

疯狂英语(双语世界) 2022年3期

河南信阳市固始信合外国语小学 陈妮妮


II.Write the numbers in tens and ones after the model.

Model: 36 → 3 tens + 6 ones

III.Fill in with “>”, “=” or “<”.

Ⅳ.Complete the following equations.

V.Fill in the blanks.

1.Four times three is __________.

2.Six times eight is __________.

3.Nine times __________ is 81.

4.__________ times five is 40.

5.32 plus 9 is __________.

6.44 plus 16 is __________.

7.32 adds 8.The answer is __________.

8.51 minus 12 is __________.

9.44 minus 15 is __________.

10.70 minus __________ is 35.

11.7 tens and 8 ones make __________.

12.__________ tens and 2 tens make 90.

13.17 more than __________ is 23.

14.__________ more than 36 is 100.

15.75 less than 100 is __________.

Ⅵ.Solve the problems.

1.Look! Here are 11 red apples and 29 green apples on the tree.How many apples are there on the tree altogether?

2.In Grade 2, there are 48 students.19 of them are girl students.How many boy students are there in Grade 2?

3.Jenny has 21 flowers.Tom has 9 more flowers than Jenny.How many flowers does Tom have? How many flowers do Jenny and Tom have altogether?

4.One frog has 4 legs.How many legs do 8 frogs have?

5.Jack bought a science book yesterday.There are 72 pages in the book.He is going to read 9 pages each day.How many days will he need to finish reading this book?


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背 影
坚持稳、准、狠原则 确保干在实处、走在前列——信阳市检察机关扫黑险恶专项斗争纪实
良方治病利于行 扬帆远航铸辉煌
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