

文化交流 2022年9期

文/ 沈听雨






2022年,浙江省文联更是明确要推进“艺术乡建”工作,发动全省文学艺术界用文艺方式激活乡村资源。如今, “艺术乡建”正成为浙江探索艺术共建模式、助力乡村振兴的重要特色品牌。



在宁波市宁海县葛家村,中国人民大学艺术学院副教授丛志强与15名来自法国等国的外国艺术师生交流宁海“艺术振兴乡村”模式,并体验竹编等传统手工技艺。徐铭怿/摄Cong Zhiqiang (first on the left), an associate professor from the School of Art from Renmin University of China, pays a visit to Gejia village in Ninghai county, Ningbo city with international students, who try their hand on bamboo weaving and other traditional crafts. Photo by Xu Mingyi.

在宁波市宁海县前童镇大郑村的大樟树下,中国人民大学艺术学院“艺乡建”团队的陈炯教授带领三名研究生,和村民一起创作艺术作品《共生》。徐铭怿/摄The “Yi Xiang Jian” (“Art Activates the Construction of Beautiful Village”) team led by Chen Jiong, a professor from the School of Art from Renmin University of China,creates an art installation titled “Coexistence” with villagers in front of a camphor tree in Dazheng village, Ninghai county, Ningbo city. Photo by Xu Mingyi.







“我们通过‘涂鸦艺术’点亮了乡村风貌。” 樟里村有关负责人表示,结合村庄环境治理,同步推进村容村貌美化、艺术化改造,樟里村引进了80多位艺术家聚集于此,以村里的居民房作为天然画布,通过涂鸦、墙绘、壁画等形式,为村庄“化妆添彩”。








慈溪市文艺村长驻村辅导村戏曲团队排练。A resident opera singer (first on the left) instructs a village troupe in Cixi city,a county-level city in Ningbo city.

绍兴驻村艺术家、诸暨市戏剧家协会主席卓秋萍为十里坪乡村艺术团排练西路乱弹(地方戏曲剧种之一)的原创小戏。赵芳/摄Zhuo Qiuping (second on the left), a resident artist and president of Zhuji City Theater Association, instructs a village troupe on opera singing in Shiliping village, Zhuji city, a county-level city in Shaoxing city. Photo by Zhao Fang.












萧山区文联主席黄勇芳说 :“前期,我们根据产业、生态、人文等特点,从百余个萧山美丽乡村创建村中选出了20个。在跟摄影家交流的时候,还明确了进村后必须拍一张村落的全景图,以及整个村最有特色的自然景观、人文景观,还有村里的民间手艺人等,就是希望能深入挖掘乡村文化基因,活态呈现独特的乡村面孔,留下影像档案。”














如今,梓桐镇的书画队伍有百余名农民,经常活跃于县级、市级书画圈的有20余名,国家级、省级、市级美术家协会的成员有 10 余名。






湖州市长兴县画溪街道白阜村文艺村长陈雪梅在该村蚕桑博物馆采风,为该村创作蚕桑原创舞蹈采集素材。乔丽萍/摄Chen Xuemei, the Literary and Arts Head of Baifu village in Changxing county,Huzhou city, visits a local sericulture museum, collecting materials to choreograph a dance performance for the village. Photo by Qiao Liping.

Arts, Rural Revitalization and Common Prosperity

By Shen Tingyu

“文艺村长开课了”系列活动在建德市大同镇高桥村的文化礼堂里举行。The “Village Literary and Arts Heads Deliver Lectures” activity is held in the cultural halls of Gaoqiao village, Datong township in Jiande city, a county-level city in Hangzhou city.

Throughout history and across the world, there seems to be a natural and close relationship between arts and countryside. There is so much that arts can do to rejuvenate villages and townships. In Zhejiang, the campaign to revitalize the rural areas through arts is bringing more possibilities for rural development.

Qu Yan, a contemporary artist, once defined the idea of developing rural areas through arts as such: “Today, artists begin to enter the countryside, not to look for pastoral songs, nor to express endless idyllic nostalgia, but to connect traditions through real actions, promoting the rejuvenation of the countryside through arts and reviving the countryside in a modern context.”

Over the past ten years, Zhejiang has continuously leveraged local cultural resources, guided artists to participate in the rural construction, so that the villages of the new era could serve as places both for artistic inspiration and economic development.

