Metastasis of liver cancer to the thyroid after surgery: A case report
There are a few reports of metastases to the thyroid gland[1,2]. Thyroid metastases from breast,melanoma, kidney, colorectal cancer and primary lung tumors have been reported, but there are few reports of metastasis from gastrointestinal malignancies[3-5]. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)metastatic to the thyroid gland is particularly rare.
We report a case of liver cancer metastasis to the thyroid gland 3 years after partial hepatectomy, and review the literature regarding liver cancer metastases to the thyroid gland.
Chief complaints
The patient complained of neck pain at admission.
He made no objections to what they had arranged, and so Christian the smith held his wedding with the princess, and got half the kingdom at once, and the whole of it when the king died
History of present illness
The patient was a 42-year-old female who underwent surgical resection for liver cancer three years ago.She was hospitalized due to neck pain during sneezing.
So, surrounded by the lion-guard, he slept till dawn, when the king lion said good-bye, and gave him a few of his own hairs and said: When you are in any difficulty, burn one of these and I will be there
History of past illness
Thyroid metastases are uncommon but can be detected with routine use of FNAB. They usually occur when there are metastases elsewhere, sometimes many years after the diagnosis of the primary tumor and generally have a poor prognosis[14].
Personal and family history
Although a secondary malignant tumor of the thyroid is classified as distant metastasis, some patients are accompanied by multiple metastases in the body, and the overall survival rate is low. However,surgical resection of the affected thyroid should be performed according to the patient's condition. The primary lesions and other metastases can be determined according to the medical history and auxiliary examinations (such as PET-CT, puncture biopsy,). Thus, patients with thyroid nodules with a history of malignant tumors require a clear diagnosis to distinguish between primary thyroid cancer and metastasis. Solitary thyroid metastasis after liver cancer surgery is rare, but surgical resection after diagnosis may not affect the prognosis.
Physical examination
Both surgical and pathological findings confirmed HCC metastasis to the thyroid. No targeted therapy was given, and no recurrence was found 6 mo after thyroid gland resection.
Laboratory examinations
Thyroid function test showed that serum thyroid stimulating hormone, thyroglobulin antibody and hydroxyperoxidase antibody were higher than normal. Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) was 7016 ng/mL.Carcinoembryonic antigen, carbohydrate antigen 19-9, cancer antigen (CA) 242, CA50 and CA125 were all in the normal range.
Imaging examinations
We report a patient with liver cancer diagnosed with thyroid metastasis 3 years after partial hepatectomy. Her thyroid was examined using ultrasound as neck discomfort was the first symptom.After thyroid biopsy, HCC was diagnosed. This is the first report of postoperative solitary metastasis of liver cancer to the thyroid gland.
His English better than me, let him serve to you would better. or He is an expert, he knew all wrinkles5() . You can ask any question and got the right answer from him.
HCC metastasis to the thyroid.
Left lobe thyroidectomy and central lymph node dissection were performed (Figure 2). Postoperative pathology showed metastatic HCC (Figure 3) and Hashimoto's thyroiditis in the surrounding thyroid,and a metastatic lymph node is around the tumor. Immunohistochemical examination was positive for hepatocytes and arginase-1, and negative for thyroid transcription factor-1 (Figure 4).
A solid and painless 3 cm × 2 cm mass was palpable on the left thyroid lobe.
Metastases to the thyroid gland are uncommon[4]. A case of metastatic urothelial carcinoma to the thyroid with bone metastasis was reported[3] in a 45-year-old female who underwent a rectal cancer resection five years ago. PET-CT showed thyroid lesions and lung metastasis. After partial pneumonectomy, the patient underwent partial thyroidectomy. Pathology and immunohistochemistry showed that the lesions originated from previous rectal cancer. The patient experienced no recurrence two years after thyroid surgery.
The presence of metastatic lesions to the thyroid usually indicates a poor prognosis, and most patients die shortly after diagnosis[6,7]. At the time of diagnosis of thyroid metastasis, 35% to 80% of patients with thyroid metastasis have metastatic diseases in other parts[1,8,9]. In such instances,treatment decisions should be individualized, as the effect of thyroidectomy on patients' overall prognosis is limited[10,11].
In our case, six months after surgery, the patient had not relapsed and is being followed up.
Mistelou[12] reviewed the autopsy records and pathological features of 36 cases of secondary thyroid tumors. Most of them were epithelial cancers. Lung was the most common primary tumor site(33.3%), followed by breast (8.33%) and kidney (8.33%). The most common non-epithelial malignancy was lymphoma, followed by leukemia (25%)[12].
