

中国民航大学学报 2022年6期

第1 期(总第217 期)


基于改进Dijkstra 算法的滑行路径优化……………………………………………………………翟文鹏,刘润南,朱承元(1)


多模型融合的海量网络流量并行异常检测方法…………………………………………韩 萍,张 寒,方 澄,牛勇钢(13)

面向对象的PolSAR 图像SVM 分类…………………………………………………………………韩宾宾,韩 萍,程 争(21)

基于ZYNQ 车载GPS 接收机捕获模块的设计与实现…………………………………………………………胡铁乔,赵冬辉(27)

改进的神经网络PID 在空调温度控制中的应用………………………………………………………………费春国,吴婷娜(34)

基于烟花粒子滤波的电液舵机轴承剩余寿命预测…………………………………………………郭润夏,张国良,王 雨(40)

机场道面不平整度对接缝传荷性能的影响……………………………………戚春香,刘超佳,韩 卓,崔晓云,高玉换(47)

基于WVD/ATDM 的铝合金板孔损伤位置与区域识别……………………………………………徐建新,宋旭东,武耀罡(53)


基于伪辛空间的(m,0,0,1)型子空间的子空间码构造………………………………………………………高 有,高晋如(60)

第2 期(总第218 期)


基于逐步回归分析的民机静压源误差修正……………………………………………………………………张 鹏,白彦辉(1)

导致航班延误的暴雨研究——以2018年7月11日四川盆地暴雨为 例………………刘海文,侯劭禹,毛江南,巩远发(6)

基于NLP 的不规范航行通告识别方法………………………………………………………………项 恒,张 驰,李 猛(14)

新放单管制员值守EC 席与PLC 席的管制能力评价……………………………………………………………………姜 楠(19)


民用飞机客服工程研制需求确认方法研究………………………………………………………………………………徐 强(31)


基于应变的柔性飞机刚弹耦合建模方法研究………………………………………………………杨建忠,卢 勇,杨士斌(36)

基于CS25 大型客机防/除冰系统适航符合性研究…………………………………………………王 刚,郑 丽,冯 超(42)


一种新型非接触永磁式爬壁机器人设计方案…………………………………姜德政,朱 兵,任文峰,付兴伟,赵言正(47)



第3 期(总第219 期)


航空甚高频VHF 数据链安全通信技术………………………………岳 猛,邹嘉旭,胡 玥,郭江鑫,薛佳萌,曾令金(1)

基于航迹数据的油耗分析与研究…………………………………………………………陈昱君,孙樊荣,许学吉,沐 瑶(8)

铁路穿越机场塔台引起的车致振动响应研究………………………陈以庭,冯读贝,陆林兴,王 炜,杨吉忠,金旭炜(15)

多年冻土区机场跑道L 型热管+保温板温控技术…………………………………………………程国勇,马少敏,杨依恒(23)


基于分类回归决策树算法的航班延误预测模型………………………………王 辉,张文杰,刘 杰,陈林烽,李泽南(35)

基于HHM-RFRM 的飞机4C 检风险识别及评估……………………………………………………………王永刚,左北辰(41)


基于GO-FLOW 的航空冷链物流安全风险管理……………………………………………………魏 然,陈丙成,李艳华(54)


基于设计结构矩阵的襟翼作动系统架构设计………………………………………………………杨建忠,陈 棒,孙晓哲(59)

第4 期(总第220 期)


开放环境中EMI 近场阵列测量及空间状态分析………………………………………………………………宫峰勋,贺瑞瑞(1)

ADS-B 接收机监视与测试软件的设计实现……………………………………………………………………胡铁乔,毕子文(10)


基于DEA 模型的空中立交桥效益分析评价……………………………………………………………………王莉莉,胡启伟(22)

基于改进Voronoi 图的终端扇区动态规划研究…………………………………………………………………………郭宇帅(27)

基于民航数据特性的重删固定长度分块方法………………………………………………………丁建立,李 慧,曹卫东(32)

基于不停航施工的沥青混合料仓储老化性能研究……………………………程德金,杨 凯,白旭耀,王建党,杨宝泉(38)

基于HWD 实测数据的3 种弯沉盆面积指数法对比……………………………………程国勇,路晓刚,张宇辉,刘国光(45)

