Food and culture


疯狂英语·新读写 2022年5期

江西 涂勇红

体裁:议论文 文章词数:369 建议用时:6分钟

Food plays an important role in our lives.We can learn a lot about a particular culture by exploring food. In fact, it may be difficult to fully define a culture without a nod to their cuisine.Here's why food is the best way to understand a culture:

It doesn't matter where you're from—you have to eat.And your societal culture most likely evolved from the uni⁃versal need to eat. The animals, land and resources you were near determined not only what you'd consume, but how you'd prepare and cook it.

Food preservation techniques are unique to climates and lifestyle.

Ever wonder why the process to preserve meat is so different around the world?In Morocco, Khlea is a dish composed of dried beef and then packed in animal fat. When preserved correctly, it's still good for two years when stored at room temperature. That makes a lot of sense in Morocco, where the country historically has desert landscape, and extremely warm,dry temperatures.

Some societies have cuisines that are entirely based on meat,and others are almost en⁃tirely plant⁃based.India's cuisine is extremely varied from region to region,with meat and wheat heavy dishes in the far north,rice⁃based vegetarian diets in the south.

Components of popular dishes can reveal cultural secrets.

Certain regions of the world have certain ingredients easily available to them.And perhaps one of the most interesting results from the blending of two cuisines is Chicken Tikka Masala.It seems to be an Indian Mughali dish,but was actually invented by the British!

A food tourist won't just focus on having a pint at Oktoberfest,but will be interested in learning the German beer making process,and possibly how they can make their own fresh beer.And they have the chance to learn local preparation techniques that can send insight into a whole other aspect of a particular region's culture.

A.Food is a universal necessity.

B.Food tourism—it's a whole new way to travel.

C.Local cuisines show historical eating patterns.

D.Meat is more difficult to preserve than plants.

E.It has to do with local resources,needs and climates.

F.Some cuisines change accordingly during different time of the year.

G.Black pepper originated in Asia but became a critical part of European cuisine.

Reading Check

Fill in each blank with a proper sentence from the sentences below the text.

Language Study

Useful expressions

1.And your societal culture most likely evolved from the universal need to eat.


2.Food preservation techniques are unique to climates and lifestyle.


3.Components of popular dishes can reveal cultural secrets.




diet 饮食

spaghetti 意大利细面条

nut 坚果

muscle 肌肉

protective 保护的

pea 豌豆

cucumber 黄瓜

eggplant 茄子

mushroom 蘑菇

peach 桃子

lemon 柠檬

barbecue 烧烤

mutton 羊肉

stir 搅拌

roast 烤制的

fry 油炸

sugary 含糖的

salty 含盐的

slim 苗条的

cuisine 菜肴;风味;烹饪

pepper 甜椒;灯笼椒;胡椒粉

peppercorn 胡椒粒

vinegar 醋

recipe 烹饪法;食谱

chef 厨师;主厨

slice 薄片;将……切成薄片

onion 洋葱

lamb 羊羔肉;羔羊

elegant 精美的;陈设讲究的;文雅的

dim sum 点心(中国食品)

exceptional 特别的;罕见的

consume 吃;喝;消耗

temper 脾气;火气

minimum 最小值;最小的

vegetarian 素食者

garlic 蒜

bacon 熏猪肉;咸猪肉

ham 火腿

sausage 香肠

cabbage 卷心菜;洋白菜

bean curd/tofu 豆腐

olive 油橄榄;橄榄树

fig 无花果


dessert 甜点

dough 生面团

canteen 餐厅

cafeteria 自助餐厅;自助食堂

bun 圆面包

chilli 辣椒

pork 猪肉

pearl 珍珠

calorie 卡路里

association 协会;关联

category 类别;种类

vitamin 维生素

fibre 纤维;纤维制品

quantity 数量

dairy 奶制的;乳品店

moderation 适度;合理

stable 稳定的;稳重的

ideal 完美的;完美的人(或事物)

fundamental 根本的;基本的;基本规律

chew 咀嚼

consistent 连续的

modest 些许的;谦虚的;朴素的

trick 诀窍

stuff 填满;东西

overall 总体上;全面的

bold 大胆自信的

flavour 味道;特点

digest 消化;摘要

carrot 胡萝卜

poisonous 有毒的

raw 生的;未加工的

customer 顾客

obesity 肥胖

protein 蛋白质

porridge 粥

medium rare 三分熟的

well⁃done 全熟的

intake 摄入

mineral 矿物质

nutrition 营养

nutritious 有营养的

bitter 苦的


red braised pork 红烧肉

lamb kebab 烤羊肉串

junk food 垃圾食品

prior to 在……之前

consist of 由……组成 切下

regardless of 不管;不顾

balanced diet 平衡膳食

ought to 应该;应当

lose weight 减肥

win...back 赢回

cut down 削减

put on weight 增加体重

be rich in 富含

be high/low in 含……高/低

be helpful to 对……有用的

do harm to 对……有害

a case in point 恰当的例证

be linked to 与……有联系

at a minimum 至少

be regarded as 被看作

build up one's body 增强某人的体质

for lack of 由于缺乏

be stuffed with 塞满

authentic Chinese food 地道的中国菜

recommend sth to sb 向某人推荐某物

develop a healthy eating habit 养成健康的



1.You're what you eat.人如其食。

2. Food brings people together on many different levels. It's nourishment of the soul and body. 食物在许多不同层面上把人们聚集在一起。它是心灵和身体的养料。

3. People who eat breakfast are more likely to keep a healthy weight. 吃早饭的人更有可能保持健康的体重。

4. The better eating habits we get into, the happier our life becomes. 我们养成的饮食习惯越好,我们的生活就越幸福。

5. We ought to eat healthy food such as fresh vegetables,fruit and milk.我们应该吃新鲜的蔬菜、水果和牛奶之类的健康食物。

6.Tips for keeping healthy are:study⁃ing regularly, resting adequately, keeping good hours and having a healthy diet.保持身体健康的秘诀:规律地学习,充足地休息,保持良好的作息时间和健康饮食。

7. The ideal diet is a balanced one,without too much or too little of anything.理想的饮食是均衡的,任何一种东西都不要吃得太多或太少。

8.Patience is the trick of making this dish.耐心是做好这道菜的诀窍。

9. For example, one of America's most popular Chinese dish is General Tso's Chicken, which consists of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce, flavoured with hot red peppers. 例如,在美国最受欢迎的中国菜之一是左宗棠鸡,这道菜是用甜酱汁包裹炸鸡,加上红辣椒调味制作而成的。

10.The reason why I recommend you to try this Chinese dish is that it is popular in China.我给你推荐这道中国菜是因为它在中国很受欢迎。

11.It is important to have some meat,beans, or dairy products in your diet, as they provide the necessary protein for strong bones and muscle growth.在你的饮食中添加一些肉类、豆类或乳制品是很重要的,因为它们提供了强健骨骼和肌肉生长所需的蛋白质。




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参考词汇:外卖食品takeout food

