

重庆与世界 2022年12期

In 2022, pursuing the goal of becoming a strong city in culture and a world-renowned tourist destination, Chongqing innovated in cultural exchanges and tourism promotion with Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, and Taiwan Region, as well as other countries/regions, contributed to the development of the Center for International Exchanges in Central and Western China and set up a new mechanism for cultural and tourism exchanges and cooperation in alignment with the Belt and Road Initiative.Thus, Chongqing’s international profile and brand visibility as “A Land of Natural Beauty, A City with Cultural Appeal” have improved. Recently,Chongqing ranked first nationwide on the lists of “Cities Most Chinese Wish to Travel to in the Post-Epidemic Era” and “Extraordinary Decade,20 Charming Cities: The Most Satisfying Cities Among Chinese Tourists in 2012-2022” released by the China Tourism Academy.


January 1月

★ The 2022 New Year Gala for Lancang-Mekong Youth in Chongqing was held at the Jialing River Cableway Museum.Immersed in the charming traditional Bayu culture, international student representatives from Mekong countries gathered together and celebrated the Spring Festival.


★ Under the frameworks of “Luxembourg-Chongqing Cultural Tourism Year” and “Mexico-Chongqing Cultural Tourism Year”, Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development broadcast the Spring Festival Gala online with Chinese elements and Chongqing characteristics, together with the China Cultural Center in Luxembourg and the China Cultural Center in Mexico, which was highly recognized by the Chinese embassies in Mexico and Luxembourg.


★ The photo exhibition on the 30thanniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Belarus and the opening ceremony of Chongqing-Minsk TV Week were held in the Chongqing World Financial Center, and Jiang Weining, Inspector at Level 1 of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development, attended the event.


February 2月

★ Jointly with the Association Sichuan du Quebec & Quebec Sichuan Chambre de Commerce, Chongqing held the “Sichuan and Chongqing Celebrate the Lantern Festival Cloud Show”, and Qin Dingbo, Deputy Director-General of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development, delivered a video speech.


★ Ballet videos such as “Scenic Chongqing” and “Dazu Charm” were recorded by the Chongqing Ballet Theater. Ballet dramas such as“Ripples Across Stagnant Water”, “Shangri-La” and “The Night” have been staged and promoted on mainstream media platforms and international drama festivals in South America.

由重庆芭蕾舞团录制的《山水重庆》《大足气韵》等芭蕾舞视频及创排的《死水微澜》《追寻香格里拉》《The Night》等芭蕾舞剧在南美洲主流媒体平台和国际戏剧节中展播并推广。

March 3月

★ The Dazu Rock Carvings Research Institute, Fudan University, and Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties of Japan signed the “China-Japan Cooperation Agreement on the Protection of Dazu Rock Carvings” via video link, aiming to improve the capabilities and academic research of Dazu Rock Carvings protection in all respects and further promote cultural exchanges between China and Japan.


April 4月

★ “A Centennial Ode to the Red Plum”, a ballet drama from Chongqing Ballet Theater, was performed virtually in the Julio Mario Santodomingo Theater in Colombia during the International Dance Season to celebrate the 42ndanniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Colombia, which was highly recognized by the Chinese Embassy in Colombia.


May 5月

★ The 2022 Chongqing International Culture, Tourism, and Trade Salon opened at the Window for International Exchanges of Chongqing Culture & Tourism, with representatives of the consulates-general of seven countries attending the opening ceremony, including Canada and the Philippines. The Consulate-General of Canada led the first edition.


★ The Window for International Exchanges of Chongqing Culture & Tourism and the Consulate-General of the Republic of Italy in Chongqing together held a book-sharing meeting of Chongqing Incontra L’amica Geniale, raising the curtain on a series of activities of the 2022 China-Italy Year of Culture and Tourism.


June 6月

★ Liu Qi, Director-General of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development, met with Zaw Linn Oo, Consul-General of Myanmar in Chongqing and his delegation. The two sides exchanged ideas on deepening cooperation in culture, tourism, cultural relic,radio and television, arts, and so on.


★ The Window for International Exchanges of Chongqing Culture & Tourism, together with the Singapore Tourism Bureau, carried out tourism promotion by initiating the Chongqing-Singapore Drone Friendly Competition for teenagers.


