Trade-marks (Ⅰ)商标(上)


时代英语·高二 2022年1期

V. M.希利尔(1875—1931),美国著名儿童教育家、科普作家,创建了卡尔弗特教育体系。他为孩子们编写了一套趣味盎然的历史、地理、艺术读物, 即《写给孩子看的世界历史》《写给孩子看的世界地理》《写给孩子看的艺术史》。本文选自《写给孩子看的艺术史》,该书写于20世纪二三十年代。

You have heard of a fireproof building. But have you ever heard of a fireproof animal? A little animal that looks like a lizard and is called a salamander was always supposed to be fireproof. The people of the sixteenth century used to think that if they put a salamander in the fire the salamander wouldn’t mind it a bit. The hotter the fire, the more he’d like it. They used to call asbestos cloth (which is fireproof) salamander’s skin.

In those days of the sixteenth century there reigned in France a king named

Francis I whose badge was a salamander. Francis I also used a capital letter F as a badge. The salamander and the letter F were like trade-marks and FrancisⅠhad them put on all the many buildings he built during his reign. He was a powerful monarch with plenty of money to spend and his delight was to spend the money on the works of the best painters, goldsmiths, sculptors, and architects. Many of the painters, sculptors, and goldsmiths were Italians who came to work for Francis I. The architects were mostly Frenchmen.



The buildings of these French Renaissance architects were different from the Italian Renaissance buildings. Most of the French Renaissance buildings were still Gothic in shape. The lines still ran vertically up from the ground as they did in the Gothic style. You remember the horizontal lines of some of the Italian Renaissance buildings. This difference was because the Renaissance in France changed from Gothic little by little, while in Italy the Renaissance was not a slow change, but a sudden break from the Gothic.

In Italy many of the Renaissance buildings were churches. In France there were already plenty of fine Gothic churches. Most of the French Renaissance buildings, therefore, were palaces and castles. Chateaux is what the French call them, and we too use the French word when speaking of the French Renaissance.

So many of these chateaux were built along the river Loire in France that the valley of this river is known as the Chateau Country.




A very famous chateau still stands at Blois in the Chateau Country. Parts of the Chateau of Blois were built in the Gothic style before the Renaissance reached France, but one whole section was built by Francis I in the Renaissance style. This section is called the Wing of Francis I. There is a celebrated spiral staircase attached to the outside wall of the building in an open tower—something like a fire-escape. The staircase tower is stone and marble, like the rest of the building. On the staircase are carved again and again the salamander and the letter F of Francis I. The salamanders are royal salamanders and each has a crown above him. Little flames of fire seem to be flying all around the salamanders.You can see these “trade-marks” of Francis I on other parts of the building.

Notice that the building is still Gothic enough to have Gothic gargoyles sticking out from the staircase and the roof.

If you should walk down the staircase at the Chateau of Blois and some one else started to walk up at the same time, you two would meet on the stairs. But there is another staircase in France where persons going down never meet persons going up at the same time. It sounds mysterious, but it really happens just that way. The pass-without-meeting staircase is in the central tower of a large chateau at Chambord.




No girl or boy who likes to read of knights and ladies in the days of chivalry could help getting a thrill at seeing the Chateau of Chambord. It is a huge castle, partly fortified and once protected by a moat or ditch of water. It has towers, steep roofs, tall chimneys, and thick stone walls. With its towers and chimneys pointing toward the sky, it really looks more Gothic than Renaissance.

The pass-without-meeting staircase is in the tallest tower and works the way it does because there are two sets of steps which corkscrew up the tower together, one set above the other. The Statue of Liberty in New York has an iron staircase inside it built the same way as the stone staircase at Chambord.

Francis I liked to stay at Chambord when he wanted a change from city life. He liked to stay at Blois, too. But he liked best of all the palace of Fontainebleau, which is noted for its beautiful gardens, terraces, and lakes, and for its rich interiors. The outsides of the palace buildings aren’t as interesting as Chambord and Blois, so we’ll hurry on to still another palace of Francis I. This is the Louvre in Paris.




Word Study

lizard /'lɪzəd/ n. 蜥蜴

asbestos /æs'bestəs/ n. 石棉

badge /bædʒ/ n. 标记;象征;徽章;奖章

His gun was a badge of power for him.

reign /reɪn/ n. 任期;当政期;君主统治时期

vertically /'vɜːtɪklɪ/ adv. 垂直地; 直立地; 纵向地

The cliff was almost vertical.

Word Study

spiral /'spaɪrəl/ adj. 螺旋形的;螺旋式的

attach /ə'tætʃ/ v. 把……固定,把……附(在……上)

They have attached a number of conditions to the agreement.

gargoyle /'ɡɑːɡɔɪl/ n. 滴水嘴

chivalry /'ʃɪvəlri/ n.(中世纪的)骑士制度

fortify /'fɔːtɪfaɪ/ v. 筑防御工事以防卫;(尤指)筑城防御

The town had to be fortified against invaders.

moat /məʊt/ n. 护城河

