(南京大学地球科学与工程学院,表生地球化学教育部重点试验室,江苏 南京 210023)
1 研究方法
1.1 控制方程
图1 DNAPL污染源区示意
1.2 升尺度模型
1.3 升尺度模型参数的拟合
表1 模型参数设置
图2 GTP =6.6时DNAPL的初始饱和度
图3 GTP =6.6时污染源区通量加权浓度拟合情况
图4 β和GTP的拟合情况
Fig.4 Fitting results of β and GTP
图5 GF和1-M/M0的拟合情况
2 验证
2.1 采用蒙特卡洛数值试验验证
图6 通量加权浓度均方根误差的频率直方图
图7 污染源区衰减过程中通量加权浓度的拟合情况
2.2 采用砂箱试验验证
表2 试验参数设置[37]
2.2.1 均质介质中的单个DNAPL污染源区 为了达到均质介质的背景条件,DiFilippo等在砂箱中填入大小为40/50目且均匀分布的砂[37],并在底部布设2cm厚的70/100目的细砂,以形成低渗透性的边界,便于DNAPL以池状结构聚集.随后在砂箱顶部释放约12mL的TCE,形成一个中部为离散状形态,底部为池状形态分布的复杂污染源区(图8).污染源区稳定后,从砂箱左侧以恒定的速率注入去离子水,形成一个水力梯度约为0.01的流场,并在砂箱右侧端口进行取样分析,从而获得各个时刻污染源区的通量加权浓度.试验的具体设置见表2.
图8 单个污染源区试验的初始饱和度[37]
图9 单个污染源区试验和解析解的结果对比
由图9可知,对于单个DNAPL污染源区,采用本文拓展的解析解计算的结果能较好地拟合试验结果.试验值和解析解所得的计算值间的RMSE= 124.92mg/L.同样采用Zhu-Sykes模型、Parker-Park模型和Christ双域模型分别对通量加权浓度进行求解[18,21,29],经过与数值计算方法所得结果对比发现,前两类模型计算得到的RMSE的平均值分别为167.42和437.25mg/L.与这两类模型相比,本文拓展的解析解计算的精度约提高了10%和30%,并且可以更精确地刻画出污染源区衰减过程中溶解相污染通量的阶段变化.而与Christ双域模型相比,本文拓展的解析解在大约前60%衰减过程中可以更准确地推估溶解相污染通量,其精度提高了约3%.
图10 多个污染源区试验的初始饱和度[37]
图11 多个污染源区试验和解析解的结果对比
3 结论
3.1 本文采用大量强非均质性的复杂污染源区算例,修正了双域模型中污染源区衰减指数的经验公式,将溶解相污染通量解析解的适用范围推广至强非均质性的复杂污染源区.
3.2 通过与蒙特卡洛数值计算结果对比验证可知,本文基于双域模型拓展的解析解可广泛应用于强非均质性的复杂DNAPL污染源区,较以往模型相比,修正模型的精度提高约10%~35%.
3.3 通过与两个砂箱试验结果对比验证可知,修正模型可以更精确地刻画复杂DNAPL污染源区衰减过程中溶解相污染通量的阶段性变化.本次研究的局限在于仅考虑溶解相的平衡溶解,后续可针对非平衡溶解过程,进一步提高污染源区衰减过程中溶解相污染通量的计算精度.
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Upscaling dissolved phase mass flux for complex DNAPL source zones.
SONG Mei-yu, SHI Xiao-qing*, MA Chun-long, KANG Xue-yuan, DU Fang-zhou
(Key Laboratory of Surficial Geochemistry, Ministry of Education, School of Earth Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China)., 2022,42(5):2095~2104
The NAPL phase in the Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL) contaminated site are dissolved in the flowing groundwater sustainably, thus a downstream contaminant plume is created, and a threat is posed to human health. It is important to accurately estimate the downstream contaminant mass flux from the DNAPL source zone. Due to the geological heterogeneity, the mass flux of dissolved phase is changed periodically. The dual-domain upscaling model developed by Christ et al. was often used to calculate the mass flux, however, it was only applicable to the DNAPL source zone with weak heterogeneity. Many numerical examples were used for complex DNAPL source zones with strong heterogeneity, to modify the empirical formula for deriving the source zone depletion index in the dual-domain model, thus the application scope of the dual-domain upscaling model were extended to strong heterogeneity. The applicability and accuracy of the modified model was validated based on Monte Carlo synthetical cases and two two-dimensional sandbox experiments. The comparison results showed that the modified model could be widely applied to complex DNAPL source zones with different structures. Compared with the previous, the accuracy of the mass flux calculated by the modified model was increased by about 35%.
DNAPL;mass flux;GTP;source zone depletion;upscaled models
国家重点研发计划项目( 2018YFC1800604);国家自然科学基金资助项目(41977157)
* 责任作者, 教授, shixq@nju.edu.cn