

文化交流 2022年6期



第二次前去拜访时,终于如愿见到了这位女企业家,她的中文名叫戴妮(Daniela Sena)。和她刚见面还没聊上几句,仿佛就能马上在脑中浮现出那个有阳光有沙滩、人们热情奔放地跳着桑巴舞的遥远国度,戴妮似乎代表了大多数巴西人的性格特点——积极向上、开朗豪爽,待人热情而有礼貌。“刚决定来中国时,家里的亲戚朋友都有些不能理解,为什么要专门跑到那么远的地方学习,因为身边有很多人都选择去美国、澳洲,这些地方其实离巴西更近。”而戴妮则坚持认为,能用中文交流将成为国际竞争中的一大优势,中国的快速发展能给她带来更多的机会与可能性。事实上,在中国的丰富经历确实带给了她多种人生的可能性,并造就了多重身份的戴妮。


怀着对未来的这份期待,2010年,戴妮踏上了这个神秘的东方古国,不久她便喜欢上了这个国家,喜欢上了这个她所学习、生活的城市。“算起来,我已经在这里待了12年了。巴西以外,这里就是我的家。”戴妮说。在浙江工商大学完成中文学习后,她又在杭州电子科技大学顺利取得了经济管理专业的硕士学位。其间,戴妮学习和积累了许多关于中国文化的知识。她发现,在巴西也有很多朋友对中国充满好奇,但没有机会来到这里亲身体验,于是,她在个人网站、YouTube、Instagram等国际社交平台开通了账号“Dani in China”,希望通过短视频(Vlog)等传播方式,让更多人了解中国发展所取得的成就和中华文化的博大精深。在中国生活的这些年里,戴妮几乎走遍了大半个中国,从最北端的东三省一直到海南三亚。在不同的城市体验不同的生活方式,这让她感慨颇多:“很多人都评价中国是这样的,或者是那样的,其实中国真的很大,每个地方都不一样,很难用一两句话概括中国全部的样子。”


研究生毕业后,戴妮便和一位中国朋友合伙成立了一家名为Continental Comex的国际贸易公司,主营巴西与中国之间的商品贸易。公司逐渐走上正轨,涉及的业务范围也从家居日用品逐渐扩展到大型机械等,这让作为公司掌舵人的戴妮积累了更多国际商务经验,更加深入地了解中国市场的现状与中国客户的需求。随着时间的推移,公司得到了巴西贸促会的官方支持,而戴妮又迎来了一位南非籍的新合伙人——Johan van Dyk,公司主营业务范围又进一步延伸至欧洲、澳洲和非洲。同时,戴妮和她的合伙人们还在中国新注册了咨询公司。成立新公司的目的是让更多国外客户能更准确地了解中国企业,并将具有创新力和竞争力的新“中国制造”产品通过跨境贸易等途径推广到其他国家和地区,推动中国企业更好地实现“走出去”。

全球经济发展正面临深层次的变革,这要求国际贸易合作的参与者不仅与时俱进,还要了解相互之间的社会和文化。每次回到巴西,戴妮总会成为当地媒体和国际贸易行业竞相邀请的“红人”,她曾被邀请做过多次演讲,畅谈在巴西和中国从事国际贸易的区别以及如何实现中巴贸易双赢,获得了不错的反响。她还接受巴西主流报纸《CORREIO DE SERGIPE》和 《CINFORM》等众多在巴西国内有影响力的媒体专访,她的成功经验激励了一些巴西人也开始尝试着走近中国,分享中国改革的红利,更加积极地参与到中巴之间的国际合作与交流中来。

新冠肺炎疫情暴发前,戴妮还经常组织跨境商务活动,邀请巴西企业家与投资协会来中国洽谈商务项目:曾担任巴西著名企业家Bel Pesce(位列巴西福布斯榜前30名、巴西“最有影响力100人”之一)中国行的项目策划负责人,多次协调组织巴西政府代表团来中国参加广交会和澳门国际贸易投资展览会等活动。戴妮同时担任巴西参议院秘书,主要为巴西政府项目提供方案建议与执行支持;促成巴西塞尔希培州科技局落戶杭州萧山,从巴西引入科技创新项目,助力杭州发展。


