

教育生物学杂志 2022年4期

《教育生物学杂志》(Journal of Bio-education)是由上海交通大学主管、上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院主办的我国第一本教育生物学学术性科技期刊。办刊宗旨:报道国内外教育生物学领域研究的最新成果、进展、经验和动态,从科学的生育、养育、教育角度出发,践行生物学、医学和教育学的结合,加强跨学科的学术交流,加速研究成果的转化和应用,促进我国教育生物学的发展。

本刊设有专家论坛(Forum)、论著(Article)、综述(Review)、评论(Comment)、简报(Brief Report)、经验交流(Communication)、实践案例(Case Study)等栏目。读者对象为广大从事教育、医学和心理学相关领域的教师、医务工作者、研究人员、学生及其他有关人员。

本刊为双月刊,单月30日出版。国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 2095-4301。国内统一连续出版物号:CN 31-2079/R。定价每册20元,全年120元。


1 投稿

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2 撰稿

2.1 文字和名词 文稿应力求论点鲜明,数据可靠,结论明确,层次清晰,文字简练。专家论坛、论著、综述、评论(含图、表及参考文献)一般不超过6 000字,简报和经验交流一般不超过4 000字,实践案例一般不超过2 000字。文稿内使用的专业名词术语应以全国科学技术名词审定委员会公布的名词为准,药品名称以原国家卫生部药典委员会公布的《中国药品通用名称》为准,其他专业名词术语以科学出版社、人民卫生出版社、人民教育出版社等权威出版机构新近出版的词典的命名为准。

2.2 缩略语 在摘要及正文中,如原词过长且文内又多次出现,第一次出现时一律先给出中文名词全称,后在圆括号内标注英文全称及缩写词,英文全称和缩写词之间用逗号分隔。以后再出现时则用缩写。文中引用中国人姓名时,应写全名。

2.3 文题 文题应简明、确切地反映论文的主题,符合编制索引和选定关键词等所遵循的原则,不使用非公知的缩写词、代号等,一般不使用副标题。中文题名一般不超过20个字,英文题名句首首字母大写,其他普通名词均小写。

2.4 作者署名和单位 作者姓名全部列出,置于文题下方。作者单位须写全称,并注明城市和邮政编码。须将全部作者姓名的汉语拼音置于英文题名下方,按GB/ T 28039—2011《中国人名汉语拼音字母拼写规则》,汉语拼音姓在前,名在后,姓包括复姓字母均大写,双名连写,第一名的首字母大写,如“杨为民”写成“YANG Weimin”,“司马相南”写成“SIMA Xiangnan”;将作者单位全称、城市、省(市)和国家的英文译名及邮政编码置于作者姓名之后。若作者不是来自同一单位,则在单位名称前分别用“1、2……”标注,并在其署名右上角标注数字“1、2……”。论文中有外籍作者的,应征得其同意,并附授权书。应提供通信作者(主要责任人)个人资料,包括学位、职称、是否为硕士或博士生导师、E-mail信箱和联系电话,联系电话不会被刊登。

2.5 摘要 专家论坛、论著、综述和评论需附中、英文摘要。研究类论著摘要采用结构式写法,包括目的、方法、结果和结论4部分,约300字;专家论坛、综述和评论可采用非结构式写法,约150字。中文摘要采用第三人称撰写,不用“本文”“本研究”等主语。英文摘要可以比中文摘要更详细,且不应少于250个单词。简报和经验交流只需提供中文摘要,实践案例不需提供中文摘要。

2.6 关键词 为便于本刊进入国际检索系统,应尽量从美国国立医学图书馆编辑的最新版 Index Medicus 的Medical Subject Headings(MeSH)词表中选用规范词,中文译名可参照中国医学科学院医学信息研究所编译的《医学主题词注释字顺表》。中医药词汇可参考中医研究院图书情报所编著的《中医药学主题词表》。教育类词汇可参考《教育主题词表·中图法教育专业分类表》。未被上述词表收录的自由词,如有必要,也可作为关键词标注。每篇文章标注的关键词3~8个,关键词之间用“;”分隔。英文关键词应与中文关键词相对应。

