

文化交流 2022年7期

文/ 林泓颖



基辛格博士在纽约与潘杰、范祝华夫妇亲切会面,夫妻俩送上中美友谊馆为其准备的80岁生日礼物。(资料照片)Pan Jie and Fan Zhuhua meets Dr. Henry Kissinger in New York. The couple sent Kissinger a present prepared by the China-US Friendship Memorial Hall for his 80th birthday.














谁知小布什上任后并非一帆风顺,很快发生了9 ·11事件。潘杰觉得,事件中牺牲的都是善良的平民和无辜者,其中还包括数十名华人。他们的生命和未尽的心愿永远定格在了那一天,其背后是多少家庭因此陷入了永远的悲伤和痛苦。民间友好交往中最重要的就是将心比心,人道主义不分国界和种族,他在事发当晚,即以纪念馆名义给白宫发了慰问电报,并表达了良好祝愿。小布什阅后深受感动,很快在一张明信片上写下“谢谢你们的亲切慰问,我赞赏你们的良好愿望”,同时签了名。




1.前美国总统奥巴马来信。 2.前美国总统小布什来信。3.基辛格博士写信感谢杭州中美友谊馆为其赠送80岁生日礼物。1. Letter from former US president Barack Obama. 2. Letter from former US president George W. Bush.3. Dr. Henry Kissinger wrote a letter expressing his appreciation for the 80th birthday present sent by the China-US Friendship Memorial Hall.







被聘为馆长后,赵国平也不负众望,他和副馆长胡龙官组织了一系列交流活动:接待了美国西华盛顿大学学生的组团来访,开了两次座谈会等。为了表达纪念馆对中美人民友好往来的肺腑之情,潘杰夫妇将在纽约写下的缅怀长诗《不死的火凤凰—献给美国人民》精制成中英文对照的水晶诗碑,与几位馆长一起送给纽约9 · 11纪念馆永久陈列。纽约纪念馆馆长收到诗碑后来信称,这是“代表了中国人民的心”,并决定将此诗碑按最高馆藏标准永久收藏和展出。



The 24-Year Endeavor of an Ordinary Chinese Couple: Building a Bridge of Friendship

By Lin Hongying

This is a story of a Chinese couple, Mr. Pan Jie and Ms. Fan Zhuhua, founders of the China-US Friendship Memorial Hall in Hangzhou, the first of its kind in China. The elderly couple have befriended US presidents without knowing a word of English.Ordinary as they are, they have made efforts over the past two decades to promote China-US friendship. The couple, dubbed“folk ambassadors”, have been spoken highly of by a former House Speaker of Oregon.

基辛格博士来信中附亲笔签名照一张。An autographed photo that Dr. Henry Kissinger sent together with his letter.

From 1998 to 2022, the two self-rehired retirees have spent almost all their pensions and savings on the Memorial Hall, a nonprofit endeavor. Fortunately, the good cause has received abundant support and borne witness to the people-to-people exchanges between China and the US.

It all began in the 1980s, when Pan worked nine-to-five at Zhejiang Exhibition Hall. One day, he attended a lecture given by an American couple, writer Paul Engle and novelist Hualing Nieh Engle, without knowing it would change his life. The US couple had founded the International Writing Program in 1967 to support writers through public donations. Inspired by the“American model”, Pan and his then-wife, Jin Leifang, founded a writers’ workshop for financially challenged writers, which became Pan’s starting point of running a non-profit organization.

One day, a question raised by Qian Xuesen, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, caught Pan’s eyes: How come we don’t have exhibition studies since exhibition is a popular way of education? Pan believed he could do something about it, so he spent two years writing a book entitledUpon its completion, he sent the first copy to Qian, who gladly wrote a letter of commendation.Three years later, Pan sent Qian his bookand received words of encouragement again.

Pan’s first wife, Jin, advised him on her deathbed to renovate their old house into a memorial hall and a writers’ workshop. Her advice found an echo in Pan’s heart. The memorial hall could serve as a platform for continuing exhibition studies and promoting China-US friendship. Unfortunately, the plan had to be laid aside because of Jin’s death.

