Main Abstracts
The Theoretical Connotation and Practical Value of Xi Jinping's ImportantDiscussion on the Governance of Social Conflicts and Disputes
Wang Luozhong, Cui Luxin
Abstract:Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping General Secretary has put forward many innovative new ideas, new ideas and new measures for the governance of social conflicts and disputes, and issued a penetrating exposition with sound system, rigorous logic and practical focus. These important expositions about the governance of social conflicts and disputes cannot be separated from his prudent thinking about the new situation of China's social development based on the historical orientation of the new era, his inheritance and development of the Marxist view of state, society and law, and his absorption and reference of the experience of socialist conflict governance with Chinese characteristics. Its content can be summarized as "one goal, two requirements, three principles and four paths", which not only theoretically reflects the basic connotation of social conflict and dispute governance, but also highlights the practical path of conflict and dispute governance from the methodology. It highlights the theoretical innovation and practical effectiveness of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the governance of social conflicts and disputes, and profoundly explains the theoretical logic behind the governance measures of social conflicts and disputes in the new era.
Key words:Xi Jinping; social contradictions; dispute management; important discussion
The Philosophical Narration of Deep Learning and Its Essence
Tu Liangchuan
Abstract:Intelligence remains a characteristic that human beings are proud of, and learning refers to an important way to acquire, enrich and develop intelligence. Inspired by the learning methods of biological agents, the deep learning promoted by systems theory, probability theory, neuroscience, digital neural network and other theories not only opens a new era of AI technology, but also questions the essence of intelligence in the realization of learning technology. The deep learning of nested hierarchical concepts, back propagation algorithm correction, generalization of data universality and other technical logic not only transform irrationality into nonlinear rationality at the technical level, but also represent the general process of learning how to realize the conceptualization of the object world, the principle of practical intervention, and the scientific perceptual experience in the way of technical phenomenology. Therefore, revealing the philosophical logic of deep learning and questioning the essence of learning is not only a prerequisite for facing the existential problems of artificial intelligence, but also a basic work for understanding the essence of learning and building intelligence.
Key words:deep learning; concept; practice; perceptual experience
Risk Communication: Building Legal System ofHuman Gene Editing Technology Risk
Zheng Yushuang, Liu Mo
Abstract:The application of human gene editing technology and its unique risks typically reflect the current social dilemma in the oncoming emerging science and technology. The principle of risk prevention needs to be supplemented by a more specific and detailed risk governance model and legal system. The negotiation-construction model can effectively deal with the risk of human gene editing by widely granting administrative organs the right to freely solve problems on the basis of comprehensive consideration of public demands. Risk communication takes negotiation as the core. In each link of risk regulation, it can ensure that different subjects timely share risk-related information and carry out effective communication and exchange. Establishing and improving the legal system orientation of risk communication will help build the public's trust in experts and administrative decision-makers, and improve the society's ability to deal with emerging scientific and technological risks.
Key words:gene editing; risk prevention principle; discussion-construction mode; risk communication
The Legal Realization of Enterprises'Public WelfarePurpose under the Background of the Third Distribution
Wang Huaiyong, Li Zigong
Abstract:The third distribution is a distribution system that mainly depends on moral power, takes place on the results of the first distribution and the second distribution, and depends on some means to achieve it. From the perspective of the current development of the hot and good cause in China, corporate donations account for the majority. Therefore, the realization of the third distribution should depend on the realization of corporate public welfare purposes, and the two are consistent in goals and means. However, the current legal system related to the third distribution and the existing corporate legal norms have obvious legislative defects on the corporate public welfare day, which is longer than specific legislation but shorter than the construction of rights, longer than the norms of public law but shorter than the construction of private law, and longer than external guidance but shorter than internal incentives. To solve the above problems, we should establish a goal oriented enterprise legal system, follow the goal oriented interpretation concept of morality, improve the agency cost inhibition of corporate public welfare behavior, clear the practical carrier of corporate public welfare purpose, and define the decision-making, implementation, evasion and exemption system of corporate public welfare day.
Key words:third distribution; public welfare purpose of the enterprise; charitable donation
The Factors Affecting the Value Cycle of Agricultural IndustryChain and the Organizational Model of Its Whole Industry Chain
Lu Fengjun, Cheng Hua
Abstract:To build a whole agricultural industry chain and build a huge and complex ecosystem, so many problems and challenges we are facing are "syndrome", which requires in-depth analysis, root cause identification and countermeasures. On the basis of deconstructing the value cycle of the agricultural industry chain, the script method is used to collect the solid elements and problems that affect the value cycle of the agricultural industry chain. To solve these problems, the key is to build a platform organization for the whole agricultural industry chain. The future development of China's agriculture should follow such strategies: supply guarantee, feature-style characteristics, business model, and the whole industrial chain path model. It is suggested that "chain-leader" government guidance and support and "chain-owner" enterprises should establish a think tank service community, drive "chain members" to build an information service platform in collaboration, and create a pattern of efficient value transmission, transformation, identification and distribution, and sustainable-circular selection within the agricultural industry chain system.
Key words:agricultural industry chain; value cycle; influencing factor: whole industry chain platform organization
The Joint Formation of Rural Marriage Customs Reform: the Boundaryof Government Intervention and the Coordination of Policy Tools—A case study based on a national experimental area of marriage customs reform
Wang Chuncheng
Abstract:The marriage custom issues such as the priceless bride price have evolved from private affairs to public issues, and have entered the policy agenda from the public agenda. The government needs to adopt reasonable and effective policy tools to promote the reform of marriage customs. There have always been many obstacles to changing customs. It is difficult to achieve the expected reform results simply by relying on social self-examination, self-consciousness and self-control. The government's intervention is imperative. The key lies in the scale and method of intervention and the choice of the policy tools decided by them. The difficulty lies in how to achieve coordination between different policy tools. Based on the case study of Hejian, one of the first group of experimental areas for marriage customs reform in China, it is found that through the close connection between the grass-roots government and the willingness and action of all sectors of society, voluntary, mixed and mandatory policy tools can do their best to achieve significant changes in rural marriage customs.
Key words:marriage customs reform; policy tools; rural governance