

外科研究与新技术 2022年1期


陈爽,复旦大学附属华山医院影像科副主任,医学博士,主任医师,教授,博士生导师。复旦大学附属华山北院副院长。1991年武汉同济医科大学医疗系本科毕业,1998年毕业于上海医科大学研究生院(现复旦大学上海医学院)影像和核医学专业,获博士学位。现兼任国家自然科学基金评委,浙江省自然科学基金评委,亚洲骨放射学会(AMS)委员,第六届上海市临床医学工程学会主任委员,中华放射学会肌骨专委会副主任委员,上海市放射学会委员及上海放射学会肌骨专业组组长,中国医师协会肌骨影像专委会副主任委员,上海市中西医结合影像专委会委员兼肌骨专业学组组长,中国装备协会CT及普放分会委员,中国非公立医疗机构影像专委会委员,上海体育科技协会委员,《中华放射学杂志》审稿人,《中华医学杂志》英文版审稿人等。2002年赴比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学ERASME医院进修神经放射,2004年赴意大利都灵大学运动医学科进修运动医学及骨关节影像诊断. 2014年赴美国哈佛大学医学院进修。目前主要研究方向和领域是医学工程交叉、神经系统和骨关节系统的影像诊断,特别是骨科领域内的运动创伤影像诊断方面有扎实的工作基础和经验,目前致力于关节软骨的MR成像及相关代谢机制,以及骨性关节炎人工智能和运动损伤影像方面的临床及基础研究,主持上海市科委自然科学基金和国家自然科学基金面上项目多项。2015—2019年分别举办过五届中美运动影像创伤学习班。

Brief Induction to Professor Shuang Chen

Shuang Chen, deputy director of Department of Radiology, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University; MD, chief radiologist, professor, and doctoral supervisor; vice president of Huashan Hospital (Baoshan District), Fudan University. He graduated from the Clinical Medicine Department of Tongji Medical University, Wuhan in 1991 with a bachelor’s degree, and from the Postgraduate School of Shanghai Medical University (now the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University) in diagnostic imaging and nuclear medicine in 1998 with a doctorate. He is now a reviewer of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, a reviewer of the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, a member of the Asian Musculoskeletal Society (AMS), the chairman of the 6th Shanghai Society of Clinical Medical Engineering, the vice chairman of the Special Committee of Musculoskeletal System of the Chinese Society of Radiology, a member of the Shanghai Society of Radiology and the head of the Professional Group of Musculoskeletal System of the Shanghai Society of Radiology, vice chairman of the Special Committee on Musculoskeletal Imaging of the Chinese Medical Association, a member of the Special Committee on Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Imaging and the head of the Professional Group of Musculoskeletal System in Shanghai, a member of the CT and General Radiology Branch of the Chinese Equipment Association, a member of the Special Committee on Imaging of Non-public Medical Institutions in China, a member of the Shanghai Sports Science and Technology Association, a reviewer of the Chinese Journal of Radiology, a reviewer of the English version of the National Medical Journal of China, etc. In 2002, he studied neuroradiology in ERASME Hospital of Free University of Brussels, Belgium. In 2004, he studied sports medicine and musculoskeletal and joint imaging diagnosis in the Department of Sports Medicine of the University of Turin, Italy. In 2014, he studied at Harvard Medical School in the USA. At present, his main research directions and fields are medical engineering crossover, imaging diagnosis of nervous system and musculoskeletal and joint system diseases, especially with a strong foundation and experience in the imaging diagnosis of sports trauma in orthopedics. He is committed to the MR imaging of articular cartilage and related metabolic mechanism, as well as the clinical and basic research of artificial intelligence and sports injury imaging of osteoarthritis. He presided over several general projects of the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. From 2015 to 2019, he held five Sino-US sports image trauma courses.