2018年,戴妮萌生了一个新的想法:将自己的创业经验分享给身边的女性留学生,鼓励她们找到自己的人生目标,不再迷茫,共同成长。于是,她创建了一个女性商务社团——SHE UP。渐渐地,许多志同道合的伙伴自愿自发地加入社团,并且通过口碑相传又进一步扩大了社团的影响力。如今,SHE UP已经在全球拥有来自70多个国家的6000多名成员,经常举办线上线下活动,成员们相互分享宝贵的个人成长故事和优质的创业资源。


还有一位在北京生活的菲律宾女孩,她总是和戴妮说,想自己在中国开一家菲律宾特色的餐厅。“那为什么不尝试一下呢?”戴妮热心地教她如何去计算开餐厅的成本和可能得到的回报。在戴妮的鼓励下,这位菲律宾女孩参加了一档跨国职业体验类纪实节目《功夫学徒之走读中国》,与来自中国、英国、意大利、巴西、印度、墨西哥、阿富汗、菲律宾等世界各地的国际学徒,齐聚云南红河州元阳县阿者科村、宁夏回族自治区等地,对当地独具特色的生态环境、脱贫攻坚的经济发展成果和绚丽多彩的民族文化进行体验。国际学徒们在展开个人能力比拼的同时,也对推动自己家乡发展有了新的思路。 正是因为这个节目,菲律宾女孩的创业想法被投资人相中,并获得了开餐厅的启动资金,她的菲律宾特色小馆如今在北京已成为小有名气的“网红餐厅” 。515B6369-D5B1-4A9C-B538-895307B3FD2D




每次直播前,戴妮都会提前了解产品,与搭档熟悉直播脚本,学习新的任务和流程......这些在旁人看起来似乎有些乏味的工作,戴妮做起来却十分享受,即便是彩排,她也会认真对待。也正是因为这份认真,“洋主播”戴妮从最初直播时只有几十位粉丝,成长为流量最高峰时引起10万网友围观的直播“大咖”。 “为了留住直播间的网友,我和搭档要以饱满的状态不停地介绍直播间的产品、回答网友的提问,并用一些小游戏活跃气氛。”戴妮介绍说。她深谙直播流量和带货销量的相互关系和获得流量的诀窍技巧:只有保持直播间活跃的状态,才能吸引更多关注,从而卖出更多产品。每场直播都会消耗掉戴妮大量精力和体力,而对她来说,美味可口、种类丰富的中国菜则是工作结束后解压赋能的最佳选择。







Daniela Living Her Multiple Amazing Lives

By  Zhong Weihong

The first time I visited the Hangzhou Global Youth Talent Center at the ITC Guigu International Center in Xiaoshan district, Hangzhou, I happened to hear about a young and talented Brazilian female CEO there, who unfortunately was away for a meeting that day. It was said that she always runs on a full schedule: not only does she attend various meetings and events, takes media interviews from time to time, but also goes on business trips frequently.

On my second visit, I finally got to meet this businesswoman, whose name is Daniela Sena. Before we barely talked to each other, she immediately struck me as a typical Brazilian girl — positive, cheerful, warm and polite. Looking at her, I could see in my minds eye a distant Southern American land of sunshine, sandy beaches, and samba dancing. “When I first decided to come to China, my relatives and friends at home were a little confused about why I had to travel so far away specifically to study, as there were many people around me who chose to go to the United States and Australia, places that were actually closer to Brazil.” Daniela, on the other hand, insists that being able to communicate in Chinese will be a big advantage in international competition and that Chinas rapid development can bring her more opportunities and possibilities.515B6369-D5B1-4A9C-B538-895307B3FD2D

With such expectations for her future, in 2010 Daniela set foot in China, the mysterious ancient country in the East. Soon she fell in love with the country and the city where she studied and lived.

