

文化交流 2022年7期

文/ 肖艳艳




走进来 “读书就是回家”





2018年法兰克福书展“麦家之夜”。“The Night of Mai Jia”, an event organized at the 2018 Frankfurt Book Fair.










走出去 世界需要了解中国


童年与故乡—麦家《人生海海》创作分享会富阳签售会(2019年)。Mai Jia signs Life Is like Ocean for his young readers in Fuyang, Hangzhou (2019).











静下来 “取之于文学,还之于文学”


麦家在写作。Mai Jia at writing.










The World Hopes to Learn More about China

By Wu Shaokang

In summer, Hangzhou becomes a paradise of lush green.Walking inside the Xixi Culture Creative Industry Park, you can see the stone path dotted with sunlight casting through tree branches and leaves. This is where the bookstore named Mai Jia Ideal Valley is located, and it is in this bookstore that Mai Jia has completed many of his best-sellers. Or rather it is Mai’s personal library, for it does not sell books but only provides a poetic habitat for young people who love reading.

“Reading brings you home.” The small blackboard at the entrance explains why the bookstore was created in the first place.When you gently push open the glass door, you will be welcomed by the unique aroma of paper books and fully stacked bookshelves reaching as high as the ceiling. Every book here is personally selected by Mai for the readers, who could enjoy free tea, free books for reading in the store, but no access to Wi-Fi.

The books written by Mai himself are placed much further on the bookshelves against the wall, showing his humble gesture as a writer. There are 20-odd books placed inside a glass cabinet, which are different translations of his debut full-length novel,

In contrast to the humorous style of his writing, Mai has an air of loneliness and mystery. Our talk started with his latest work,. Published In 2019, it has now sold several million copies.

Through reading this novel, many readers found that “the father of spy novels” changed. Instead of writing his familiar subjects of espionage and war, this time he writes about his hometown in Zhejiang, telling the ups and downs of the life of a colonel who lives like a hermit in a mountain village.

For this change, Mai explained that he had been drawing on his special military experience in writing previous books. Yet since he left the army a too long time go, “I needed to find a place to start again, and finally decided to return to my hometown.”

“人生海海,不畏浮沉”暨《人生海海》200万册纪念活动(2021年)。Mai Jia at an event celebrating the sale of Life Is like Ocean surpassing two million copies(2021).

In Mai’s novels, no matter it is the story background or the character’s personality, everything is more or less influenced by Zhejiang. “On this land, local people would thrive on any opportunity that is on offer. For example, during the Reform and Opening Up, Zhejiang’s pioneering spirit really shines. This land has also endowed me with great strength,” said Mai. “This is also reflected in my books, where I have always eulogized the spirit of people who do not give in.” The protagonists of each of Mai’s previous works, although very different from the Western heroes,have such loyalty and responsibility that align with the common values of the world.

Talking about his writing plan, Mai said, “I am a writer from Zhejiang. It is where my roots are and my future works will be based. After all, I grew up on this land and love it dearly.” Mai and many other Zhejiang writers hope that they can study the land of Zhejiang together and create better works to celebrate it.

On the wall of the Mai Jia Ideal Valley is a photo of Mai and publishers from different countries. The photo was taken on October 9, 2018, at an event called the “Night of Mai Jia”held at the Frankfurt Book Fair. It was the first time the fair held a Chinese-writer-themed event, which attracted nearly 100 publishers from more than 20 countries.

Mai Jia said he found out he has become a global celebrity when he went to Spain in 2014 — Madrid’s buses had been decorated with a poster of his novelin Spanish and a single photo of him. “I was recognized by readers on the train to Barcelona,” said Mai, “and felt a little flattered by this kind of treatment, given that I am just a little-known Chinese writer.” That year, FSG Press in the United States published Mai’s;at the London Book Fair, Mai’s book sold for 19 copy rights overnight. In 2017,rankedthe only Asian work among the world’s “20 Best Spy Novels of All Time”.The UK Penguin Random House paid £50,000 in advance for the copyright of the English version ofand included it in the Penguin Classics, where the only works by Chinese authors are,,andat that time. Later Mai’s another novelwas also added.

According to Mai, the world wants to understand China, and literature as the most convenient way to know about a country naturally receives attention. Compared with foreign literature in China, Chinese literature is still limited in its international influence. The extent to which his work has received attention overseas is indeed a bit unexpected, which Mai attributes to the fact that the world is in desperate need of understanding China.

During the last two decades since he became famous with, all of Mai’s novels have been sold for copyrights, gaining favor of the film and television industry and investors. He could have given up writing once and for all and live a well-off life on his copyrights, but Mai believes that writing is a ritual for him to forget the outside world and stay calm.

Mai has started a public welfare project. He created a WeChat account “Mai Jia Reads with You”, dedicated to accompanying readers to read 1,000 good books. That is his way to “take from literature and return to literature”. Also, there are several rooms on the second floor of the bookstore, providing a comfortable working environment for young authors with literary dreams.And Mai himself often comes to the bookstore to communicate with readers. He once said, “Winning the heart of young people is actually a hidden desire of mine.”

Mai’s contribution to literature does not stop here. As a pioneer for Chinese literature’s “going out”, he has also been sharing his publishing resources with his writer friends. Because of his coordination, Penguin Press released a five-volume series of Zhejiang writers.

Today, writing still occupies most of Mai’s time. Literature is the bridge connecting him and the rest of the world — and a way of reconciliation with himself as well.

Mai Jia is a famous contemporary Chinese writer born in Hangzhou. He is the vice chairman of the Chinese Writers’Association and the vice chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial Federation of Literature. His works have been translated into more than 30 languages, published in more than 40 countries and distributed in more than 100 countries and regions. He won the Seventh Mao Dun Literary Award and the Sixth Chinese Media Literary Award for Novelist of the Year for his novelsandrespectively. His latest work,, has become another best-seller in China.

跨年夜“和麦家同读一本书”(2021年)。“Mai Jia Reads with You” on New Year’s eve (2021).

