

疯狂英语·新悦读 2022年4期

江西 谢 丽


题材人物体裁新闻报道文章词数难度建议用时335★★★6 分钟

1Teenage US Open champion Emma Raducanu has been voted BBC Sports Personality of the Year (SPOTY) 2021.

2Raducanu, then 18, ended Britain's 44-year wait for a women's Grand Slam (大满贯) singles champion with her remarkable victory at Flushing Meadows.

3In the public vote, diver Tom Daley placed second and swimmer Adam Peaty was third.Manchester City and England forward Raheem Sterling, boxer Tyson Fury, and Great Britain's most successful Paralympian Sarah Storey were also shortlisted for the main award.

4“It's such an honour just to be among these nominees (被提名人). Congrats to you and all your achievements,” Raducanu said. “I'm really happy with this. I've watched Sports Personality of the Year growing up and it's an honour to be among those past winners. I'm happy for British tennis as well, and that we've managed to get this award...again! ”

5In winning the US Open title in September with a 6-4 6-3 victory over fellow teenager Leylah Fernandez, Raducanu became the youngest women's Grand Slam champion since Maria Sharapova at Wimbledon in 2004, the youngest Briton to win a Grand Slam title and the first woman to win the US Open without dropping a set since Serena Williams in 2014.

6September's stunning success made her one of the UK's youngest sporting millionaires and sought-after stars, attending the Met Gala and a James Bond premiere and being tipped to become the country's richest athlete, partly thanks to her half-Chinese, half-Romanian heritage.

7Speaking before her victory, she said she was still the same girl from Bromley,adding, “I feel the complete same and everyone near me is definitely the same and keeping me in my place 100 percent.”

8“It's been great how everyone has been so welcoming and positive when I got back home and around. But nothing really changed in terms of my mindset. My parents are never ones to really make a big deal out of anything that I do, and that's good. They've been normal: nothing too big; nothing too low. That's just the way they brought me up.”

Reading Check

Choose the best answers according to the text

Language Study

Ⅰ. Analyze the difficult sentence in the text

In winning the US Open title in September with a 6-4 6-3 victory over fellow teenager Leylah Fernandez, Raducanu became the youngest women's Grand Slam champion since Maria Sharapova at Wimbledon in 2004, the youngest Briton to win a Grand Slam title and the first woman to win the US Open without dropping a set since Serena Williams in 2014. 9月份,拉杜卡努在美国网球公开赛中以6∶4和6∶3的比分战胜对手莱拉·费尔南德斯后,成为自玛丽亚·莎拉波娃2004年温网大满贯以来最年轻的大满贯女单冠军、年纪最小的获得大满贯头衔的英国人,以及自塞雷娜·威廉姆斯2014年的赛场表现以来首位不失一局赢得美国网球公开赛的女性。

【点石成金】In winning the US Open title in September 是介词短语作状语,the youngest women's Grand Slam champion since Maria Sharapova at Wimbledon in 2004,the youngest...since Serena Williams in 2014作became的并列宾语。

Ⅱ. Memorize some text-centered chunks

grow up 长大;成熟

drop a set 输一局

sought-after star 广受欢迎的明星

be tipped to do 预言……获胜;事先说……会成功

thanks to 幸亏;由于

in terms of 在……方面;就……而言

make a big deal out of 对……大惊小怪(或小题大做)

bring up 养育;抚养