2.7 基金项目 获得省、部级以上基金的项目应标明基金名称,并在圆括号内标明项目编号。如“基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(58943700)”。

2.8 层次结构 研究类论著一般分为引言、材料与方法、结果及讨论4部分;专家论坛、综述和评论一般根据需要,分几个问题来论述;简报和经验交流一般分为引言、资料与方法、结果和讨论4部分;实践案例一般分为案例资料和讨论2部分。各层次标题应简短明确,编号一律采用阿拉伯数字分级编号,均左顶格书写,后空一格写标题文字;二级以上层次序号的数字间用下圆点相隔,末位数字后不加圆点。如一级用“1”“2”“3”,二级用“1.1”“1.2”“1.3”,三级用“1.1.1”“1.1.2”“1.1.3”。

2.9 图和表 凡是能用文字说明者,尽量不用图表。图和表应有简明的中文图题、表题和图注、表注。图、表序号一律采用阿拉伯数字,分别按其在正文中出现的先后次序连续编码,并在正文中标注。即使只有1张图和表,也须标示“图1”或“表1”。

2.9.1 图 图题含义应完整明确。根据GB/ T 1.1—2009规定,图注应置于图题之上。线条图应尽可能在计算机上绘制;照片图用数码相机拍摄,具有良好的清晰度和对比度;大体标本照片在图内应有尺度标记;病理照片须注明染色方法和放大倍数。如刊用人像,应征得本人的书面同意,或遮盖其关键部位,以免被认出。引用已发表的图,须注明出处,并附版权所有者同意使用该图的书面材料。

2.9.2 表 表应具有自明性,力求结构简洁,主、谓语位置合理;一律采用“三线表”,不用斜线和竖线。其内容不应与文字和图重复。表题置于表的上方,表注置于表的下方。表内数据应与正文中引用的数据一致。

2.10 统计学 应写明统计学方法的具体名称(如成组设计资料的t检验、两因素析因设计资料的方差分析等)和统计量的具体值(如t=4.21),并尽可能给出具体的P值(如P=0.025)。统计学符号应按照GB 3358—1982的规定,一律用斜体表示。

2.11 量与单位 应执行GB 3100~3102—1993《量和单位》的规定,正确使用量和单位的名称与符号。量以名称表示;单位符号一律以正体字母表示,例如 kg(千克)、m(米)、kg/L(千克每升)等。对于图表中用特定单位表示的量的数值,应用量与单位的比值表示,如时间/h、浓度 /(mol·L-1)、压力/mmHg等。表示量浓度或质量浓度时,一般使用L(升)作为人体检验组分含量单位的分母。

2.12 数字 应执行GB/T 15835—2011《出版物上数字用法》的规定,正确使用阿拉伯数字和汉字数字。

2.13 致谢 致谢置于正文之后,参考文献之前。致谢应征得被致谢者本人同意。致谢文字应简练,评价恰当,用语准确。

2.14 参考文献 按GB/T 7714—2015《信息与文献 参考文献著录规则》要求,著录本刊参考文献。采用顺序编码法,即按引文先后顺序,用阿拉伯数字连续编码,外加方括号标注在文献作者或引文处的右上角;如文献作者不出现时,引文数字可作为文中词语的一部分引用。文后参考文献著录项目应齐全。参考文献中的作者第1~3名全部列出,3名以上者只列前3名,后加“等”或“et al”。著录的参考文献应以近3~5年的文献为主,并与原文核对无误。内部资料、私人通信、未发表的文章不得作为参考文献引用。


按GB/T 7714—2015《文献类型和文献载体标志代码》要求,文献类型和标志代码如下:普通图书 M,会议录 C,汇编 G,报纸 N,期刊 J,学位论文 D,报告 R,标准 S,专利 P,数据库 DB,计算机程序 CP,电子公告 EB。电子文献载体和标志代码如下:磁带 MT,磁盘 DK,光盘 CD,联机网络 OL。


Petrill S A, Justice L M. Bridging the gap between genomics and education [J]. Mind, Brain, and Education,2007,1(4):153-161.