智能旅检通道模式下机场旅客安检效率研究………………………常 敏,李光飞,吝特高,刘 勇,张 宽,徐小波(49)

基于MOPSO 的民航电动特种车辆充电调度策略…………………………………………………高建树,陈 煜,赵志民(54)


增刊(总第221 期)


飞行员作风概论……………………………………………………………………………………………………………董 宇( 1)

飞行中的作风建设…………………………………………………………………………………………………………杨春雨( 4)

飞行员健康与飞行安全……………………………………………………………………………………………………张 忱( 8)






陆空通话中人为因素的影响………………………………………………………………………………………………王 瑞(32)



飞行检查员胜任力模型分析……………………………………………………………………………………杜 醒,郑雨欣(43)

关于飞行员违章飞行人为因素的探究……………………………………………………………………………………汤 靖(49)






基于VR 的C90 飞机虚拟现实拆装训练仿真系统……………………………………………徐海龙,杨 淮,邓士平,陈嘉樑(75)

C90GTi 飞机空调制冷系统常见故障排查分析……………………………………………………………………………丛喜良(79)

基于IPsec 虚拟专用网络实现多基地网络互联…………………………………………………………………刘 冬,陈 曦(83)

DA40D 机型维修差错的人为因素研究…………………………………………………………………杨庆奎,魏红雷,王艺达(87)

FR 3531 航班埃因霍温截获假下滑道事件分析…………………………………………………………………………徐 赛(90)



飞行模拟训练设备质量管理系统的设计与实现……………………………………谷宗辉,蒲鸿瑞,宋晓婷,陈 曦,白鹏飞(102)


国内外飞行训练气象服务对比研究……………………………………………………………………………任佩佩, 陈 烨(110)



民航飞行员英文陆空通话技能维度构建………………………………………………………………………张友学,李 姝(125)

新时代飞行训练单位党建工作研究……………………………………………………………………王 凯,薛佳洁,张 璐(130)

基于群体动力的大学生班集体导向机制构建………………………………………蒋洪旭,孙 伟,何珠城,沈宇龙,张 磊(133)

大学生党员发展质量保障机制研究——以中国民航大学飞行分校为例………………………………………………………………………………张 磊,蒋洪旭,沈宇龙,智飞飞,潘增耀,于春垚(137)

第5 期(总第222 期)


机载SBAS 接收机完好性服务性能分析……………………………………………………………刘瑞华,刘 杰,席泽谱(1)

基于BPDN 的航管监视雷达风电场杂波抑制……………………………………………何炜琨,毕峰华,张 莹,李 爽(8)

基于动态权重的双分支孪生网络目标跟踪算法……………………………………………………韩 萍,王皓韡,方 澄(15)

抑制反射裂缝的装配式复合路面接缝性能研究………………………………赵鸿铎,夏 昶,付夕原,赵举飞,马鲁宽(23)





抽吸对平面叶栅流场品质改善作用数值研究……………………………………………白 杰,杨 昭,傅文广,孙 鹏(51)


Galois 环上渐近最优码本的构造………………………………………………………………………………徐登明,孟 晨(59)

第6 期(总第223 期)


基于PSO-Elman 神经网络的激光雷达径向风速预测……………………………………林家泉,宋德龙,庄子波,李金凤(1)

基于运行场景的民机运行需求评价软件研究……………………………………………褚双磊,魏志强,任 强,刘 菲(7)

基于渗滤中心性的中国航路网抗毁性研究…………………………………………………………孟令航,田 川,刘永刚(12)

基于SelBagging 算法的CFM56-7B 发动机故障诊断…………………………………………………………曹惠玲,成宝荣(18)



民用机场应急保障能力评估……………………………………………………………………………………宋云雪,李 莎(37)

基于AOI 划分的室内轨迹可视分析方法……………………………………………………………贺怀清,张昱旻,刘浩瀚(45)


基于C-PRO 模型的数字化适航审定研究及应用…………………………………………………朱玉屏,顾 新,孙辉鹏(53)




No.1(Sum No.217)

Optimization of taxiway based on improved Dijkstra algorith m…………………………ZHAI Wenpeng,LIU Runnan,ZHU Chengyuan(1)

Optimization of airport gate conflict based on bi-level programming mode l………………………………LI Longhai,YAO Jincheng(7)

