

今日重庆 2022年4期




Shi Yan is a new book published by Chongqing writer Qiang Wen in November 2021, consisting of seven short stories: Shi Yan, Million Scenery, Merit Bowl, Cleanliness, Watercolor Class, One-way Street and Cheongsam. To me, this novel is like a strange mirror, close to life, magnifying and reflecting the changing relationships in the life of the times and the hearts and minds of people who have gone out from all kinds of changing relationships.

In 160,000 words and with seven stories of a completely different nature, Qiang Wen extracts and presents a striking sense of alienation from the lives experienced by characters in different professions, classes and time settings. This almost homogeneous detachment in the flood of different lives keeps the pulse of human relations in the life of the times, and also constitutes the soul and true quality of this novel collection.


“他避免看父亲的脸、眼神,他害怕那种亲情的探询,害怕自己突然就手足无措,他们要互相客气,才不会彼此伤害。”这是《石燕》中高级技工华小超与考古学家父亲华绵的关系。而在父亲华绵那里,“这世界没什么可安慰的,亲人都是讨债的”,“都是给自己添麻烦的人”。父子关系如此,父女母女关系亦然。“艾云丽也不和母亲说话了,每次碰上关键问题,母亲总会向着父亲。她走到厨房里,拾掇起自己的卤菜,想,这一家人真是自私,不仅克扣别人的生活,还克扣自己的生活。现在害得一家人还在这阴暗、耗子成堆的破屋子里住着。” 这是《百万风景》中卖卤菜的年轻女孩艾云丽的内心苦楚。


For most people in contemporary life, the only people left to rely on in critical moments are family and relatives. However, the interpersonal relationship deeply penetrated by the sense of alienation has actually invaded the family, dipped into the blood, and cut the self, making the relationship between relatives and even between oneself and oneself become so strange and precarious. See, the father-son relationship in Shi Yan, The relationship between father and daughter and mother and daughter in Million Scenery and Watercolor Class, The relationship between lovers in Cleanliness, the relationship between husband and wife in One-way Street and Merit Bowl, and the relationship between self and “another self” in Cheongsam, are all unbreakable relationships that are traditionally considered as blood and water, but under Qiang Wen’s writing, the skin is torn off, the bones are broken, and the relationship is suspended in midair.

“He avoids looking at his father’s face, his eyes, he is afraid of that kind of affectionate inquiry, afraid that he will suddenly be at his wits’ end, that they will have to be polite to each other so as not to hurt each other.” This is the relationship between Hua Xiaochao, a senior mechanic, and Hua Mian, his archaeologist father, in Shi Yan. And according to his father, Hua Mian, “there is nothing comforting in this world, loved ones are debt collectors and people who give me trouble”. This is true for fatherson relationships, as well as father-daughter and motherdaughter relationships. “Ai Yunli also does not talk to her mother. Whenever there is a critical issue, her mother always takes her father’s side. She goes to the kitchen, picks up her braised food and thinks, “This family is so selfish, not only withholding life from others, but also from ourselves, causing our family still living in this dank, ratty, broken house.” This is the inner suffering of Ai Yunli, a young girl selling braised food in Million Scenery.

In these various life stories, the traditionally close and reliable family ties are torn apart and disintegrated, like the crumbs of a broken cup or plate, stained with tears and blood, which is unbearable to look at. With the disintegration and breaking of family blood ties, we can see through the novel a certain truth about human relations in the social life of this era, a truth that is vaguely disturbing, yet fully convincing because it is true.




But Qiang Wen’s writing doesn’t end there. As a reader, I don’t think disintegration is the purpose of her writing. With a cold face but a warm heart, she is also shaping a new “growth” while presenting a kind of disintegration and collapse. After all, people are tenacious and resistant to live, especially women, and those men who have a woman’s heart. In the midst of family ties that have mutated or hit rock bottom, we see people who are still not beaten or destroyed, who remain proud, determined and resolute in their stubbornness, who are more awake, more certain and more resilient, as if they have been vaccinated and have developed antibodies to the wind.

