National Defense Class: a Glorious Name Card


疯狂英语·初中天地 2022年8期

◎山西省晋中市榆次第二中学校高二(547)班 刘博韬


活动视角 语篇类型国防特色班介绍 报道

With the support of leaders and through the efforts of the whole school, Shanxi Provincial National Defense Education Office awarded the title of “Shanxi Provincial National Defense Education Demonstration School” to Yuci No.2 Middle School.At the same time, Yuci No.2 Middle School has established the characteristic class of national defense education, which has become the first characteristic class of national defense education in Shanxi Province.A number of events around national defense have been developed.

Weekly flag-raising ceremony is one of the most attractive activities.The national flag class wear military uniforms and walk in neat steps to the national flag platform.In the solemn sound of the national anthem, the national flag is raised slowly.What makes it so special is welltrained, spirited and orderly national defense class flag guard team.Under the strict training, their action brings out energy of patriotic (爱国主义)feelings.It shows the spirit of No.2 Middle School and draws the attention of the people of whole city.With excellent behavior and will, national defense class of Yuci No.2 Middle School is not only a fine role model but also has driven a positive style of study.

President Xi once emphasized, “Teenagers are an important period in life who most need careful guidance and cultivation.” Certainly, carrying out national defense education is never more essential.It is a great step to build a national defense reserve army with firm political stance, excellent military quality and high-quality skills.


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