

英语世界 2022年3期


“人缘”,表示“与人相处的人际关系”。英语可以译为relations with others。例如:

1. 这名大学生回到家中过暑假时,父亲问他在校人缘如何。

When the college student came back home to spend the summer vacation, his father asked him what his relations with others were like at school.

“人缘好”或“有人缘”,表示“与人相处时受欢迎”。英语可以译为 to be popular。例如:

2. 这名大学生在班里非常有人缘,因为他勤勉、谦虚,而且乐于助人。

The university student is very popular among his classmates, for he is diligent, modest and always ready to help others.


3. 他充分利用潜在人脉,成功地在这家公司谋得工作。

He made full use of his potential connections, and succeeded in landing a job in this company.

4. 我们发现这个电影演员在娱乐圈的人脉比我们想象中更深厚。

We found that the film actor had deeper connections in the showbiz than we had thought.

“人脉广”,英语可以译为to have a lot of / many connections、to get a lot of / many connections或to be well-connected。例如:

5. 约翰人脉广,他对我们的交易提供了帮助。

As John got a lot of connections, he helped us with our deal.

6. 这家公司的总经理人脉广,他尽其所能为公司缓解了这次信用危机。

As the general manager of the company is well-connected, he has done what he could to ease the credit crisis for his company.

“建立人脉”,英语可以译为to make connections或to form connections with sb。例如:

7. 作为一家互联网公司的公关经理,他喜欢在社交派对上建立人脉。

As the public relations manager of an internet-based company, he likes to make connections at social parties.

“人气”,表示“人或事物受欢迎的程度”。英语可以译为popularity,意思是“the quality of being widely admired, accepted or sought after”,或“the state of being liked, enjoyed or accepted by a large number of people”,即“得到广泛羡慕、接受或追逐的特质”或“得到大批人喜爱、欣赏、接受的状态”。

“享有人气”,英语可以译为to enjoy popularity。“人气爆表”,英语可以译为to enjoy an extraordinarily high popularity。“获得人气”,英语可以译为to achieve popularity或to gain popularity。“使赢得人气”,英语可以译为to win sb popularity。例如:

8. 这家网红火锅店是一对小夫妻经营的,因菜肴美味、服务良好而享有持久的人气。

This internet-famous hot-pot restaurant managed by a young couple enjoys long-lasting popularity for providing delicious food and good service.

9. 这支乐队在青少年之中人气爆表。

The band enjoys an extraordinarily high popularity among the teenagers.

10. 這个电影演员自几年前在一系列科幻电影中饰演主角,就因其卓越表演而获得高人气。

Since the film actor starred in a series of science-fiction films a few years ago, he has achieved immense popularity because of his excellent performance.

11. 这名大学生在洪水中救了两名溺水儿童,人气急剧上升。

The university student gained soaring popularity for having saved two drowning children in the flood.

12. 中文在“一带一路”沿线国家获得很高人气,在那些国家,许多人想学中文作为交流工具。

The Chinese language has gained huge popularity in the countries along the Belt and Road, where many people want to learn it as a tool of communication.

13. 这个萌娃的魅力使他很快在网上赢得广泛的人气。

The charm of the cute baby soon won him wide popularity on the internet.

英语表示“人气上升”的词组有to boost one’s popularity(提升人氣)、to increase in popularity(人气上升)、to make a huge jump in popularity(人气跃升)、to spike in popularity(人气飙升)。例如:

14. 这位网红正试图提升人气,以影响粉丝的决定,例如去什么餐厅、看什么电影,甚至申请上什么学校。

The key opinion leader is trying to boost his popularity so as to influence his followers’ decisions, such as which restaurant to dine at, what movies to watch, or even which school to apply to.

15. 越来越多的“中国制造”产品因质量上乘和价格合理而在海外市场人气跃升。

More and more products made in China have made a huge jump in popularity in overseas markets because of their high qualities and reasonable prices.

16. 这位14岁的中国跳水运动员获得奥运女子十米跳台冠军后,人气飙升。

After the Chinese 14-year-old diver won Olympic Championship in the 10-meter platform diving, she spiked in popularity.

17. 最近,这部电视连续剧因真实反映了北京四合院普通百姓的生活而人气急升,收视率大大提高。

Recently, this TV series has spiked in popularity and greatly gone up in the ratings because it truly reflects the life of the common people in a quadrangle courtyard in Beijing.

英语表示“人气下降”的词组有to decrease in popularity、to be on the wane。例如:

18. 这个美国政客由于涉及一桩政治丑闻而人气大大下降。

The American politician greatly decreased in popularity due to his involvement in a political scandal.

19. 自从他的说谎者面目被揭露,人气已下降了一段时间。

Since he was exposed as a liar, his popularity has been on the wane for some time.



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