杨 楠, 韩连书, 叶 军, 等. 新生儿期氨基酸、有机酸及脂肪酸氧化代谢病疾病谱分析 [J]. 临床儿科杂志,2012,30(9):805-808.


Goldhaber D. The nature-nurture debates:bridging the gap [M]. Cambridge U K: Cambridge University Press,2012.

罗世祺. 颅内生殖细胞肿瘤[M]. 上海: 上海科学技术文献出版社,2006.

Tong P C. Urine collection and urinalysis [M]//Chiu M C, Yap H K. Practical paediatric nephrology. Hong Kong:MedcomLimited Press, 2005:1-9.

李惊子, 潘缉圣. 尿沉渣显微镜检查 [M]// 王海燕. 肾脏病学. 2版. 北京: 人民卫生出版社,1996:311-314.


中国力学学会. 第4届全国实验流体力学学术会议论文集 [C]. 天津: [出版者不详],1993.


张志祥. 间断动力系统的随机扰动及其在守恒律方程中的应用 [D]. 北京: 北京大学数学学院,1998.


U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. Guidelines for handling excavated acid-producing materials, PB 91-194001 [R]. Springfield: U.S. Department of Commerce National Information Service,1990.


丁文祥. 数字革命与竞争国际化 [N]. 中国青年报,2000-11-20(15).


① 电子期刊

江向东. 互联网环境下的信息处理与图书管理系统解决方案 [J/OL]. 情报学报,1999,18(2): 4[2000-01-18].

Jelinic P, Stehle J C, Shaw P. The testis-specific factor CTCFL cooperates with the protein methyltransferase PRMT7 in H19 imprinting control region methylation [J/OL]. PLoS Biology,2006,4(1): e355. DOI:10.1371/journal.pbio./0040355.

② 电子图书

Turcotte D L. Fractals and chaos in geology and geophysics [M/OL]. New York: Cambridge University Press,1992[1998-09-23]. mccorm30.html.

③ 电子公告

萧 钰.出版业信息化迈入快车道 [EB/OL]. 2001-12-19/2002-04-15.

④ 电子会议录

Metcalf S W. The Tort Hall air emission study[C/OL] //The International Congress on Hazardous Waste, Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia, June 5-8, 1995: Impact on human and ecological health[1998-09-22]. 8080/cong95.html.

Information for Authors

The Journal of Bio-education (JBE), a peer-reviewed and the first bio-education journal in China, is published by Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China. It aims to report on important research results, progress and experience in bio-education. It provides a platform for the exploration of scientific collaboration between the biological and educational disciplines, and for the strengthening of multidisciplinary investigations in child development and education. Preference is given to articles that are of general significance or of broad interest across these and related fields, and intelligible to a wide range of readers.

1 Submission

1.1 Scope of contributions. JBE welcomes manuscripts in Chinese and English in all aspects of bio-education from any part of the world. Articles and reviews are especially welcome. Comments, case studies and brief reports are also accepted.

1.2 Manuscript submission. Manuscripts should be sent as anE-mailattachment in a WORD (*.doc) document.The contact E-mail manuscripts should be accompanied by a cover letter giving details of(a) the title of the manuscript; (b) a statement that the manuscript has not been published in part or whole (except in the form of abstract)or is under consideration for publication elsewhere in any language; (c) a statement that all authors have agreed to be so listed and have approved the manuscript and its submission to JBE; (d) full postal address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address;and (e) financial arrangements or relationships that may pose and conflicts of interest. Pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page.

2 Editorial process

2.1 Receipt of manuscripts. Upon the receipt of a manuscript, the JBE Editorial Office will assign a code number, which is to be used in all subsequent correspondence.