“Ive been here for 12 years now. Outside of Brazil, this is my home,” Daniela said. After graduating from Zhejiang Gongshang University with a bachelors degree, she went on to successfully obtain a masters degree in economics and management from Hangzhou Dianzi University. During her time studying in China, Daniela accumulated a lot of knowledge about Chinese culture. She found that many of her friends in Brazil were curious about China but did not have the opportunity to come here to get firsthand experience, so she opened an account named “Daniela in China” on her personal website, YouTube, Instagram and other social media platforms. During these years of living in China, Daniela has traveled most parts of the country, from the northernmost eastern provinces to Sanya, Hainan in the south, experiencing various lifestyles in different cities.

Daniela also summed up a common feature of Chinese people culture-wise, that is a hardworking attitude. With their down-to-earth and diligent efforts, most Chinese are able to secure their own spot in the social ladder. “Also, Chinese people are in general very friendly to foreigners,” Daniela added. This also cheered her up and made her want to start doing business here.

After finishing her masters program, Daniela partnered with a Chinese friend to set up an international trading company called Continental Comex, which specializes in trading goods between Brazil and China. Her success has inspired some Brazilians to try to get closer to China, and to participate more actively in international cooperation and exchanges between China and Brazil.

In 2018, Daniela had a new idea: to share her entrepreneurial experience with female international students around her, to encourage them to find their own goals in life, to help them out when they are feeling lost, and to grow together with them. Therefore, she created a womens business club  — SheUp. Gradually, a growing number of like-minded partners spontaneously joined her club, which has further expanded the clubs global influence. Today, SheUp has more than 6,000 members from over 70 countries around the world and they regularly hosts online and offline events where members share valuable personal growth stories and quality entrepreneurial resources with each other.515B6369-D5B1-4A9C-B538-895307B3FD2D

Before helping one of her club members restaurant become popular online, Daniela is in fact already a social media influencer herself and is often invited to do live-stream sales on cross-border e-commerce platforms. According to Daniela, small consumer goods and electronic products with Chinese characteristics are very popular in Brazil.

Eleven hours, the time difference between China and Brazil, is also the distance between Daniela and her hometown. The internet with a cell phone has not only became the communication link between her and her home country, but also built a bridge for Daniela to pursue her dream. “I am very happy to be a live-streaming salesperson in China. Chinas live-streaming e-commerce industrial system is very mature, and there are many experts in this industry, from whom I can learn a lot of advanced experience. It will be very helpful for me to work in related business back in Brazil in the future.”

In 2021, Daniela became the Hangzhou Asian Games Experience Officer. At the International Etiquette Contest for Asian Games Hangzhou 2022, she was invited to serve as a judge, listening to participants from more than 10 countries in Asia, Europe and Africa, who were enthusiastically explaining their expectations for the Asian Games and expressing their love for Hangzhou.

Daniela is also the ambassador to recommend books for the “Young Readers” program of the Hangzhou Global Youth Talent Center. This reading program invites one outstanding young talent to recommend books every month, and cooperates with the Village of Chinese Internet Writers, where international young people get together to read masterpieces, share their feelings, and learn more about the unique charm of Chinese characters and Chinese language.

“With so many things to do, how can you manage to accomplish them every day?” When the interview was coming to an end, I couldnt help but made such an exclamation. Daniela smiled and said, “After we are done here, I still have a four-hour live-streaming job today.” You can tell she is actually happy with her busy, on-the-go schedule.

It wasnt until after the interview that I learned Daniela had another identity — the co-founder of an up-and-coming British makeup brand.515B6369-D5B1-4A9C-B538-895307B3FD2D


G20 映像杭州的“取胜之钥”