The Motherhood Penalty: We’re Losing Talent to Caregiving母职惩罚:育儿埋没英才
谢利·扎利斯 袁峰
When women in the workplace talk about their children, theyre often seen as distracted. When men talk about their children, theyre viewed as caring dads. New research supports that the “motherhood penalty1” is real: The latest Bright Horizons2 annual Modern Family Index found that:
· 69% of working Americans say working moms are more likely to be passed up for a new job than other employees
· 60% say career opportunities are given to less qualified employees instead of working moms who may be more skilled
· 72% of both working moms and dads agree that women are penalized in their careers for starting families, while men are not
Is this fair? The motherhood penalty may play a big part in holding women back from leadership positions and contribute to the wage gap. In fact, women get a 4% pay cut for each child they have, compared to men who get a 6% pay increase on average, according to The New York Times. With roughly 40% of women now the breadwinners, this penalty impacts the financial well-being not only of women, but of men and families as well. Moreover, this bias also affects women who do not currently—and may never have—children.
We may even be moving backwards when it comes to supporting mothers in the workplace: Nearly twice as many U.S. women are nervous to tell their boss they are pregnant as compared to five years ago, and 65% of women without children have reservations about having a child, including 42% who fear it would hurt their career trajectory3, according to the Modern Family Index.
So how can we overcome the motherhood penalty and help companies, leaders and employees think and behave differently? Here are some action steps to change the equation, from workplace practices that employees can take to policies companies can adopt.
Both men and women should be transparent about your personal responsibilities. We all have a life outside of work: Being open about your own can help encourage others to do the same. What if both men and women brought their family pictures to work, and—rather than making excuses—let everyone know they were leaving early to go to their childs game? The more we talk about parenting in the workplace, the more it becomes the new norm.
“Ive been in companies where we didnt talk about our families or put up personal pictures because we didnt want others to think we couldnt handle work with our children,” says Bearfield Maribeth, Chief Human Resources Officer of Bright Horizons. “There are moments where you have to step out4 to respond to family needs, and if we see leaders doing that, it makes it easier for everyone to do that. If employees dont feel comfortable, say, taking a call from their child during a meeting, will they really be present?”
Give parents professional support and pathways to leadership. Promote moms into leadership positions so they are role models in the workplace, and give them the support they need. Hila Roberts, an Atlanta-based merchant at Home Depot5 and mother to a 6-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son, says there are a lot of things companies can do to support parents. “Home Depot offers onsite daycare through Bright Horizons, plus 10 days of subsidized backup care6. I have lunch with my son once a week. It gives us one-on-one time—which doesnt take away from work because you have to eat—and personalizes family in the workplace.”
Remember that it takes a village7. When I was working in market research with three young kids, my girlfriends were indispensable. We coordinated with one another and helped each other raise our kids, such as by enrolling them in the same after-school activities so we could take turns carpooling8. I believe having a circle of women to rely on is a secret to success for both work and home life.
“Similar to building a successful startup, it also takes a village to succeed at work and at home,” says Amanda Cashin, Vice President of Illumina Accelerator, which helps entrepreneurs create genomics startups, and mother of a 1-year-old son. “I have a very supportive husband, family and friends, and I have had the privilege of having mentors who have believed in me throughout the years. Im also part of a biotech womens group who support each other as we advance. Our pledge this year is to help one female advance to the C-suite9 or to a board.”
Offer inclusive paid leave. If we want to attract and retain best talent and not just the available talent, then we need to create parental policies that matter, that work and that adjust for employees life stages.
Having inclusive leave policies in place will help normalize caregiving in the workplace. Some legislation to watch is the Family and Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act that was introduced in 2019, which would allow both men and women up to 12 weeks of paid leave for personal responsibilities, such as the birth or adoption of a child, or caregiving for a parent or spouse.
The Modern Family Index also finds that 89% of American workers think that working moms bring out the best in employees, and rate working moms as more diplomatic, better listeners, better team players and calmer in a crisis as compared to working dads and employees without children.
The workplace today needs leaders with traits traditionally associated with femininity—such as empathy10, nurturing and collaboration—now more than ever. When we support mothers in the workplace and normalize caregiving for fathers, we all win. The time for equality is now.
· 69%的美国职场人士表示,在竞争新职位时,职场妈妈比其他员工更有可能被筛掉。
· 60%的职场人士表示,得到职业发展机会的往往是能力相对较弱的员工,而不是技能可能更熟练的职场妈妈。
· 72%的职场妈妈和爸爸一致认为,女性在职业生涯中因为生儿育女而遭受惩罚,男性却不受影响。
Illumina Accelerator公司专门协助创业者创建基因组领域的初创企业,该公司副总裁阿曼达·卡欣是个有一岁儿子的妈妈,她表示:“与打造成功的初创企业相似,要想事业成功、家庭美满,也得‘举全村之力。我有非常支持我的丈夫和亲朋好友,有幸拥有多年来一直信任我的良师益友。我还是生物技术领域一个职场女性团体的成员,在这个团体中,大家相互支持、共同进步。我们今年的誓约是帮助一名女性晋升为首席高管或进入董事会。”
1 motherhood penalty母职惩罚,女性由于生育而在就业、晋升、绩效评估、薪资收入等方面遭受的负面影响。 2经营托育中心的美国公司,依托雇主企业向其员工提供托儿和幼教服务。
3 trajectory轨迹,轨道。
4 step out出去,暂时离开。 5美国家居建材用品零售商,经营家居建材连锁超市。
6 backup care后备看护,因原定看护安排有变而临时安排的应急看护。 7 it takes a village出自非洲谚语“It takes a village to raise a child.”,本義为“养育一个孩子需举全村之力”,喻义为“养育孩子需要集社区、社会之力”。 8 carpooling拼车。
9 C-suite 指组织机构中最高层的管理人员,即职位名称以C(chief,首席)开头的高管们。 10 empathy同感,共鸣。