★ Eight diplomats from Myanmar, Cambodia, and Japan consulates-general in Chongqing were invited to attend the opening ceremony of the 5thChuanju Festival, feeling the charm of Chuanju (Sichuan Opera).


★ Chongqing Library and the Consulate-General of Australia in Chongqing jointly held the 2022 Australian Aboriginal Art Exhibition,facilitating friendship between Chinese and Australians.


★ Under the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Mechanism, the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development introduced an advanced workshop on cross-border tourism cooperation, which was selected as a 2022 Silk Road Program of the Chongqing Municipal Mayor Scholarship for International Students.


★ The training meeting on new media operations in tourism under the “Meet the World” series was held in the Window for International Exchanges of Chongqing Culture & Tourism. Chongqing and Los Angeles staged tourism promotions, and representatives of the Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board were invited to share their insights.

“渝”见不同之“足不出户 云游世界”旅游新媒体运营培训会在重庆国际文旅之窗举行,重庆、洛杉矶分别开展旅游推介,洛杉矶会议及旅游局代表受邀进行主题分享。

July 7月

★ Ambassador of Laos to China, H.E. Khamphao Ernthavanh, and her delegation visited Chongqing for a series of field trips and exchange activities in culture and tourism. They paid field visits to the Chongqing Acrobatic Art Troupe, Chongqing Chuanju Theater, and Wulong District to explore tourism offerings.


★ On the occasion of the opening of the Consulate-General of Myanmar in Chongqing, the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism of Myanmar. The delegation from the Myanmar Embassy in China visited the World Cultural Heritage Site in Dazu District.


★ The Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development sent a delegation to attend the China International Travel Mart 2022 in Kunming, during which Sichuan and Chongqing jointly promoted the premium travel routes of the Bashu Cultural and Tourism Corridor.


★ Representatives from nine consulates-general of Myanmar, Thailand, Australia, and other countries in Chongqing and Chengdu, four international organizations, including the China-ASEAN Center, and two foreign government agencies in China, including the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam in Chongqing, attended the 2022 China Wuling Cultural Tourism Summit to promote pragmatic cooperation between Chongqing and relevant countries through tourism diplomacy.


★ The Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development attended 2022 Feeling Beautiful China with the Heart promotion activity and the launching ceremony of the 2022 Cultural and Tourism Promotion Season for Hong Kong and Macao SARs, hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum made a presentation under the theme of “Exploring the Secrets of the Museum”.


★ Hosted by the Embassy of Mexico in China and the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal People’s Government and organized by Chongqing Library, the reading session, under the theme of “Ambassador’s Recommendations of a Good Book”, was held in Chongqing Library.


★ “Chongqing Meets Australia, The Youth Promotion Officer Competition” of the Meet the World program was held in the Window for International Exchange of Chongqing Culture & Tourism. Representatives of Tourism Australia and the Dazu District Commission of Culture and Tourism Development promoted premium local tourism offerings.


★ A salon themed on “Chinese Culture and Tourism IP Licensing” was held in the Window for International Exchanges of Chongqing Culture& Tourism. This activity was held in parallel with the “China Opportunity” session at the Asian Licensing Conference 2022, which was guided by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China, and aimed to promote pragmatic cooperation in the licensing industry between culture and tourism enterprises in Chongqing and Hong Kong SAR.


★ Hosted by the Home Affairs Department, the Clansmen Culture Exhibition was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center.During the exhibition, cultural offerings like Dazu rock carvings, Liangping bamboo curtains, and Rongchang paper fans were exhibited, and performances with distinctive Bayu characteristics were displayed.


August 8月

★ Liu Qi, Director-General of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development met Jacky Chung, Director,Chinese Mainland of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and his team. They explored new models to boost extensive contribution, joint creation, mutual integration, and shared benefits concerning culture and tourism in Chongqing and Hong Kong SAR.


★ H.E. Ann Derwin, Ambassador of Ireland to China, visited the Chongqing Library and donated books—Ulysses: The Centennial Edition in Chinese and English.


★ The Promotion of the 5thChina International Import Expo (CIIE) and the first investment roadshow (for the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-Hub Mega-Region) were held in the Window for International Exchanges of Chongqing Culture & Tourism. This event was the first offline one during the 5thCIIE, kicking off a large-scale roadshow for investment promotion nationwide.