In 2022, the Zhejiang Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles (ZFLAC) has made it clear to further push through the “rural revival through arts” program, and activate the literary and artistic resources in the rural areas. Now, the program is fast becoming one of Zhejiang’s signature policy initiatives to boost rural development.

Different endowments and cultural developments have given birth to different customs and styles in different villages and townships, which necessitates flexible and customized designs and transformation of these places through arts.

In its long history, Zhejiang’s rural area has cultivated and accumulated the grace of Wuyue culture and the elegant style of(south of the Yangtze River) water towns, and the villages are full of Jiangnan charm.

Stepping into Zhangli village in Lucheng district, Wenzhou City, one is immediately drawn by a series of murals. Here, almost every house has hand paintings ofsceneries on the walls,windows and doors, complementing the village scenery itself.Taking a stroll in the village, one would feel as if they are living in a painting.

It is hard to imagine that, just a few years ago, the village was quite an obscure place. In fact, because of the large number of elderly people left behind as young villagers went to big cities for work, some houses were uninhabited for quite a long period of time, out of repair.

Behind the revitalization of the village are the Lucheng District Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the relevant departments. Through their efforts to “set the stage” via arts,Zhangli village has become “graceful” once again.

“We have lit up the countryside with ‘graffiti art’,” according to an official from Zhangli village. Together with the drive to clean up and better manage the village’s environment, the village’s artistic transformation will be promoted simultaneously. Thus far,Zhangli village has attracted more than 80 artists, who have taken the residential houses as natural canvases, and given the village a facelift through graffiti, wall paintings, murals and other artistic forms.

Moreover, Zhangli village is a well-known hometown to overseas Chinese in southern Zhejiang. Some buildings in the village are of the Gothic style, the village’s cultural auditorium in particular, which has a history of more than 100 years. Relying on this cultural feature, the artists maintained the original architectural style during the transformation process, and renovated building facades by adding frames and changing doors and windows.

At present, the whole village has been completed changed and regained vitality. It has won the titles of the National Civilized Village, the provincial Model Beautiful Village, and the provincial Leisure Tourism Village, among other honors. And it has become a must-visit place for tourists.

Linglongwan in Jiaxing city’s Xiuzhou district has prospered thanks to paintings as well. The difference with Zhangli village is that they are farmers’ paintings. Situated in Shengfeng village, the Linglongwan scenic spot is of typicalfeatures, crisscrossed with rivers and lakes, small bridges and waterside houses.

It is one of the important birthplaces of Xiuzhou Farmers’Painting, a provincial intangible cultural heritage. Born out of China’s folk painting traditions, it took roots in rural China in the 1950s and generally refers to works created by amateur artists who are farmersherdsmen orfishermen. In 2019, Xiuzhou was named a“Hometown of Chinese Folk Culture and Art”.

There are many such villages in Zhejiang. When we carry out the ”rural revival through arts” program and change the countryside through arts, it is not simply the rigid application of predetermined ideas, nor it is a performance or show and teaching the locals to do what you think is best. Rather, the entire program is an attempt to induce and cultivate the development and growth of the intrinsic cultural factors in the countryside according to local conditions.

Integrating rural areas with contemporary elements can only be successful and accepted by local residents only by respecting the traditional customs and spirit of the rural areas. Indeed,the introduction of arts into the countryside is a rediscovery of traditional rural aesthetics and a reboot of its social values.

In the past, artists were once criticized for going to the countryside. One argument pointed out that these artists went to the rural areas with their snobbery and elitism, destroying the idyllic life of the local residents without bringing any benefits to them.

After many years of practice, Zhejiang has stepped into a new stage — artists “embedded” into real rural life, and art institutions deeply integrated with rural themes.

For example, the “resident artists” model centers around the population’s cultural needs, encourages and supports artists,planners, designers, college professionals, arts volunteers and many others to take the initiative to “take root” in villages as their “arts heads”.

In May 2022, at the pilot start-up ceremony of “Village Literary and Arts Head” in Huzhou city, Tian Jiacun, vice chairman of Huzhou Writers Association, was hired to serve as the“Literary and Arts Head” of Xiaochendu village.

“The village has a long history. It has silent old streets, old houses, old trees, and flowing humanistic stories. It is such a characteristicvillage, full of thecharm that it simply lends me the desire to create arts with it,” Tian said.

