyang-chos-byung(XII)


Written by Nyang Nyi-ma'od-zer Translated and annotated by XU Yuan-qin

Abstract:TheNyang-chos-vbyungis an important religious history book in the 12th century,and its original Tibetan name isChos-vbyung-me-tog-snying-po-sbrang-rtsivi-bcud.This part of translation includes the 20th and the 21st sections of the third chapter,the contents of which respectively are inviting Atisa to Tibet and the generation of philosophical system of rNying-ma-pa,and the epilogue and postscript.

Keywords:Nyang-chos-vbyung;Nyang Nyi-ma'od-zer;Chos vbyung;Translation and annotation

Research on Historical Archives Compilation during the Reign of dGav-ldan Pho-brang:Retrospect,Current Situation and Prospect

Brag-g.yab Blo-bzang Bu-khrid,Lha vbrug rgyal,Sangs rgyas skyabs

Abstract:This article mainly reviews the historical archives of the dGav-ldan Pho-brang regime collected by domestic and foreign institutions during 1959—2019 and their compilation achievements,as well as the related research works and papers by individuals.This paper focuses on the Archives of Tibet Autonomous Region,which has the largest number of historical archives of this period,and makes a comprehensive review of the historical evolution,editing and research achievements,contents and forms of the achievements of this institute.The author holds that the compilation of historical archives during the period of dGav-ldan Pho-brang regime has been increasing.From the form of achievements with typography and photocopy combined,it shows positive development,perfect vitality,and outstanding social benefits.Although the individual research is in the initial stage,and the research depth and width are not enough,the overall situation is good.

Keywords:dGav-ldan Pho-brang regime;Qing dynasty;Tibetan historical archives;Archives of Tibet Autonomous Region

Analysis of the Proclamation by the Fifth Dalai Lama to the Fourth De mo Hu thug thu—Also on the Related Issues of the “Great Golden Seal”

Blo-bzang Nyi-ma,Hung-pa bKra-chos

Keywords:The fifth Dalai Lama;The fourth De mo Hu thug thu;Proclamation;Golden seal

Inheritance of Thangka Iconometry:Body Memory and Incorporating

LIU Dong-mei

Abstract:From the perspective of materialized practice,this paper investigates the “six steps” in the inheritance of Thangka iconometry.Firstly,control and discipline the body through sitting posture and gestures;sec-ondly,create visual perception patterns and basic schema memory by practice repeatedly;thirdly,overcome physical habits through deliberate practice and mental training;fourthly,expand the schema memory system in the form of typological training;fifthly,the combination of eyes,hands and hearts can be achieved through the training of subtle description and generalization and refinement;sixthly,realize creative conception and free expression in the way of unity of body and knowledge.With the creation and expansion of schema memory,modeling ability and artistic conception,this paper discusses Thangka apprentices in different stages,their physical perception and mental changes,as well as the process of physical and mental reshaping in the interaction with teachers and peers.

The quality of body memory in incorporating reveals that Thangka skill training is a transcendence of inherent body habits,a state reached by unity of body and mind,rather than a knowledge principle once and for all.As a professional field and sophisticated system of teaching and learning,it is not only an important way of personal learning,social transmission of knowledge and even an innovative cultural landscape,but also the content of perception mode,moral emotion,value judgment and so on related to Thangka.It is also the perception mode,moral emotion,value judgment and other contents related to Thangka,which makes the apprentices challenge the limits of skills,and constantly pursue the perfection of personality.The “six steps” in the inheritance of Thangka iconometry reminds us that the process of artistic creativity obtained by Thangka apprentice is a stepby-step breakthrough based on a large number of previous achievements.Therefore,this creativity belongs to the region of collective practice rather than individual achievement.In this sense,the duty of Thangka inheritors is to hold the pulse of culture with internalized body memory.

Keywords:Thangka iconometry;Incorporating;Tibetan Thangka;Body memory

On the Ming Dynasty Jade Articles Collected in Tibet

SHI Ting-ting

Abstract:The Tibet Museum and the Potala Palace have collected dozens of intact jade articles from the inland of the Ming Dynasty,which are very precious.Taking this as the starting point,this paper combs the characteristics of the variety,style and technology of jade sent into Tibet by the Ming court.Taking the unearthed jade as the standard,combined with relevant documents,this paper dating the jade of the Ming Dynasty collected in the Tibet Museum and the Potala Palace to clarify its special historical value.It is pointed out that the jade articles preserved in Tibet from the inland of the Ming Dynasty have high specifications and grades.They not only have jade seals as tokens of power,but also many jade dishes that are even rare in the inland in the same period,as well as jade belt ornaments that can be worn only by a few clansmen and officials above the first grade in the Ming Dynasty.They are important evidence of the Ming government's respect and courtesy of Tibetan Buddhism,and a valuable witness of Han-Tibetan exchanges.

Keywords:Tibet Museum;Potala Palace;Jade of Ming Dynasty;Han-Tibetan exchange

The Preliminary Compilation of the Chronology of dMu-dge bSam-gtan

WANG Jian-hai

Abstract:dMu-dge bSam-gtan was a famous Tibetan scholar in the 20th century.He became a monk in dMudge Monastery of his hometown in his early years.At the age of 20,he went to study at Bla-brang Monastery and obtained the degree of rDo-ram-pa dGe-shes.After the founding of People's Republic of China,he participated in the translation and proofreading of Tibetan texts of important documents such as the 17-Article Agreement.After the reform and opening up,he devoted himself to writing,giving lectures and other academic activities,and made important contributions to Tibetan studies and education.He was on a par with his contemporary Tibetan scholars Tshe-tan Zhabs-drung and Dung-dkar Blo-bzang vPhrin-las,known as one of the “Three Contemporary Great Tibetan Scholars”.He was an academic master with an important position in the history of modern Tibetology in China.Based on various published works and relevant research materials,the chronology has carefully ranked and examined his academic activities and important deeds by year and month,and strives to relatively accurately reflect his academic career and important achievements.The chronology supplements the research progress of dMu-dge bSam-gtan in the academic circle,in order to have a more comprehensive understanding of him and his academic influence.

Keywords:dMu-dge bSam-gtan;Life stories;Tibetan studies;Chronology


以生为本 立德树人
以生为本 立德树人