2.2 Review. A member of the editorial staff or designated advisory board member will determine whether the manuscript warrants further peer review, in which case the manuscript will be sent to at least two outside reviewers.The peer-review process takes approximately 4-8 weeks.Based on the comments of the reviewers, the journal editor determines whether the manuscript is accepted or rejected,or requires revision before publication, and the decision will be sent to the authors. Authors are welcome to suggest suitable independent reviewers and may also request that the journal exclude one or two individuals or laboratories.It is at the editor-s discretion to determine the choice of reviewers and these decisions are final.

2.3 Revision. If revision is required, the authors should amend and resubmit the manuscript within 30 days. Resubmission after 30 days may be considered a new submission. If the revision is not satisfactory to the reviewers, the author may be asked to make a second revision. Articles are normally published within 3 months of acceptance.

2.4 Rejected manuscripts. If a manuscript is not accepted, the authors will receive a decision letter that may or may not include the reviewers’ comments. Rejected manuscripts will not be returned to the authors.

2.5 Proof reading. The corresponding author of a manuscript to be published will receive proofs. Checking the proofs is solely the author’s responsibility. The publisher is not responsible for any errors not marked by the author on the proof. The proof must be returned to the Editorial Office within 7 days of receipt.

2.6 Copyright assignment. The copyright agreement form should be submitted once the paper has been accepted for publication. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining signatures of coauthors. Upon acceptance of the paper, the copyright agreement form should be faxed to the Editorial Office of JBE.

2.7 Costs. No charge will be levied on international manuscripts. Page charges are only required for manuscripts written in Chinese from within China.

3 Manuscript preparation

3.1 Title page. The title page should carry the following information: (a) title of the article; (b) name and institutional affiliation of each author; (c) the designated corresponding author’s name, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address; and (d) source (s)of financial support for the study.

3.2 Articles

3.2.1 Abstract. An abstract of about 250 words should follow the title page. Abstracts of original experimental research papers should consist of four paragraphs, labeled Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion.

3.2.2 Keywords. On the abstract page, authors should provide 3 to 8 keywords that capture the main topic of the article. Terms from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)list of MEDLINE/PubMed should be used.

3.2.3 Text. Word count of original research manuscripts should be no more than 4 000 words in English or 6 000 words in Chinese. The text is usually divided into sections with headings, such as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. For reports of randomized controlled trials, authors should refer to the CONSORT Statement, which can be found at

3.2.4 Ethics.When reporting experiments on human subjects or animals, the author should include a statement in the Material section. Human experiments must be performed in accordance with international ethical standards, such as the Declaration of Helsinki, and the research protocol must be approved by an institutional review board (IRB)or equivalent human ethics committee.Documented informed consents must be obtained from all human subjects of clinical research prior to any experiment; the confidentiality of patients’ information must be preserved, and a statement to that effect must be included. Laboratory research involving animals must comply with guidelines for animal care and use; the experimental protocol must be approved by the institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC), and a statement to that effect must be included.

3.2.5 Statistical methods. Statistical methods should be described in sufficient detail to enable a knowledgeable reader to assess the appropriateness of the statistical analysis used. Statistical terms, abbreviations, and symbols must be defined, and computer software must be specified.Lacunae in observations, such as dropouts from the study,should be reported, and the intend-to-treat method should be applied.

3.2.6 Tables. Tables should be numbered consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text and a brief title for each table should be supplied. Abbreviations must be defined in notes. Statistical measures of variations should be identified, such as standard deviation and standard error of the mean. Statistical significance should be identified by superscripts in front of the probabilities(P), as in:nsP >0.05,*P < 0.05,**P < 0.01 vs A. If you use data from another published source, obtain permission and acknowledge them fully.

