On the Downs在山冈上


英语世界 2022年5期

阿尔弗雷德·乔治·加德纳 朱建迅

We spread our lunch on the crown of one of those great billows of the downs2 that stand along the sea. Down in the hollows tiny villages or farmsteads stood in the midst of clumps of trees, and the cultivated lands looked like squares of many-coloured carpets, brown carpets and yellow carpets and green carpets, with the cloud shadows passing over them and moving like battalions3 up the gracious slopes of the downs beyond. A gleam of white in the midst of one of the brown fields caught the eye. It seemed like a patch of snow that had survived the rigours of the English summer, but suddenly it rose as if blown by the wind and came towards us in tiny flakes of white that turned to seagulls. They sailed high above us uttering that querulous4 cry that seems to have in it all the unsatisfied hunger of the sea.

In this splendid spaciousness the familiar forms seem incredibly diminutive. That little speck moving across one of the brown carpets is a ploughman and his team. That white stream that looks like milk flowing over the green carpet is a flock of sheep running before the sheep-dog to another pasture. And the ear no less than the eye learns to translate the faint suggestions into known terms. At first it seems that, save for the larks that spring up here and there with their cascades of song, the whole of this immense vacancy is soundless. But listen. There is “the wind on the heath, brother.”5 And below that, and only audible when you have attuned your ear to the silence, is the low murmur of the sea.

You begin to grow interested in probing the secrecies of this great stillness. That? Ah, that was the rumble6 of some distant railway train going to Brighton or Eastbourne. But what was that? Through the voices of the wind and the sea that we have learned to distinguish we catch another sound, curiously hollow and infinitely remote, not vaguely pervasive like the murmur of the sea, but round and precise like the beating of a drum somewhere on the confines of the earth.

“The guns!”

Yes, the guns. Across fifty miles of sea and fifty miles of land the sound is borne to us as we sit in the midst of this great peace of earth and sky. When once detached, as it were7, from the vague murmurs of the breathing air it becomes curiously insistent. It throbs on the ear almost like the beating of a pulse—baleful8, sepulchral9, like the strokes of doom. We begin counting them, wondering whether they are the guns of the enemy or our own, speculating as to the course of the battle.

We have become spectator of the great tragedy, and the throb of the guns touches the scene with new suggestions. Those cloud shadows drifting across the valley and up the slopes of the downs on the other side take on the shapes of massed10 battalions. The apparent solitude does not destroy the impression. There is no solitude so complete to the outward eye as that which broods over the country when the armies face each other in the grips of death. I have looked from the mountains of Rheims11 across just such a valley as this. Twenty miles of battle front lay before me, and in all that great field of vision there was not a moving thing visible. There were no cattle in the fields and no ploughmen following their teams. Roads marched across the landscape, but they were empty roads. It was as though life had vanished from the earth. Yet I knew that all over that great valley the earth was crawling with life and full of immense and sinister secrecies—the galleries12 of the sappers13, the trenches and redoubts14, the hiding-places of great guns, the concealed observations of the watchers. Yes, it was just such a scene as this. The only difference was that you had not to put your ear to the ground to catch the thunder of the guns.

But the voice of war that has broken in upon our peace fades when we are once more on the move over the downs, and the visions it has brought with it seem unreal and phantasmal in their serene and sunlit world. The shadows turn to mere shadows again, and we tread the wild thyme and watch the spiral of the lark with careless rapture. We dip down into a valley to a village hidden among the trees, without fear or thought of bomb-proof shelters and masked batteries15, and there in a cottage with the roses over the porch we take rest and counsel over the teacups. Then once more to the downs. The evening shadows are stretching across the valleys, but to these spacious heights the sunshine still rests. Someone starts singing that jolly old song, “The Farmers Boy,” and soon the air resounds to the chorus:

“To plough and sow, to reap and mow,

And be a farmers boy-o-o-o-oy,

And be a farmers boy.”

No one recalls the throbbing of the guns or stops to catch it from amidst the murmurs of the air. This—this is the reality. That was only an echo from a bad dream from which we have awakened.

And when an hour or two later we reach the little village by the sea we rush for the letters that await us with eager curiosity. There is silence in the room as each of us devours the budget of news awaiting us. I am vaguely conscious as I read that someone has left the room with a sense of haste. I go up to my bedroom, and when I return the sitting-room is empty save for one figure. I see at a glance that something has happened.

“Robert has been killed in battle,” he says. How near the sound of the guns had come!















1(1865—1946),英国著名作家,一生著述宏富,尤以散文见长。他的散文大多取材于日常生活中的平凡事件,清新可诵,自然典雅,诙谐幽默,富有哲理。主要作品有随笔集《岸边卵石》(Pebbles on the Shore)、《风中之叶》(Leaves in the Wind)、《道道畦沟》(Many Furrows)等。本文选自《岸边卵石》。  2 downs(野草覆盖的低矮丘陵,尤指英格兰东南部两处以此词命名的)丘陵地带。  3 battalion(军队的)营,营部。  4 querulous爱抱怨的,爱发牢骚的。

5出自英国作家乔治·博罗(George Borrow, 1803—1881)的自传体小说《拉文格罗》(Lavengro)。  6 rumble隆隆声;持续而低沉的声音。

7 as it were可以说是;在一定程度上。  8 baleful威胁的。  9 sepulchral坟墓似的;阴森森的。  10 massed(大量)集结的,聚集的。  11法国东北部城市。

12 gallery(矿坑或洞穴中的)水平巷道。  13 sapper工兵。  14 redoubt防御工事;掩体。  15 battery炮组,排炮。

