

疯狂英语·新读写 2022年10期

主题语境:人与社会 篇幅:369词 建议用时:7分钟

1Imagine being able to read others'minds.Once you master the art of understanding body language,you will be surprised how you can interpret what their real message is.You will be able to have the upper hand in conversations and ultimately read people like reading a book.You'll know when to back off on a subject,and when to wind up your words,simply by recognizing certain body signals.

2A good way to tell if your conversation is going well is whether the person you are engaging with mirrors your own body language.Be sure to pay careful attention to their movements while speaking with them.

3If they suddenly fold their arms or raise an eyebrow,you are likely to have crossed a line.You may have said something that has touched a nerve or made them feel uncomfortable.If they cross their legs or sit facing away from you,these are signs of resistance,too.

4There are a number of key indicators when it comes to body language.Eyes,feet,hands and head movements are all signals to pay attention to.

5Eyes:If people maintain eye contact when communicating,they are engaged.If they look away or avoid eye contact,they may be distracted and bored.It's a good time to askthem a question and re-engage them.

6Mouth:If people are smiling genuinely,you have their attention.If,on the other hand,they are covering their mouth,they may be hiding something or worse still,lying.

7Head movement:If people are nodding their head,they are agreeable and paying attention.There's a good chance that they are viewing you favorably.If,on the other hand,they start moving their head rapidly,they may be losing patience with the conversation and trying to speed things up.At this point,it would be wise to finish speaking and let them have their say.

8Feet:Pay special attention to the feet and the direction that they point in.If they are pointing towards you,this is a good indicator.It likely means that they are comfortable and interested in what you are saying.If they are pointing away,it is a big sign that they are on the move.

Reading Check

Ⅰ.Choose the best answers according to the text.


Have you ever read body language wrongly?How and why?

Language Study

Ⅰ.Discover useful structures in the text


Once you master the art of understanding body language,you will be surprised how you can interpret what their real message is.一旦你掌握了理解肢体语言的艺术,你会惊讶于你如何领会他们的真实信息。

2.when it comes to...说到;当谈到

There are a number of key indicators when it comes to body language.在(理解)肢体语言方面有许多关键指标。


If,on the other hand,they start moving their head rapidly,they may be losing patience with the conversation and trying to speed things up.另一方面,如果他们开始快速移动头部,他们可能正对谈话失去耐心并试图加快速度。

Ⅱ.Memorize some theme-centered chunks

back off(为避免问题或冲突而)后退;避让

engage with参与;接洽

pay careful attention to密切注意……

on the other hand另一方面

on the move在行进;在迁移;逃离


Britain's“Shark House”
自动驾驶走向L4 企业头部效应显现
每一个人的努力, 都不会被辜负
认真领会全会精神 努力推动人大工作