3.2.7 Figures. Figures should be numbered consecutively in the text. Figures should be professionally drawn or photographed. Drawings must be of a high standard, and only letter-set printed material(not freehand or typewritten)should be employed. Letters,numbers, and symbols in figures should be clear. Titles and detailed explanations should be given in the figure legend. Photomicrographs should have internal scale markers. Legends for figures should be printed out with Arabic numerals corresponding to the illustrations. The internal scale should be explained and the method of staining and magnification of photomicrographs should be identified. When symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters are used to identify parts of the illustrations, each one should be identified and explained clearly in the legend.Abbreviations must be explained. If photographs of people are used, either of the subjects must not be identifiable or written permission from the depicted individuals must be included. If a figure has been published, the original source must be acknowledged and written permission from the copyright holder must be submitted to reproduce the material.

3.2.8 Acknowledgements. Acknowledgement (s) may briefly include assistance from (a) contributors that do not warrant authorship, (b) technical help, and (c) material support, as well as (d) financial supports such as a grant.

3.2.9 References.Authors should check the accuracy of all reference citations. Unpublished data, classified periodicals, and personal communications may not be used as references. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first cited in the text. References in text, tables, and legends should be identified by superscript of Arabic numerals in parentheses. The authors (surname, initials), title of the article, name of the journal or book, year, volume (issue)and the first and last pages should also be listed. If there are more than 3 authors, the first 3 authors are followed by “et al”.To illustrate:

Journal article

Hunskaar S, Burgio K, Diokno A, et al. Epidemiology and natural history of urinary incontinence in women.Urology, 2003, 62 (4): 16-23.

Complete book

Fischer K W, Bernstein J H, Immordino-Yang MH. Mind,brain, and education in reading disorders. Cambridge U K:Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Book chapter

Greenland S, Rothman K J. Introduction to stratified analysis. In: Rothman K J, Greenland S (Eds.). Modern epidemiology. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Press,1998:253-280.

Conference proceedings

Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10thInternational Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1995 Oct 15-19, Kyoto, Japan. Amster-dam:Elsevier, 1996.

Material from Internet

Jelinic P, Stehle J C, Shaw P. The testis-specific factor CTCFL cooperates with the protein methyl transferase PRMT7 in H19 imprinting control region methylation.PLoS Biology, 2006, 4 (11): e355. DOI:10.1371/ journal.Pbio.00 40355.

3.2.10 Units of measurement. Measurements of length, height, weight, and volume should be reported in metric units, i.e., meter (m), gram (g), or liter (L) or their decimal multiples. Milliliter or deciliter should be expressed as ml or dl. Red and white blood cell counts are to be expressed as ×106/μL and × 103/μL, respectively.Temperatures should be given in degrees Celsius and blood pressures in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). All hematological and clinical chemistry measurements should be reported in the conventional system or in terms of the International System of Units (SI).

3.2.11 Abbreviations and symbols. Only standard abbreviations are used in the text while avoiding abbreviations in the title and abstract. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement. Year,month, day, hour, minute and second should be abbreviated as y, mon, d, h, min, and s in tables, respectively.

3.3 Reviews

Reviews may (a) review new developments in this field that would be of interest to readers in other fields or (b)give perspectives on problems, issues, or new developments pertaining to the field. They should include an abstract of no more than 200 words, and the reference list will normally not exceed 50 items. Three to eight key words to facilitate indexing should be provided in alphabetical order along with the abstract. The text should include introduction, subsections and summary. Reviews may be up to 5 000 words in English or 6 000 words in Chinese.

4 Editorial office

Journal of Bio-education Editorial Office,Xinhua Hospital

Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,1665 Kongjiang Rd. Shanghai 200092, China.

Tel: 86-21-25076479, Fax:86-21-25076483



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The Application of the Situational Teaching Method in English Classroom Teaching at Vocational Colleges
The Role and Significant of Professional Ethics in Accounting and Auditing
Study on the physiological function and application of γ—aminobutyric acid and its receptors
The Review of the Studies of Trilingual Education in inghai