Baked earth Sculpture 陶器塑像


时代英语·高三 2022年4期

V. M. Hillyer

——V. M.希利尔(仲秋译)

TERRA COTTA  means earth baked. A flower pot and a brick are terra cotta— that is, earth or clay baked till it is red, yellowish  red . You  have probably made things out of mud—oranges and apples, cups and  saucers — and  the  old Greeks made figures of people in the same way and out of the same thing, mud or clay. They made little statues of women, smaller than doll babies, out of clay, and then baked them so that they would not crumble to pieces.

That baking turned them int o  terra  cot t a . It  wast he custom to  place these  little figures  or  little  statues — figurines and statuettes, they were  called — in  t ombs  and graves and thousands of them have been dug up and are now in museums. As they were first dug  up  in a town  in  Greece named  Tanagra,  all  such statuettes are called Tanagra figurines.



crumble /'krʌmbl/ v.破碎;碎裂  Rice flour makes the cake less likely to crumble.

parasol /'pærəsɒl/ n.遮阳伞 ornament /'ɔːnəmənt/ n.装饰品

They are usually figures of ladies  carrying  a  fan  or  a parasol. Yes, the Greek ladies had fans and parasols very like the ones ladies have nowadays. W hat  is  unusual  in  G reek sculpture is that the figures are fully clothed.

Most of the statuettes are original, but some of them are copies  of large statues . As many of the large statues have disappeared, these figurine copies  show  us  what  the originals looked like . But they show us more than that. If you want to find out what the Greeks really were like, go to a museum and look at these little figures . The big, famous marble statues are of gods and goddesses, athletes and warriors . They were more nearly perfect than real people . But these terra cotta statuettes are copied from everyday Greeks. They show us what the real Greeks were like. One shows a girl milking a cow. Another shows two girls playing a game, with one riding on the back of the other. Just everyday doings.

Many of the figurines were painted in bright colors . Some had tiny necklaces of real gold or held bronze ornaments in their hands . But on many of them the only color left is the yellowish  red of the clay of which they are formed.




The  figurines  are hollow  except  for  their heads, which are solid clay. I'm sure your head has more in it than solid clay, no matter how hollow the rest of you may feel just before dinner time.

Figurines were made for the dead, lamps were made for the living . Lamps, which every house had to have, were decorated with figures in  l o w  r e l i e f . L a m p s nowadays, of course, are usually electric and quite different from those in ancient Greece and other countries . These old lamps were very small, seldom larger than your hand, and were made either of terra cotta or bronze. They had a hole in which a twisted piece of string- like cloth was stuffed for a wick. They held olive oil or grease which soaked the wick and made it burn when lighted . These lamps gave no more light than a burning match, but that was  all the  light people had at night. Perhaps they went to bed earlier than we do. The lamps often had on the top or sides the usual fairy - tale figures — Greek gods or goddesses or other c h a r a c t e r s  i n  G r e e k mythology.



Lamps were made in molds and hundreds or even thousands of lamps were made from one mold. Some of the old molds have been dug up out of the ground and are used to make modern reproductions which are sold today as souvenirs to travelers or even called antiques. If the lamps are of bronze and are really old ones that have been dug up, they have a greenish coating called a patina. If they are not really old, they are sometimes dipped in acid to make them look so, but they have sharper edges than the old and the patina made by acid does not look the same as that eaten in by time. If they are of clay, the newly made lamps look cleaner cut and fresher than the old. So if you are thinking of buying an ancient lamp tomorrow (stranger things have happened), be sure to notice the patina or the freshness of the clay.


Word Study

hollow /'hɒləʊ/ adj. 中空的;空心的

The tree trunk was hollow inside.

stuff /stʌf/ v. 塞满;填满

All the drawers were stuffed full of letters and papers.

soak /səʊk/ v. 浸泡;浸透

I usually soak the beans overnight.

mold /məʊld/ n. 模具;模子


第五回 热爱“实用而宏大”的古希腊人
新砦期 猪首形陶器盖
新砦期 陶器盖