On the morning of September 27,2022,co-sponsored by the Jiangxi Association of Social Sciences and the Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences,the special section of the first Jiangxi social sciences annual conference on “Comprehensive Green Transformation and Development and Ecological Enrichment” was held in Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences by the Academic Center of Jiangxi Association of Social Sciences,the Research Center of Ecological Civilization and Rural Revitalization of Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences,the Key Discipline of Ecological Civilization and Ecological Economy of Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences,and the Evaluation and Research Center of Ecological Civilization Construction of Jiangxi Province.More than 60 experts and scholars from universities and research institutions attended the conference,and had warm exchanges and heated discussions on the goals of green transformation development,comprehensive construction of beautiful Jiangxi,serving the harmonious modernization of Jiangxi people and nature,and so on.Yang Kaizhong,secretary of the Party Committee of the Institute of Ecological Civilization of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,delivered a keynote report entitled“Beyond the Kaya Formula: A New Logic of Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality”.Professor Hu Haibo from Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,general manager Zhu Guiping from the Financial Markets Department of the Bank of Jiangxi,associate researcher He Xiongwei from Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences,associate professor Xia Tiantian from Yunnan Normal University,and associate professor Liu Yong from Jiangxi Provincial Party School also delivered speeches and made indepth explorations of the cases of green innovation in enterprises,carbon trading market,“Wetland Bank”,green development and the realization of ecological product value,etc.
2022 年9 月27 日上午,由江西省社会科学界联合会、江西省社会科学院联合主办,江西省社联学术中心、江西省社会科学院生态文明与乡村振兴研究中心、江西省社会科学院生态文明与生态经济重点学科、江西省生态文明建设评价研究中心承办的首届江西社会科学学术年会“全面绿色转型发展与生态富民”专题分会在江西省社会科学院举行。江西省社联党组书记、主席罗勇兵,江西省社会科学院党组书记蒋金法出席分会并致辞,江西省社会科学院党组成员、副院长龚剑飞主持会议,来自全国各高校和研究机构的专家学者60 余人参会。
罗勇兵在致辞中指出,在喜迎党的二十大胜利召开的重要时刻,隆重举行2022 年(首届)江西社会科学学术年会,探讨全面绿色转型发展与生态富民,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。