Sweet hidden note甜蜜的便条


疯狂英语·新悦读 2021年12期

陕西 白晓峰


1It's a role exchange you don't often see discussed enough:a child tending to a mother.

2But for one man,caring for Mum became his full-time reality after his mum being diagnosed with dementia(痴呆).Now,after his mother passed away,the man shared a sweet note he found from his mum.

3He wrote,“I lost my mum recently after being her caretaker for more than 20 years.I have been going through her house and found she had left me notes all over in drawers and on paperwork,which makes me forget about the last 5 years of her dementia and struggles.She was a sweet loving woman and knew I'd need this.”

4On the document,which contained her last will,his mum had written,“I trust you and I love you.”

5The man explained in the comments,“She was an awesome woman,married and having five children.She raised them alone,got her education with her youngest child and ran her own business.She was a very lovely person,always taking care of everyone around her no matter what happened.The last few years were exceedingly difficult,but I'm thankful for the time even in her last days.”

6“I never gave up or left her and now I am reminiscing(回忆)about finding these notes which mean so much to me and remind me of my childhood and all the laughter and just how fun a person she was.”

7The sweet note left people feeling emotional,as one man named Mike commented,“You and your mum totally deserved each other.My dad lived with my family for 5 years,and we lost him two years ago when he was 95.His dementia worsened over that time,but I just loved having him close and doing things with him every day.You did one of the most difficult jobs that existed,and clearly you were great at it.Knowing well the difficulty level of the undertaking,I'm completely impressed by how long you took care of your mum.”

Reading Check

Choose the best answers according to the text

Vocabulary 1.What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 3 mean?

A.Love. B.Note.

C.Struggle. D.Paperwork.

Inference 2.Why does the man share the sweet note?

A.To attract more readers.

B.To be in memory of his mum.

C.To exchange his experience with those in need.

D.To call on more people to care for their mums.

Inference 3.Which of the following words can best describe the man's mum?

A.Enthusiastic and kind.

B.Courageous and calm.

C.Ambitious and professional.

D.Independent and warm-hearted.

Detail 4.What can we know about Mike from the last paragraph?

A.He had a similar experience with the man.

B.His father also left him an impressive note.

C.His father suffered from dementia for five years.

D.He was great at dealing with the most difficult jobs.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Analyze the difficult structure in the text

I have been going through her house and found she had left me notes all over in drawers and on paperwork,which makes me forget about the last 5 years of her dementia and struggles.我一直在仔细检查她的房子,发现她在抽屉里和文件上都给我留下了便条,这让我忘记了过去5年她的痴呆和挣扎。


Ⅱ.Memorize some text-centered chunks

tend to照料 care for照顾;关心;喜欢

be diagnosed with被诊断为 pass away去世;逝世;谢世

go through经历;通过;检查;用完 give up放弃

remind...of提醒…… be great at善于;精通

be impressed at对……印象深刻


Gu Qingsheng, the guardian of Shennongjia 古清生,神农架的守护者
新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2