★ The Exhibition Hall of the Former Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea and the South Korean Consulate-General in Chengdu co-hosted a temporary exhibition titled “The Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea & Korean Recovery Army in Chongqing”,promoting cultural exchanges between China and South Korea.


September 9月

★ Liu Qi, Director-General of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development, led a team to attend the Third Forum on Grand Rivers Civilization and Tourism - World Tourism Alliance - Yellow River Dialogue in Shanxi Province, to learn about the advanced operation experience of international tourism organizations.


★ A Chongqing culture and tourism delegation of more than 80 people went to Guilin to attend the 2022 China-ASEAN Expo Tourism Exhibition and promote Chongqing’s tourism.


★ A Chongqing culture and tourism delegation of more than 20 people went to Macao SAR to attend the 10thMacao International Travel (Industry) Expo.The 2022 Chongqing Tourism Macao Week, the Chongqing Tourism Promotion Conference (Macao), and the 2022 Chongqing—Macao Cultural and Tourism Exchange and Cooperation Symposium were held.


★ Mekong-Lancang World Heritage City Dialogue (Parallel Session in Chongqing) was held in the Window for International Exchanges of Chongqing Culture & Tourism. Representatives from the five Mekong countries shared their successful cases and experience with world heritage protection and sustainable tourism development, contributing wisdom to the high-quality development of the culture and tourism industry in the Lancang-Mekong sub-region.


October 10月

★ The Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development and the Singapore Tourism Board signed the “Memorandum of Cooperation for Tourism”, which will be displayed at the 6thChina-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity Joint Steering Council Meeting as one of the three key cooperation achievements.


★ The Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development held China (Chongqing) - Laos Culture and Tourism Enterprise Exchange Forum when the delegation led by H.E. Khamphao Ernthavanh visited Chongqing. In-depth discussions focused on topics such as mutual policy support, exchange of tourists, sharing of information, mutual promotion of tourism routes, exchange of art, sharing of resources,and mutual training of talents.


★ To celebrate the 30thanniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Belarus, the Chongqing-Minsk Culture& Tourism Online Promotion was held at Window for International Exchange of Chongqing Culture & Tourism to strengthen the exchanges and interactions between Chongqing and Minsk by mutually promoting cultural and tourism resources.


★ The Second Conference on Traditional Medicine, co-hosted by the Chongqing Bayu Folk Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, the Chongqing Shaolintang TCM Clinic, the Department of Culture of Yucatán, Mexico, the Yucatán China-Mexico Chamber of Commerce, and the Chinese Language Center, Yucatán Peninsula, was held online and offline to promote cultural exchanges between China and Mexico.


November 11月

★ Liu Qi, Director-General of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development, was invited to attend the 73rdAnnual Meeting of the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC) and delivered a video speech. Liu Qi was awarded the“Outstanding Leadership Award” by the Board of Directors of FEMTEC.


★ The China-Singapore (Chongqing) Culture and Tourism Alliance, jointly sponsored by the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development, the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), and the Chongqing Connectivity Initiative Bureau (CCIB), was established in the Window for International Exchange of Chongqing Culture & Tourism. Chongqing Culture and Tourism Association (CQCTA) and the National Tourism Association of Singapore signed the document as special members.


December 12月

★ The United Nations World Tourism Organization's official website announced the “Best Tourism Villages of 2022”. Jingzhu Village of Wulong Xiannvshan in Chongqing was successfully included in the list.


★ The World Tourism Alliance (WTA) shared the 2022 WTA Best Practices of Rural Revitalization through Tourism. “Jingzhu Village of Wulong Xiannvshan in Chongqing: Primary/Secondary/Tertiary Industry + Tourism Boosting the Revitalization” and “Zhuxian Township of Wushan County in Chongqing: Integration of Ecology, Culture, and Tourism to Boost the Rural Revitalization” were included.


★ Representatives of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development were invited to attend the 2022 Annual Work Meeting of the Alliance of Hong Kong and Macao Youth’s Mainland Study Tour online. The “World Natural Heritage Site - Wulong Karst Natural Ecology Research Route” offered by Chongqing was included in the “Recommended Offerings for Hong Kong and Macao Youth Study Tour in Chinese Mainland” and “Chongqing People and Chongqing City” was included in the “Hong Kong and Macao Youth Study Tour Potential Offerings in the Chinese Mainland” in 2022.