Parallel anomaly detection method for massive network traffic based on multi-model fusion…………………………………………………………………………HAN Ping,ZHANG Han,FANG Cheng,NIU Yonggang(13)

Object-oriented SVM classification of PolSAR imag e………………………………………HAN Binbin,HAN Ping,CHENG Zheng(21)

Design and implementation of vehicle GPS receiver acquisition module based on ZYN Q…………………HU Tieqiao,ZHAO Donghui(27)

Application of improved neural network PID in controlling temperature of air conditione r…………………FEI Chunguo,WU Tingna(34)

Prediction of remaining useful life for the bearing of electro-hydraulic actuator using fireworks algorithm-based particle filter………………………………………………………………………………………GUO Runxia,ZHANG Guoliang,WANG Yu(40)

Influence of airport pavement roughness on performance of joint load transfer……………………………………………………………QI Chunxiang,LIU Chaojia,HAN Zhuo,CUI Xiaoyun,GAO Yuhuan(47)

Recognition of the location and area of hole damage in aluminum alloy plate based on WVD/ATDM…………………………………………………………………………………………XU Jianxin,SONG Xudong,WU Yaogang(53)

A construction of subspace codes of type(m,0,0,1)in pseudo-symplectic space……………………………GAO You,GAO Jinru(60)

No.2(Sum No.218)

Static source error correction of civil aircraft based on stepwise regression analysi s………………………ZHANG Peng,BAI Yanhui(1)

A study on the rainstorm that causes flight delays——An event of rainstorm over Sichuan Basin on July 11,2018………………………………………………………………………LIU Haiwen,HOU Shaoyu,MAO Jiangnan,GONG Yuanfa(6)

Identification method for non-normative NOTAM based on NL P………………………………XIANG Heng,ZHANG Chi,LI Meng(14)

Aptitude assessment of newly certified professional air traffic controllers at EC and PLC console s…………………………JIANG Nan(19)

Research on methods of identifying unruly passengers in civil aviatio n………………………………………CAO Weidong,XU Xiuli(24)

Research on requirements validation method of civil aircraft customer service engineering developmen t……………………XU Qiang(31)

Approach of strain based rigid-elastic coupling modeling for flexible aircraf t……………YANG Jianzhong,LU Yong,YANG Shibin(36)

Study on airworthiness compliance of large aircraft anti/deicing system based on CS2 5………WANG Gang,ZHENG Li,FENG Chao(42)

Design of a new non-contact permanent magnet wall-climbing robot………………………………………………………JIANG Dezheng,ZHU Bing,REN Wenfeng,FU Xingwei,ZHAO Yanzheng(47)

Further discussion on coefficients of Terzaghi's ultimate bearing capacity……………CHENG Guoyong,WANG Zhaoyuan,LIU Dahai(52)

A stress recovery method based on the programme of Gauss points in adjacent element s…………………QING Guanghui,XU Jingyu(58)

No.3(Sum No.219)

Aviation VHF data link secure communication technology……………………………………………………YUE Meng,ZOU Jiaxu,HU Yue,GUO Jiangxin,XUE Jiameng,ZENG Lingjin(1)

Analysis and research on fuel consumption based on trajectory dat a…………………CHEN Yujun,SUN Fanrong,XU Xueji,MU Yao(8)

Research on vehicle-induced vibration response caused by railway crossing airport tower………………………………………………CHEN Yiting,FENG Dubei,LU Linxing,WANG Wei,YANG Jizhong,JIN Xuwei(15)

Temperature control technology of L-shaped heat pipe+insulation board for airport runway in permafrost area…………………………………………………………………………………CHENG Guoyong,MA Shaomin,YANG Yiheng(23)

Dynamic analysis of drainage conditions based on the requirements of reconstruction and expansion of the airfield area facilities………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Fangran,SU Shoutao,CAO Yuanbing(30)

Flight delay prediction model based on CART algorithm……………WANG Hui,ZHANG Wenjie,LIU jie,CHEN Linfeng,LI Zenan(35)

Risk identification and interactive risk assessment of 4C inspection based on HHM-RFRM…………WANG Yonggang,ZUO Beichen(41)

Automatic classification of civil aviation safety information based on text augmen t……………………CUI Zhenxin,ZHANG Zhuoyan(47)

Analysis on security risk of aviation cold chain logistics by GO-FLOW metho d………………WEI Ran,CHEN Bingcheng,LI Yanhua(54)