After being stationed in the village, Tian carefully studied the cultural transformation planning for it, and carried outfield investigation to guide the villagers to enhance their cultural consciousness through daily participation and cultural initiatives.

“I’ve been quite touched by my residency here,” Tian said.Compared to the past when the Federation of Literary and Art Circles was largely the bystander, cheering up rural revitalization,it is now a participant, planning and improving the local development through the “rural revival through arts” initiative.

In Xiaoshan district, Hangzhou city, it is another model that is being explored. In the second half of 2021, together with the Xiaoshan District Federation of Literary and Art Circles as well as the local photographers association, the Zhejiang Provincial Photographers Association launched the “Growing Village” project.It aims to invite photographers to visit 20 villages in the district over the next year and conduct in-depth photography on rural life.

中国人民大学艺术学院副教授丛志强,正在指导宁波市宁海县葛家村村民叶仙绒用“艺术”创业。徐铭怿/摄Cong Zhiqiang (second on the right), an associate professor from the School of Art from Renmin University of China, discusses with Ye Xianrong (fi rst on the right), a villager from Gejia village in Ninghai county, Ningbo city on how to start a business through arts. Photo by Xu Mingyi.

“We selected 20 villages out of over 100 in Xiaoshan according to their distinctive features,” said Huang Yongfang,chairperson of the Xiaoshan District Federation of Literary and Art Circles. “We also made it clear that visiting each village, the photographers must take a panoramic photofirst, apart from its natural and humanistic sceneries, as well as craftsmen, in the hope of presenting the most unique rural characteristics.”

The district’s Huantan village is among thefirst to kickstart the project. On April 28, 2022, some 600 photos taken by nearly 30 photographers from in and outside Zhejiang were showcased at the opening ceremony of the “Growing Huantan” Photo Exhibition.

Old items in the village, villagers’ breakfasts, volunteers in the village, trees in front of each household in the village … groups of photos on Huantan are shown in the natural setting of the village,which are surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces water on the fourth. Such an arrangement enabled intimate interaction between the exhibition and villagers, attracting many visitors.

These photographs are now displayed in an old house in the village. “Villagers would often come here for a stroll, and when they see their lives recorded and on display, everyone is pleasantly surprised,” Mei Lidong, a village official, said. Naturally, the project has made the village more famous.

It has been said that, it wasn’t that villagers and country folks did not need any spiritual life; it was just that they did not have enough platforms to enjoy such a life. And arts — the functions of arts — serve as such a platform. When an increasingly number of artists choose to settle in the countryside, when various kinds of cultural activities are sent to the countryside, the villagers gradually change their roles: from “bystanders” to “participant”, before eventually turning into “creators”.

Zitong township in Hangzhou’s Chun’an county is a case in point. In many a literary and artistic activity held there, local villagers have always taken an active part. An oil painting titled“Corn” by a female farmer from Zitong was auctioned for 7,500 yuan ($1,121) at a special exhibition held in Shanghai in 2020 featuring 61 pieces of works of the town’s farmers.

Nowadays, more than 100 Zitong farmers have taken up brushes to engage in calligraphy and painting. Of them, more than 20 people are active members in the county-level and citylevel calligraphy and painting circles, and over 10 are members of national, provincial and city artist associations. “A piece of painting, a plot of land, and money earned sitting at home.” This is how Zitong residents see their life in recent years.

著名画家马百齐入驻海宁市丁桥镇新仓村梁家墩。Ma Baiqi, a well-known painter, becomes a resident artist in Xincang village,Dingqiao township of Haining city.

In addition, the “resident artist campaign” in Gejia village of Ningbo city, the “100 Artists Enter the Village Plan” in Songyang county of Lishui City and many other projects are actively exploring the models of “resident artist”, “resident professor”and “resident cultural creation team”. All of them have one goal in common: to transform the past model of helping rural revitalization through “external assistance” to the present model of inducing “endogenous” development. The large number of farm artists that have emerged and are emerging are the best testament to the success of the changes.

“At the end of the day, it is all about the people,” as an official from the ZFLAC pointed out. In the context of Zhejiang’s highquality development and its pursuit for common prosperity, the goal of inviting artists to the rural areas is to enable the villagers to take the initiative in their future development.

It is reported that by the end of 2025, Zhejiang is expected to develop 50 model villages at the provincial level for the “rural revival through arts” program, and build 1,000 “arts demonstration villages” at the city level.


假期踏青 如何穿出文艺高级感?