

文化交流 2022年11期

卢珍珍 王佳丽



和合研究  深化当代价值














和合传播  影响走向世界












和合体验  共享特色文化












和合传承  融入人们生活










和合理念  渗透社会治理





Hehe Culture Thriving in Taizhou

By Lu Zhenzhen Wang Jiali

The Hehe culture is both historical and contemporary; it belongs to China and the world. In recent years, the Hehe culture has been widely studied across China and becomes more influencing and beneficial to the society.

In Taizhou city, Zhejiang province, an action plan to build the city into the “holy land” of the Hehe culture has been proposed. By 2030, according to the plan, the Hehe culture will be thoroughly rooted in Taizhou and deeply integrated with the city. Its influence will become more extensive and far-reaching, making Taizhou a real symbol of the Hehe culture and the holy land of Hehe culture well known at home and abroad.

In March 2017, the Zhejiang province launched the second phase of the cultural research projects, in which Taizhous Hehe culture was selected as the only prefecture-level-city project in the province. The concept, development and inheritance of the “Hehe Culture in the Tiantai Mountain” were the focus of the research at that time.

In order to ensure the depth and continuity of the research, the Hehe Culture Research Institute of Taizhou University was established in May 2017.

At the end of the same year, Interpretation of the Hehe Culture compiled by the Taizhou government was officially published. This book interprets the Hehe Culture from the perspective of Taizhous history and culture, which is both academic and historical in its scope.

The Hehe culture has three sources, namely, the dragon totem culture, the three ancestors culture and the Tiantai Mountain culture. Interpretation of the Hehe Culture gives a brief introduction to the three sources, and makes a detailed, in-depth analysis of the Tiantai Mountain culture.

In fact, Taizhou has been conducting research on the Tiantai Mountain culture from very early on. On May 18, 1989, the Tiantai Mountain Culture Research Association was established. It is the first municipal-level public academic group studying famous mountain cultures in China.

The connotations and values of the Hehe culture have been widely spread in discussion and exchange activities.

In May 2008, the Institute of World Religions of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Zhejiang Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences Circles and others jointly held an international seminar on Hanshan, the monk and the poet, and the Hehe Culture, which was attended by more than 130 experts and scholars from 11 countries and regions.

In November 2017, the Tiantai Mountain Hehe Culture Forum was held in Tiantai county, with nearly 200 experts and scholars from China, the United States, Japan, Korea, Thailand and other countries participating. At the forum, scholars discussed the role of the Hehe culture in the construction of the “Belt and Road” and a community with a shared future for mankind, which better promoted the integration of traditional culture and regional economy. Experts and scholars from all walks of life at home and abroad shared new insights and ideas on the Hehe culture. After the forum, the monument of Hehe culture was erected in Tiantai.

In October 2019, Taizhou “Cultural Integration” Summit and Tiantai Mountain Hehe Culture Forum were held at the Tiantai Mountain, deepening the contemporary value of the Hehe culture.

A poem, an image, and an idea are the carriers of the Hehe cultures initial publicity. Hanshan and his poems have had a profound impact on Chinese folk culture, which has also been spreading worldwide.

In Japan, Hanshan can be seen everywhere. His poems and legends were introduced into Japan during the reign of Emperor Shenzong (1048-1085) in the Northern Song dynasty (960-1127). Hanshan has had an important influence on Japanese literature, art and music, and his thoughts and images have long been engrained into Japanese peoples everyday lives.

In the 1950s, along with Zen Buddhism, Hanshans poetry and his image spread from Japan to the United States. Since then, Hanshans popularity, which lasted nearly 20 years, has affected many American readers and writers at that time.

Now, driven by collective efforts, the Hehe Culture has gone overseas, gaining a greater reputation through diversified channels.

In the middle of October, 2018, the Canadian Hehe Culture Research Association was established in the “Land of Maple Leaf”.

Wang Dianqi, founder of the Canadian Hehe Culture Research Association and a Tiantai native, said that Canadian culture is in fact a kind of Hehe culture, where everyone works and lives in harmony. Therefore, Canada and China share the same cultural gene of “Hehe”. The Canadian Hehe Culture Research Association can be said to have been established at the ripe time.

Wang said that “Hehe” is a culture, a civilization and a trend. At all times and in all countries, the happiness of any family, the success of any enterprise and the prosperity of any country cannot be separated from the concept of “Hehe”. The establishment of the Hehe Culture Research Association is to sort out the development context of the Hehe culture, study its contemporary value, promote this “oriental wisdom” to Canada, scientifically understanding and promoting the Chinese Hehe culture in real life, and making contributions to the mutual exchange and integration of Chinas Hehe culture and Canadas multiple cultures.

Zheng Yan, a native of Tiantai, is currently the executive vice president of the Taizhou Clan Association in Japan.