Design of the flaps actuation system architecture based on design structure matrix………YANG Jianzhong,CHEN Bang,SUN Xiaozhe(59)

No.4(Sum No.220)

EMI near-field array measurement and spatial analysis in open test file d…………………………………GONG Fengxun,HE Ruirui(1)

The design and realization of ADS-B receiver monitoring and testing softwar e…………………………………HU Tieqiao,BI Ziwen(10)

Coordinated scheduling optimization of flight based on air-ground integration…………………………………………………………………GAO Dexiong,ZHANG Chenliang,SHI Zichang,ZHANG Lingyu(17)

Benefit analysis and evaluation of air overpass based on DEA mode l…………………………………………WANG Lili,HU Qiwei(22)

Research on terminal sector dynamic programming based on improved Voronoi diagra m…………………………………GUO Yushuai(27)

Deduplication fixed-length block method based on characteristics of civil aviation dat a…………DING Jianli,LI Hui,CAO Weidong(32)

Study on finished product storage aging performance of asphalt mixture based on non-suspend air construction………………………………………………………CHENG Dejin,YANG Kai,BAI Xuyao,WANG Jiandang,YANG Baoquan(38)

Contrast of 3 deflection basin area index methods in the analysis of HWD test data…………………………………………………………………CHENG Guoyong,LU Xiaogang,ZHANG Yuhui,LIU Guoguang(45)

Research on intelligent passenger security check system and its efficiency……………………………………………………CHANG Min,LI Guangfei,LIN Tegao,LIU Yong,ZHANG Kuan,XU Xiaobo(49)

Charging scheduling strategy of civil aviation electric special vehicles based on MOPSO………GAO Jianshu,CHEN Yu,ZHAO Zhimin(54)

Evaluation model of continuous flight safety capability of pilot s………………………………………WANG Yonggang,HE Dingkun(61)

Supplement(Sum No.221)

A general introduction to flying style of flight cre w……………………………………………………………………………DONG Yu(1)

Style construction in fligh t………………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Chunyu(4)

Pilots’health and flight safety……………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Chen(8)

Influence of fatigue on training and teaching of flight instructor s………………………………………………………ZHENG Zeren(12)

The impact of cockpit authority gradient on flight trainin g…………………………………………………………………SONG Yihe(16)

Key points for student pilots before a solo fligh t………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Zhoujian(20)

Training of new trainees’threat and error managemen t…………………………………………………………………ZHANG Jiaxu(24)

Developing situational awareness in pilot s………………………………………………………………………………FENG Yongji(28)

Influence of human factors on radiotelephony communicatio n………………………………………………………………WANG Rui(32)

Mathematical analysis and application of operation strategy under turbulence conditions in flight trainin g………………GENG Jinbo(35)

Analysis of plane stall and recovery methods in different flight statu s…………………………………………………CHEN Honglin(40)

Flight inspector competency model analysi s…………………………………………………………………DU Xing,ZHENG Yuxin(43)

Exploration on human factors in violation of flight regulatio n………………………………………………………………TANG Jing(49)

Thoughts on the adaption of new flight cadets to flight trainin g………………………………………………………………BAI Jixin(54)

Study on the effect of situation awareness on information processing for controlle r…………………………GAO Dalei,YU Xiaofang(57)

Analysis of aviation safety threat factors based on flight trainin g…………………………………………………………JIN Zhanxiang(62)

On cultivation of leadership and teamwork ability of flight cadet s………………………………………………………HUA Sicheng(66)

Fault analysis and technical improvement of micro travel switch control component………………………………………………………BAI Pengfei,SONG Xiaoting,CHANG Zhongxin,GU Zonghui,PU Hongrui(70)

Virtual reality disassembly training simulation system of C90 aircraft based on VR………………………………………………………………………XU Hailong,YANG Huai,DENG Shiping,CHEN Jialiang(75)

Overview and troubleshooting of air conditioning refrigeration system of C90GT i………………………………………CONG Xiliang(79)

Implementation of multi-base network interconnection based on IPsec virtual private networ k……………………LIU Dong,CHEN Xi(83)

Research on human factors maintenance errors in DA40D aircraft maintenanc e…………YANG Qingkui,WEI Honglei,WANG Yida(87)

