Rome Was Not Built in a Day (Ⅱ) 罗马不是一天建成的(下)


时代英语·高二 2022年6期

V. M. Hillyer

——V. M. 希利尔(仲秋 译)

Nero was one of the worst rulers Rome ever had and one of the worst builders. He built himself an enormous palace surrounded by parks and lakes. It was called the Golden House. Later rulers destroyed it. He built a colossal statue of himself which some writers say was 120 feet high. Only its base still exists.

Near where the colossal statue of Nero was, a huge amphitheater was built later and it was called the Colosseum. An amphitheater was something like a football stadium, but instead of games, there were fights held between men and men, or between men and wild animals. The Colosseum had stone seats arranged in an oval shape. The outside walls were four stories high; the lower three stories were rows of arches. Between the arches on the first or ground floor there were engaged Doric columns. Between the arches of the second story were engaged Ionic columns. Between those of the third floor were engaged Corinthian, and on the fourth-story wall were Composite pilasters.



The Colosseum is now a ruin, but a great part of it is still standing. The amphitheater held as many people as a large stadium does today, but there was a still larger one called the Circus Maximus which held as many people as the largest stadium today holds. Most of the huge Circus Maximus has completely disappeared but some of its foundations still remain.

The Romans built public bath houses, for the common people had no baths at all in their homes. These baths were huge buildings with arched or vaulted rooms in which a thousand or more people could bathe at one time. There were not only hot and cold and warm baths, but gymnasiums, game rooms, and lounging rooms, and so on. They were public places for amusement and recreation.



The Romans built large arches, separate from buildings, just for their rulers who had won great battles to march through with their soldiers. Such arches were called Triumphal Arches. One, called the Arch of Titus, was built to celebrate his conquest of the city of Jerusalem. The Arch of Titus has one large single arch.

Another arch, the Arch of Constantine, was built in honor of that ruler who was the first emperor of Rome to become a Christian. The Arch of Constantine has one large and two smaller arches, one at each side. You can see the Colosseum in the background of both pictures.

The bridges the Romans built were among the strongest and most substantial structures they made. Some of these bridges were built, not for people to walk across, but for water to run through. On the top of such a bridge was a trough through which water flowed from its source to the city. It was like a river held up by a bridge. Such a bridge carrying water was called an aqueduct which means water pipe or water carrier.

古羅马人修建的大型拱门,有的并不是用于房屋,而是专门用来迎接战场上凯旋的君王和他的部队,因此这些拱门被称作“凯旋门”。其中一座凯旋门的名称是“提图斯凯旋门”, 它是为了庆祝提图斯国王占领耶路撒冷城而专门修建的,提图斯凯旋门是一座单独的大拱门。



Nowadays, water is brought to a city  through large pipes which may run underground and up and down the hill. But the Romans built aqueducts instead of pipes to carry water to a city, and these aqueducts—some of them over fifty miles long—sloped just enough so that the water was always running down hill.

The Romans made another kind of building from which later Christian churches were copied. These buildings were courthouses or public halls and were called basilicas. Basilicas were long buildings with rows of columns on the inside which held up the roof. There was a center aisle and two side aisles and the roof over the center aisle was higher than the roof over the side aisles, as in the case in most of our churches today.



Word Study

statue /'stætʃuː/ n. 雕塑,雕像

arch /ɑːtʃ/ n. 拱;拱门

foundation /faʊn'deɪʃn/ n. 地基;房基

march /mɑːtʃ/ v. 齐步走;行进

Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings.

flow /fləʊ/ v. 流;流动

It’s here that the river flows down into the ocean.

aisle /aɪl/ n. 走道,过道