I especially like Ai Yunli in Million Scenery, a 24-year-old girl who sells braised food, independent, strong, delicate and sharp-minded. In the troubled bottom life and increasingly distant family relations, she tries to build and maintain a minimum quality of family affection, and in a little ambiguous relationship with the security chief of the million dollar upscale community, she always maintains her pride and self-respect as a woman, not to mention that she also has other plans, savings, and new hopes for her future life. The novel ends with the words,“She is going home, going home with her father, and then handing him the two swimming tickets in the envelope hidden in the drawer, knowing that he might not take them, but, nevertheless, she is handing them to him.” I believe that, when reading this, most readers will be more or less moved, because what the daughter insists on handing to her father is not simply two swimming tickets to a highend neighborhood, but an ambition to “conquer” a difficult life, a daughter’s unilateral approach and proximity to her father in an estranged blood relationship.

Similar to this is the gaze of “I” on my “ex-painter”father in Watercolor Class. “He is probably slightly drunk and wants to take a nap. As I help him lie down on the couch, he offers to hug his daughter. I stiffen my body to meet it, and a limp father falls on my shoulder. ‘You’re the closest thing I have in this life.’ He whispered.” And the daughter, who has been neglected by her father for half her life, “sits in the chair opposite him after he has fallen asleep, staring unblinkingly at the superb model, the old man on the sofa, tired, muddled, insistent, stoic, motionless. I think I should be able to draw him down and just observe him well and again.” This willingness to observe and re-observe closely is both a daughter’s pity for her elderly father in his twilight years, and at the same time an impulse to reunite after a broken blood relationship. Here is a daughter’s sudden emergence of tenderness, but also a woman’s sudden growth of new responsibilities in her heart after realizing that there is nothing to rely on in life.




This kind of frank commitment is found in Bai Guiyou, the maid in the Merit Bowl, and in Tao Yudan, who is abandoned in her first marriage and loses her husband in her second marriage in the One-way Street. Of course, there is also Xiao Hai in Cleanliness and Hua Mian in Shi Yan, both of whom are men and of different ages and occupations, but both of whom have a woman’s heart. The former is keen on transcribing inscriptions, clean and spotless, while the latter is obsessed with repairing relics and likes to “breathe the twilight dust slowly into his nose”in the dim light. In the life of the times, they also suffer the same broken family blood ties, and are also caught in the whirlpool and mystery of the life of the times, but do not give up, do not go with the flow, but choose to return in a different way - Hua Mian returns to Mount Gele with the treasured Shi Yan at the end of his life; while Xiao Hai,“sees a rock standing firm towards the direction of the rising sun”, he thus wakes up from a dream overnight and finds his old home in the north under the wooden pagoda.

“The night is clear and shallow, the Milky Way falls in the river, the flowing water is soupy, the remnants of dew drip down on the pine tips.” Those who are displaced in the hardships of the world due to the loss of family and home in their early years, find their way home again vaguely on this fine night of brilliant starlight and soft sound of truffles. This is the heat brought by a novel, which is also like the merit of persuasion. Along with the reading, this warm current is slowly flowing into my inventory of the life of the times, of the experience of blood and kinship, and is pulling out a new seedling from my heart. I am grateful to Ms. Qiang Wen, the author of this novel, for her experience and writing, which not only provides a new mirror image of family ties in contemporary literature from a woman’s perspective, but also looks toward the future, illuminating the way home for the countless lonely souls beyond blood ties.

Besides, Shi Yan is also a cherished cultural novel in which the author presents a stunning cultural landscape of Chongqing around historical scenes. Southwest archaeology in Shi Yan story, the once the natural ecology of Wan Yun Village in Million Scenery, ancient buildings and local customs in Wuling Mountain area in Merit Bowl, Buddhist temple architecture and tablet calligraphy culture in Cleanliness, and customs of Wuya Town style, the home of fine arts in Watercolor Class, as well as the taste of classical life in Cheongsam, are all written against the surface of the life of the times and reveal the glory of regional culture, and Qiang Wen’s identity as a scholar of regional culture beyond the novelist is thus revealed, further enhancing the cultural awareness value of Shi Yan, making it truly a masterpiece worthy of in-depth study in the field of Chinese women’s fiction in recent years.