False glide slope analysis of FR 3531 at Eindhoven airport……………………………………………………………………XU Sai(90)

Study on the application of Jeppesen chart………………………………………………………………………………YIN Zhanghua(94)

Material support based on a certain type of general aviation aircraft………WU Hejuan,WU Zhanli,GAO Yutian,WU Jiayu,LU Yuequn(98)

Design and implementation of quality management system of flight simulation training devices………………………………………………………………GU Zonghui,PU Hongrui,SONG Xiaoting,CHEN Xi,BAI Pengfei(102)

Impact of bird strikes on flight safety and its disposal method s……………………………………………………………FU Qiming(106)

A comparative study of domestic and foreign flight training meteorological service s…………………………REN Peipei,CHEN Ye(110)

The impact of severe weather on flight training……………………………………………………………………………CUI Funing(116)

Interannual variation of precipitation in plum rain season and its influence on flight safet y………………………………LI Fangliang(120)

Radiotelephony communication skills dimension construction for civil aviation pilot s………………………ZHANG Youxue,LI Shu(125)

Party-building work in flight training in new er a………………………………………………WANG Kai,XUE Jiajie,ZHANG Lu(130)

On class-oriented mechanism construction among college students based on group dynamics theory…………………………………………………………JIANG Hongxu,SUN Wei,HE Zhucheng,SHEN Yulong,ZHANG Lei(133)

Research on the construction of quality assurance mechanism for the development of college student CPC members:A specific case in CAUC…………………………………………ZHANG Lei,JIANG Hongxu,SHEN Yulong,ZHI Feifei,PAN Zengyao,YU Chunyao(137)

No.5(Sum No.222)

Analysis of integrity monitoring performance of airborne SBAS receive r………………………………LIU Ruihua,LIU Jie,XI Zepu(1)

Clutter suppression of wind farms for ATC surveillance radar based on BPDN………HE Weikun,BI Fenghua,ZHANG Ying,LI Shuang(8)

Object tracking algorithm based on dynamic weight in dual branch siamese network…………HAN Ping,WANG Haowei,FANG Cheng(15)

Joint performance of precast composite pavement and reflection crack suppression………………………………………………………………ZHAO Hongduo,XIA Chang,FU Xiyuan,ZHAO Jufei,MA Lukuan(23)

Experimental study on bonding property of sealing layer under pavement of airport asphalt concret e……………………HAO Xiuwen(31)

Indoor four-cable traction positioning and cable length solutio n……………………………………………HE Yongbo,ZHAO Baoxi(39)

Research on coupling evaluation of Chinese aviation logistics and foreign investment leve l………………LI Guodong,ZHANG Jinjin(45)

Numerical study on the effect of suction on the flow field quality improvement in a plane cascade…………………………………………………………………………………BAI Jie,YANG Zhao,FU Wenguang,SUN Peng(51)

Constructions of asymptotically optimal codebooks over Galois ring s……………………………………XU Dengming,MENG Chen(59)

No.6(Sum No.223)

Prediction of wind speed by lidar based on PSO-Elman neural networ k………LIN Jiaquan,SONG Delong,ZHUANG Zibo,LI Jinfeng(1)

Research on civil aircraft operational requirement evaluation software based on scene operation……………………………………………………………………………CHU Shuanglei,WEI Zhiqiang,REN Qiang,LIU Fei(7)

The invulnerability of China's air route network based on percolation centrality…………MENG Linghang,TIAN Chuan,LIU Yonggang(12)

Fault diagnosis of CFM56-7B engine based on SelBagging algorith m…………………………………CAO Huiling,CHENG Baorong(18)

Modal analysis of typical bending pipe of aero-engin e…………………………………………………………………WANG Zhiguo(24)

Recognition method of visual inspection results of dent damage in laminate s……………………………LIU Yanhong,DAI Shengxin(32)

Evaluation of emergency logistics capability of civil airpor t……………………………………………………SONG Yunxue,LI Sha(37)

Visual analysis of indoor trajectories based on AOI divisio n………………………………HE Huaiqing,ZHANG Yumin,LIU Haohan(45)

Research and application of digital airworthiness certification management based on C-PRO model………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHU Yuping,GU Xin,SUN Huipeng(53)

New construction of two kinds of approximate unbiased base s…………………………………………………XU Dengming,LI Feiya(60)