As fate would have it, Pan met his second life partner, Ms.Fan Zhuhua, and his dream was reignited. The day after they tied the knot, the newlyweds submitted an application for a memorial hall. That was in 1998 when Pan was 65. Then, Pan traveled around to collect exhibition materials. March of 1999 saw the launch of the first exhibition entitled “Two Centuries of China-US Friendship”, which received an inscription message from Anna Chan Chennault and garnered much praise. The successful debut boosted Pan’s confidence and made him more resolute in continuing the meaningful cause.

In the early days of the Memorial Hall, Pan tried his best to make friends. He wrote to Bill Clinton, introducing to him the non-governmental Memorial Hall. Shortly afterwards, Pan got a reply from the White House, in which Clinton praised him. The letter came as a pleasant surprise for Pan and his wife.

A few years later, on a warm fall day, they received a letter from the then president George W. Bush, as a response to a gift Pan had sent him to celebrate his victory in the presidential election. On the night of September 11, 2001, Pan sent a cable to President Bush, expressing his condolences to the families of the innocent victims. Deeply touched, President Bush replied with an autographed thank-you postcard.

President Bush’s successor, President Obama, believed the most important title for himself is “citizen” rather than “president”.Pan, who also considers himself an average citizen, sent the president his long non- fiction as a token of friendship. The first couple replied with words of appreciation and inspiration.

The replies from three US presidents convinced Pan that friendly people-to-people exchanges between the two nations are necessary, through which they can find common ground and real consensus. For Pan, this is what the Memorial Hall is all about.

In August 2001, the couple sent get-well wishes to Dr.Kissinger after they learned he had been hospitalized. After sharing with him the stories of the Memorial Hall, the couple wrote the old friend of the Chinese people another letter, telling him they would stage an exhibition at the hall to celebrate his 80th birthday and thank him for his great contributions toward improving China-US relations. Dr. Kissinger responded with a letter of appreciation and an autographed photo. After the exhibition, the couple embarked on a difficult journey to bring the 22 works of art from the exhibition to Dr. Kissinger. Over a month later, on the afternoon of October 23, 2003, the couple presented the 22 gifts to Dr. Kissinger at his office in New York. Dr. Kissinger was deeply impressed and simply thrilled.

Since then, the couple has kept in touch with Dr. Kissinger through mails. In 2005, a bronze bust of Dr. Kissinger was erected inside the Memorial Hall. When Dr. Kissinger turned 90, the couple and their daughter paid him a visit. The story between the couple and Dr. Kissinger has demonstrated the important role the Memorial Hall plays in promoting mutual understanding and friendship between the two nations.

The China National Archives of Publications and Culture(Hangzhou) in Liangzhu, Yuhang district of Hangzhou, is an institution set up to promote the preservation, exhibition, research and exchanges of the archival heritage. When the archives staff approached the couple for the valuable records marking the founding process of the Memorial Hall, the couple did not hesitate a moment and immediately prepared a list of such records.

Pan, 89 years old now, turned over the routine responsibilities in 2019 to Zhao Guoping and Hu Longguan, director and deputy director of the Memorial Hall. After assuming his role,Zhao has organized a series of exchange activities together with Hu. To express their best wishes for the everlasting friendship of the Chinese and American people, the couple prepared a crystal tablet inscribed with a bilingual poem and presented the gift to the National September 11 Memorial Museum, whose curator recognized it as a token of sincere friendship in his reply and promised to put it on permanent display.

Due to the pandemic, the Memorial Hall is closed. But Zhao has staged an exhibition on China-US friendship in his factory building and is planning to change the way the hall is run. He believes that it’s necessary to increase the impact of the hall via new media and that this meaningful cause holds an even brighter future.

Despite the ups and downs over the past two decades, Pan Jie and Fan Zhuhua are convinced that China and the US should maintain people-to-people exchanges. The 24-year endeavor of the couple has successfully built a bridge of friendship that connects the past with the future.