On the afternoon of July 9, 2019, the award ceremony of Chinas first International Center of the Hehe Culture was held in Tokyo, Japan. Zheng received the plaque on behalf of the Taizhou Clan Association in Japan.

Zheng said that she did not know the relationship between Tiantai and Japan before, but only after arriving in Japan did she find out that her hometown had such a deep relationship with the country. The harmonious culture of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism not only belongs to Tiantai, China but also to the world. The International Center of the Hehe Culture in Tokyo has built a bridge for cultural exchanges between China and Japan, which will enable more Japanese people to understand it.

Beyond geographical limit, the spread of the Hehe culture is multi-dimensional.

In August 2018, a musical called Tiantai Yuxianji (An Encounter with Immortals in Tiantai) was premiered at the Music Theater of Tiantai Zhixiang Art Center. The musical is adapted from a folk legend which tells a love story between two mortals and two fairies in the Tiantai Mountain.

In addition to retaining the romantic love of the original story, the play also adds many elements of the Tiantai and the Hehe culture, aiming to promote the local culture of Tiantai and the Hehe culture, and to become a “golden card” for Tiantais publicity.

The Hehe culture can be seen through the eyes or felt through immersive experiences.

Before coming to Tiantai, you can follow the official account of “Tiantai Duguo” (Enjoying Your Time in Tiantai) on WeChat. It is a comprehensive cultural experience platform featuring Tiantai Mountains cultural tourism, and it is also an excellent traditional culture research and travel base of the Tiantai Mountain.

Traditional handicrafts, tie-dyeing, meditation and regimen ... thousands of immersive experiences of the Hehe culture have been offered here, directly attended by about 40,000 people.

Tiantai also launched the Hehe Yaji (or cultural fair), which is the most direct and profound cultural experience for domestic and foreign tourists to learn the Tiantai Mountain culture.

Ji Gong is a typical figure of the Hehe culture in the history of Tiantai. In recent years, the animation works of Ji Gong has made more people know about Tiantai and the Hehe culture. The TV animation Little Ji Gong, which was created in cooperation with CCTV Animation Group, was rated as the “key project of the national going global translation project”, won the third “Best Animation Award” of the Chinese Culture and Arts Government Award, and the “Five One Project Award for the 13th Spiritual Civilization Construction” of Zhejiang province.

The animated film Master Ji Gong tells the story of Li Xiuyuan, a young man reincarnated from a dragon subduing arhat, who once again realizes the truth and regains his golden body after experiencing human suffering, and shoulders the mission to save his people. The film received wide acclaim after it was released nationwide. It was also shortlisted for the Best Animation of the 34th China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival.

In the Taizhou Museum, the sculpture works of the Hehe culture series on exhibition not only show the exquisite folk arts and crafts of Taizhou, but also reflect the profound connotations of the Hehe culture. Walking in the Hehe Park, citizens can enjoy a slow city life through watching birds and listening to melodious creek sound, and can also feel the harmonious vibes between people, architecture and nature. The old “72 Alleys” in Huangyan, a practice of the Hehe street, has now turned on a new, modern look of “coexistence of the modern and the traditional, harmony without uniformity”.

The Hehe culture has been inherited for thousands of years, and Taizhou has already integrated it into its own development. From schools to communities, from public and individual life of the citizens, the Hehe culture has taken deep root in Taizhou in a vivid cultural form.

Landmark buildings with the theme of the Hehe culture have sprung up, and cultural venues guided by the Hehe spirit have also taken shape. These venues are not only Instagrammable places, but also the spiritual home for people to nurture and improve themselves.

Similarly, a number of Hehe academies and Hehe lecture halls have been built to hold various cultural activities and offer different cultural perspectives and experiences.

In order to pass on the Hehe culture, Tiantai county held the third edition of Storytelling Contest among teenagers. Thousands of students participated in the contest and injected new vitality into age-old Tiantai legends, so as to promote the inheritance and protection of intangible cultural heritage while spreading folk literature.

More profound cultural research and theoretical construction need to be done back on campus. In recent years, Taizhou University has deepened the study of the Hehe theory, elucidated the essence of the Hehe culture, and established research institutes on the Tiantai Mountain, the Hehe culture and the Tang Poetry Road, among others.

The Hehe Culture Research Group of Tiantai County has carried out various research projects and held national cultural forums, forming an initial theoretical system of the Hehe culture.

Recently, Tiantai county has applied the concept of the Hehe culture into all aspects of social governance, and extensively carried out the “Six Movements of the Hehe Culture”.

For the Hehe culture, focusing on the needs of the public, providing high-quality public services and promoting the harmony among different people, between people and society are the vivid epitome of the pursuit of “harmony without uniformity” .

