

风景园林 2022年3期






Rural Living Environment

The world being urbanized generally and widely, the rural area still remains as the basic type of human in-habitation, with approximately 3.4 billion people living in the rural area out of a total global population of 7.6 billion in 2020. As against the highly artificial urban areas, the global rural area is much more extensive and the living environments are more closely related to the natural environment. There are rich traditional wisdom and local landscape features in rural settlements and their dependent farming, fishery and forestry, and the overall development of rural living environment is an important part of spatial ecosystem management, with a high research value.

Different rural landscapes arise out of different regional cultures and each country is provided with its own rural traditional eco-wisdom worthy of cognition and research. As one of the world-renowned ancient wonders, the magnificent alpine terraces in Ifugao of northern Philippines are the fields reclaimed by the local indigenous tribesmen in the bare mountains for a living. These fields,constructed along steep slopes along contour lines and surrounded by stone walls, are in the shape of terraces, and with the tops sloping slightly inward to allow irrigation water to be stored and used efficiently. These terraces filter and purify rainwater from the tropical pine forests at the top of the mountains, bringing benefit to the local villages and the major cities downstream. Not only are the alpine terraces are a habitat ecosystem where villages are in harmony with forests, rice fields and water systems, but also a governance model of national land space in which culture and biodiversity are compatible.

Since ancient times, the rural construction in China has often conflated the natural environment, forming a beautiful landscape painting.Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains, a painting by Huang Gongyuan of the Yuan Dynasty, depicts the rural style of living by mountains and rivers in the Fuchun River basin. In the painting,the river runs through the hills on both riverbanks, sandbars are distributed in the river, and fertile fields and links paths appear along the river. According to their geomorphic environment, the settlements in the watershed spread on the plains, sandbars and hilly areas along the river, and have formed a farming model responding to flooding and conforming to the terrain. This painting entertains the idea that agro-production, settlement construction and landscape environment are adapted to one another and that man and nature coexist. Today, the rural landscape as depicted in the picture continues in this area. Dikes or weirs are constructed with earth and stones on the periphery of farming fields on the waterfronts and sandbars in the river to resist water intrusion. The dikes are equipped with gates to flexibly control and drain away water, thus forming polders. It is still of practical significance in the present development of the rural living environment to draw on the wisdom of rural construction inherited from the region and make an artificial intervention in nature step by step.

The sustainable development of rural living environment has risen to the challenge from such common problems we face today as climate change and deterioration of global ecological environment,and the landscape architecture discipline importantly functions in the study of rural living environment. First of all, as a socio-ecological combined system, rural living environment exist in a vast landscape environment. In the context of territorial spatial planning, it is needed in the renovation of rural living environment to have a system idea and combine the whole natural eco-space with the planning of rural living environment system to facilitate the improvement and restoration of ecological space, the recombination and diversification of production space, and the intensification and efficiency of living space, so as to draw up a blueprint for the spatial development of the rural area. Secondly, rural living environment should become a beautiful home that is livable and workable. On the premise of considering the whole ecological space, it is necessary to optimize the appraisal system and process of traditional rural living environment,conduct the restoration, reconstruction and optimization of the ecosystem network and scientifically back up the reasonable activities related to production, living and construction in the rural area so as to create rural living environment suitable for human use,balanced and healthy in ecology, and provided with aesthetic value.Furthermore, rural living environment is an important carrier of cultural inheritance. Returning to nature in the new age should not to guard each empty village alone, nor to simply restore the former appearance of the rural area. Rather, we should mix together the modern spirit absorbed from human civilization and the traditional essence drawn from the indigenous culture to shape a new form of rural living environment and boost the creative transformation of the traditional ecological wisdom for rural living environment. Besides,the theory and practice of planning and design in the local context of the new age should be enriched in practice to solve the problems related to weakening of rural characteristics and loss of rural area value. Finally, the technical means of landscape architecture should be used in the construction of rural living environment and ecological environment. The local conditions should be followed in exploring the native characteristics and potential values of the rural area and generating the regional natural features and endogenous power of rural area to improve the well-being of the people and advance rural economy with high quality by booming the green industry integrating ecological production.

Not only is the practice and innovation of landscape architecture discipline in rural living environment the intrinsic requirements and crucial brace in promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the rural area in the new era, but also the inevitable choice of the discipline in deeply grasping the characteristics of China’s rural area and responding to the national development needs in the new era.

Editor-in-Chief: Professor ZHENG Xi

February 23, 2022


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