

疯狂英语·新策略 2022年9期

河北 胡金莹

骑上自行车,走出家门,接触大自然并游览大好河山。 现今,自行车又成为美丽中国的流动风景线。

主题语境:旅游 篇幅:365词 建议用时:6分钟

“I've been making plans for cycling routes and matching my clothes, makeup and accessories for when I'm on the bike. It is not just exercise,but it feeds my fun-loving Sagittarius persona,”said Song Renka, a 27-year-old passionate biker.

Song is not the only biker in China who sees cycling as a way to show who he is. All around the country, bikes are no longer defined as tools for daily commutes but have become a lifestyle choice for trendsetters.

RE, a biking lifestyle company in Beijing, not only provides bicycle gear and products, but also has cafes as well as flower and clothing sections as it aims to promote bike culture as a lifestyle choice and also expand the scale and togetherness of the biking community in the city. The positive concept of sports can meet today's urban riders' longing for a modern eco-friendly lifestyle. Riding a bike is becoming a form of spiritual healing for more and more people.

Biking circles are not just connected through brick and mortar shops but also online communities. Take the RE's online platform for example. It has more than 20,000 registered online members and over 20 sub-communities, in which bikers participate in creative events. Such creative trends can also be observed on social media platforms such as media review site Douban and lifestyle platform Little Red Book, on which veteran riders share their designed routes and experiences. On Little Red Book, a biker called MR. CAI mapped a route through the streets in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province that looks like an elephant, getting many likes from fellow bikers.

With the lockdown from the pandemic causing headaches for public transportation,more people, especially in big cities, have fallen in love with biking around the city. More than that, people have begun to see the merits of this low-cost form of transportation. It is environmentally friendly and also better for their health. It is now rather common for shops selling bikes to have shortages due to the high number of people who are buying bikes to make it a long-term hobby.

This sport provides people with a means of getting exercise, but more than that, it can also improve one's perseverance.

Reading Check

1. Why is Song Renka's experience mentioned in paragraph 1?

A. To introduce the topic of the text.

B. To give advice on cycling properly.

C. To explain the passionate biker's life.

D. To show cycling is more than exercise.

2. What is RE's goal?

A. To build cafes and other sections.

B. To heal people's mental problems.

C. To provide excellent cycling products.

D. To make bike culture a lifestyle choice.

3. How does the author explain his opinion in paragraph 4?

A. By providing data.

B. By defining a fact.

C. By giving examples.

D. By making comparisons.

4. What does the underlined word “merits” in paragraph 5 mean?

A. Advantages. B. Influences.

C. Services. D. Keys.

Language Study

Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

RE, a biking lifestyle company in Beijing, not only provides bicycle gear and products, but also has cafes as well as flower and clothing sections as it aims to promote bike culture as a lifestyle choice and also expand the scale and togetherness of the biking community in the city. 而意是北京的一家自行车运动生活方式公司,它不仅提供自行车设备和产品,还配备咖啡馆、鲜花和服装区,旨在推广自行车文化作为一种生活方式的选择,并扩大城市自行车社区的规模和归属感。

【点石成金】本句中的a biking lifestyle company in Beijing为RE的同位语;not only...but also连接两个不同的谓语动词;as it aims to promote bike culture as a lifestyle choice and also expand the scale and togetherness of the biking community in the city 在句中作原因状语。

Ⅱ. Text-centered chunks

be defined as 被定义为……

a form of spiritual healing 一种精神治疗形式

participate in 参加

fall in love with 爱上

due to 由于