Isolated thyroid metastasis has rarely been reported. Thomson reported two patients with solitary thyroid nodules, which were metastases from kidney and colon, respectively. One patient had a diseasefree survival of more than 5 years after resection of solitary metastases[13].
Immigrants from Ireland, they met and married in America. Grandma was friendly, outgoing and unselfish; Grandpa was reserved, a man devoted4 to his family. But he wasn’t big on giving gifts. While he wouldn’t think twice about giving my grandma the shirt off his back, he subscribed5 to the belief that if you treated your wife well throughout the year, presents weren’t necessary; so he rarely purchased gifts for her.
It should be noted that active surgery for solitary thyroid metastases may improve the prognosis.
Thyroid color Doppler ultrasound showed hypoechoic nodules in the left lobe of the thyroid (TI-RADS 4b) and enlarged lymph nodes in the central area of the left neck (Figure 1). Fine needle biopsy (FNAB)of the thyroid gland was performed. The pathological results suggested a malignant tumor, and metastasis could not be ruled out. Positron emission tomography computed tomography (PET-CT)showed low-density nodules and increased metabolism in the left lobe of the thyroid. The maximum standardized uptake value was 4.0. Metastasis was considered No lymph node hypermetabolism was observed. At the same time, PET-CT showed changes in the left lateral lobe of the liver after operation,and no metabolic abnormalities were found.
The patient underwent left lateral hepatectomy for HCC three years ago. The postoperative pathology was HCC, pT2, N0, M0, stage II. No targeted drug treatment was administered after surgery.
In the differential diagnosis of these lesions, the patient's clinical history is the most important part. It should be emphasized that thyroid nodules found in patients with known cancer should be regarded as metastasis unless otherwise proved[15].
The recurrence and metastasis of liver cancer can be inferred according to an abnormality of AFP.PET-CT can be used to exclude other distant metastases and assist clinicians in determining the treatment plan.
Although distant metastasis is usually a marker of poor prognosis, thyroid metastasis does not seem to lead to worse results than metastasis to other sites[9]. Life expectancy mainly depends on the prognosis of primary tumors[9]. Solitary metastatic thyroid nodules may indicate a good clinical prognosis. Timely surgical resection may be beneficial to patients[16,17].
He came to like to feel the white handles in his grasp, to walk between the two white-rimmed metal wheels. And he grew almost more familiar with the slight wave at the back of her hair than with her eyes or her mouth. The chair was a moveable wonder; he loved the feeling of power and strength it gave him for so little exertion6.12 Once, he said to the wave at the back of her hair, I hope I m the only chair-pusher in your life, but she had only smiled a little and her eyes had admitted nothing. When he looked up, he noticed a white bird flying from one tree toanother, tracing their route with them.
Hulloa! said the shirt-collar, never before have I seen anything so slim and delicate, so elegant and pretty! May I be permitted to ask your name? I shan t tell you, said the garter
No special personal history, no familial genetic disease.
She laid her hands together across her bosom, and then she darted forward as a fish shoots through the water, between the supple79 arms and fingers of the ugly polypi, which were stretched out on each side of her
Zhong HC designed the report; Sun ZW and Cao GH participated in the report; Feng YJ and Zhao W contributed new reagents and analytic tools; Zhong HC, Ma K, and Zhang BY analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript; all authors have read and approve the final manuscript.
All study participants or their legal guardians have provided informed written consent before enrollment.
No conflict of interest.
The author has read the care list (2016) and prepared and revised the manuscript according to the care list (2016).
This article is an open-access article that was selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external reviewers. It is distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial (CC BYNC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and the use is noncommercial. See:
1872FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN1 ANDERSENEVERYTHING IN THE RIGHT PLACEby Hans Christian AndersenIT is more than a hundred years ago! At the border of the wood,near a large lake, stood the old mansion2: deep ditches surrounded iton every side, in which reeds and bulrushes grew. Close by thedrawbridge, near the gate, there was an old willow3 tree, which bent4over the reeds.
Hao-Chen Zhong 0000-0001-7270-0549; Zhao-Wei Sun 0000-0002-3195-0186; Guang-Hua Cao 0000-0003-3038-6613; Wei Zhao 0000-0003-2549-8063; Kai Ma 0000-0001-7413-9724; Bing-Yuan Zhang 0000-0001-7215-3688; Yu-Jie Feng 0000-0001-7999-1772.
Fan JR
BELONG TO PAT. Not to be outdone, I got out my own embroidery19 materials and added an apostrophe and seven more letters. Now the shirt proudly proclaimed, I BELONG TO PAT S MOTHER.
Fan JR
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