Official Background as the Unique One in the Industry
On October 21, 2013, Chairman Xi Jinping proposed sixteen-character general policy:supporting studying abroad, encouraging back home, freedom to come and go and playing a role.
On December 5, 2013, Studying Abroad magazine was founded by Guangming Daily Press.Studying Abroad focuses on studying abroad and migration.Its target readers range from overseas students and their families, domestic students intending to study abroad and their parents, to studying abroad related public figures from government sectors, overseas universities,and Chinese and western educational circles, as well as influential figures from studying abroad industry, etc.
Studying Abroad magazine is the only government-linked media organization focusing on studying abroad field,currently.
Guangming Studying Abroad Magazine
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2095-6940
《留学》邮发代号:postal distribution code 82-271
《留学》电话订阅:phone subscription
1)全国各大党政机关等随光明日报专线派 送;
Deliver with GuangMing RiBao to major party and government organs throughout the country
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9)书店直购:北京—各大图书大厦(西单、王府井、亚运村、中关村、世贸天阶、望京、百万庄);人民大学读者服务;火车站书店(北京站、南站、西站等);三联韬奋书店(美术馆店);Page one书店(三里屯太古里、国贸商城、颐堤港、杭州万象城、成都国际金融中心IFS)。
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Book building in Beijing (Xidan, Wangfujing,Asian Games Village, The Place, Wangjing,Baiwanzhuang); People’s University reader service; railway station bookstore (Beijing Railway Station, Beijing South/West Railway Station); SDX Joint bookstore art gallery branch; Page One(Sanlitun, China World Shopping Mall, YItigang, Hangzhou mixc and Chengdu IFS)
Campus market and subway bookstore in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Chongqingcapital city in Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei,Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi,Henan,Jiangsu, Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Zhejiang,Sichuan, Guangxi and their second big cities; airport in Chengdu and Harbin’s BrightPowerBooks
10)全国高铁站汇智光华书店—共79个门店,分布明 细:
79 stores BrightPowerBooks in high-speed station all over China
http:// www.cnki.net/
Online publishing platform for achievements of CNKI project.
The most comprehensive gateway of knowledge of China.
Over 1,300 institutional customers overseas in 43 countries and regions,20,000 institutional customers from a various of industries in China mail and core users ranging from top universities,research institutes, government thinktanks, enterprises, hospitals to public libraries.
End-users are over 50 million, website traffic over 2.1 billion and full-text downloads reached 1.2 billion in 2013.
Ten service centers located in Beijing,New York, Tokyo, Seoul and etc.
A sales network composed of 13 agents and offices outside mainland China.
2)龙源期刊网 Longyuan journal net
http:// www.qikan.com.cn
3)博看网 Bokan net
http:// bookan.com
4)维普网 VIP net
http:// cqvip.com
5)超星 Super Star Network
6)读览天下 Dulantianxia
http:// www.dooland.com
1)《留学》在美国波士顿拥有记者站;在美、加、英、澳、新、日等主要留学国家拥有海外特派观察员,相关地区赠阅发行。欢迎海外名校学生会华人成员、海外社会公益组织华人成员、海外有社会影响力华人成员诚意加 盟。
There is one magazine report station in Boston, USA.With special observers in America, Canada, UK, Australia, Singapore,Japan, Hong Kong and Macaw and other major studying area, the magazine is free published in related area.Welcome influential Chinese from universities union and social welfare organization to join us.
Distribution abroad:
China international book trade group co.LTD
国外发行代号 Foreign issue code:SM9183欧美订阅:
Subscription in Europe and America:
Subscription in Asia, Africa,Hong Kong and Taiwan
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